Vermont Cheerleading Coaches Association

Coaches Education Conference

At Vergennes Union High School

Sunday Nov 15, 2015

Registration Fee for Member: $50.00

$30.00 Membership fee for those who still owe 2015-2016 dues plus the $50 Conference Fee

TIME / COURSE / Description / Location
11:30-Noon / REGISTRATION / Check in at the welcome table to pick up your registration packet. / Front Lobby
12:00-1:00 PM / Welcome
Keynote Speaker
Bill Ahern / Game Day Competition Overview
Learn about Game Day by industry leader Bill Ahern. The VPA is proposing this as a Fall Competition for Fall of 2016. / Auditorium
1:00-3:00PM / CPR / Red Cross CPR Certification*** Additional fee applied to this class only / MS Gym
TIME / COURSE / Description / Location
1:00-1:45PM / Stunting Safety / Robyn Meyers-Moore
This class is developed on the basics of Safe Stunting. This class is designed to teach coaches what they need to know to teach progressions and how to build on them. Perfect classes for new coaches. / High School Gym
1:00-1:45PM / Choreography Tips and Tricks / Michelle McCarty head coach of Pinkerton High School and SNHU.
This class Michelle will teach some choreography tips, tricks, and how to's in developing a successful routine. / High School Gym
1:50-2:35PM / "Motions & Choreography" / Robyn Meyers-Moore
This class is based on the basics of choreography. It is designed to help the new coach develop a routine and understand how each element works within the choreography of the routine. / Library
Time / COURSE / Description / Location
1:50-2:35PM / Mental Toughness / Michelle McCarty head coach of Pinkerton High School and SNHU
Mental toughness for athletes and coaches. This class is about training the mind to sync up with the body. Making the impossible possible in your mind. / Auditorium
2:40-3:00PM / Coffee/Snack Break / Meet and socialize with other VT Coaches during this short break. / Cafeteria
3:00-3:45PM / How to Run an Effective Practice for a Successful Season. / Michelle McCarty head coach of Pinkerton High School and SNHU
Michelle will talk about how she runs an effective practice. Not only does she have over a decade of experience she has just as many titles under her belt! / Auditorium
3:00-3:45PM / Conditioning / This class will focus on cheer conditioning. How to get your athletes in shape for a competitive season. / Library
3:50-4:30PM / What do Judges Look for? / Sue Cody - VT State Judge
Sue is a current VT and New England Judge will do a class on what judges look for on our score sheet. / Classroom
4:30 / Closing /
VCCA Board to address the group in closing on the upcoming season.
/ MS Gym

Vermont Cheerleading Coaches Association

Coaches Education Conference

At Vergennes Union High School

Sunday Nov 15, 2015


Name: ______School: ______

Address: ______

Home Phone:______Work Phone: ______Cell: ______

Please Indicate if you plan to take CPR - this class is an additional fee / Fee $

Please check one below. If you paid dues at the Fall 05 meeting, please write PAID in the box.

VCCA 2015-2016 Membership Fee - If you did not pay at the October 2015 VCCA meeting.
(Valid from September, 2015 - August, 2016) / $30.00
Member Registration Fee / $50.00


Make checks payable to: VCCA (Vermont Cheerleading Coaches Association)

Send to:


Please register by: Wednesday, November 11, 2015