Middle School Contact Information

NortheastMiddle School NorthwestMiddle School

Southern Middle School SouthwestMiddle School

This handbook is a School-Issued Instructional Resource. It is used DAILY!

Students Must Have this Handbook at ALL TIMES.

This Agenda Belongs To:




Student ID #

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General Information

After-School Programs

The middle schools run several after-school programs. These programs are geared to give students help in specific academic areas, as well as to keep students involved in school-sponsored activities. We encourage all students to become involved in at least one activity. These activities are pre-scheduled and announcements are made on a daily basis to notify students about upcoming activities.

American Reading Company Initiative

Students will be required to carry their American Reading Company (ARC) folders with them at all times.


Students should arrive to school no earlier than 8:15 AM.


Students are expected to act appropriately during all assemblies and presentations. Failure to do so will result in removal from the assembly. Serious and/or chronic offenses will be referred to administration.

Attendance (School and Class)

It is crucial that all students attend their assigned classes on time each day. In middle school, it is the responsibility of each student to follow his/her daily schedule to get to each assigned class. All student absences from school must have a parental note, date, and reason for the absence. State law provides for absences for the following reasons:

1.)Personal illness

2.)Death in the immediate family

3.)Required court appearance

4.)Religious holiday


6.)Emergency as determined by the principal

Further information may be requested at the discretion of administration. Any absence over 3 days requires a doctor’s excuse/note. Failure to supply the information requested will automatically result in an unlawful absence. Unlawful absences will result in fines. Also, any student who is absent from school is prohibited from attending any school activities on the days of absence. In addition, students who are chronically late to school could receive fines. The number of minutes that a student is late willaccumulate into a half day absent. Please refer to the Reading School District Handbook for more detailed information regarding attendance procedures.

5 and 10 Day Letters

When a student accumulates five days of excused absences by parental notes, a “5 Day Letter” will be sent to the parents. The purpose of this letter is to inform the parents that their son/daughter has had five days of excused absences by parental notes. Once a student accumulates 10 days of excused absences by parental notes only, a “10Day Letter” will be sent to the parents. The purpose of this letter is to inform parents that from the date of the letter until the end of the school year, all futureabsences musthave a letter or excuse from a physician. If not, the absences will be considered unlawful.


The use of backpacks is prohibited at the middle school, including gym backpacks that are not transparent or mesh. Approved bags can be used for Gym purposes only.


All students will be eating breakfast in their homerooms each morning.


Students are required to eat lunch in the school cafeteria; however, students may pack their own lunch. Students may go to their lockers before lunch.Each student is expected to do the following on a daily basis to ensure safety and security in the cafeteria:

1.)Get to the cafeteria on time: Students are given an additional 2 minutes after the late bell to get to the cafeteria. Late to lunch without a teacher pass will result in lunch detention.

2.)Remain quiet during announcements: Security Officers and Teachers will have announcements in the beginning of each lunch period. Once the Zero Noise signal has been given, all students must remain quiet during announcements and must continue to do so until told otherwise. When permitted, students should maintain “quiet conversations.”

3.)Be courteous in the lunch line: Students are directed into a lunch line by security officers. It is expected that all students will not push or cut in front of other students in the line.

4.)Keep your area clean: It is each student’s responsibility to keep his/her area clean and to dispose of all trash when directed to do so.

5.)Leave in an orderly fashion: Due to the fact that classes are in session all day, students must remain quiet in the stairwells and hallways after being dismissed from the cafeteria.


The Middle School produces a monthly calendar that will come home with students at the beginning of the month, in addition to being posted online at Please use these calendars to ensure that everyone is aware of late starts, early dismissals, and important events.


The middle schools have several cameras located in specific locations that serve to ensure a safe and orderly environment for all students. These cameras are monitored by security officers and administration. Evidence from these cameras is used in both discipline and police matters. Additionally, security and administration have portable cameras that may be used for emergency and/or investigatory purposes.


Students are responsible for books, calculators, locks, music equipment, and/or other items that are issued by the school. If any issued item is lost and/or damaged, students are responsible to pay the replacement cost for the item(s) at prevailing prices. Students with charges may be prohibited from attending school-sponsored activities.


All students are supervised while working in any of the computer labs or with any of the mobile labs. While working on the Internet, students may only access sites that are approved by the supervising teacher and district protocol. Accessing inappropriate sites will have disciplinary consequences.


Parent conferences occur in November and January. However, any parent or guardian should feel free to schedule a conference at any other time by contacting the school. Students are strongly encouraged to come to the conference, when possible.

Contact Information

It is the responsibility of each student and parent to ensure that contact information, such as correct address and phone numbers, are on file in the office at all times.

Daily Announcements

Announcements are made each day by the principal on the intercom or television system. All students are expected to remain silent and seated during announcements.


There are several expectations for all Middle School Students:

1.)Late to Class – All students are expected to get to class within the time allowed.

2.)No pencil – All students are expected to have a pencil with them at all times.

3.)Out of Seat Without Permission – All students are expected to remain in their assigned seats until given permission to move.

4.)Excessive Talking – There are many times throughout the day when students are encouraged to work cooperatively with other students. However, when the teacher uses the Zero Noise Signal to get the class quiet, it is the expectation that students will not talk to each other without permission.

5.)Chewing gum- No gum is allowed in school.

6.)At Locker Without Permission – All students are given the opportunity to go to their lockers before school starts, before lunch, and after school. Students may not go to their lockers at any other times without a valid pass from their teacher.

7.)Running in the Hallway – All students are expected to walk appropriately in the hallways.

8.)Screaming in the Hallway – All students are expected to use a “conversation tone” in the hallways.

If these expectations are not met, students will receive a demerit, a noted violation of established expectations. These demerits are recorded on a monthly sheet. Once a student has reached 10 demerits in 1 month, the student will be prohibited from the monthly incentive program. If a student does not have his/her demerit sheet, the student will receive a teacher detention for “No Demerit Sheet” and will be excluded from the monthly incentive program. If a student does not have his/her demerit sheet on the day that the demerit sheets are collected, he/she will be excluded from the incentive program.


The Middle School has 3 types of detention:(Detentions may vary between Middle Schools)

1.)Teacher Detention: Students can receive a Teacher Detention for classroom violations, lack of planner, and/or to complete missed work. Teacher Detentions will be dismissed by 3:40 PM, unless parental notification has been made. Failure to report to a teacher detention will result in a Team Detention.

2.)Team Detention: Students can receive a Team Detention for classroom violations, dress code violations, extensive classroom/cafeteria/hall violations, lack of planner, and/or to complete missed work, etc. Team Detentions will be dismissed by 3:50pm. Failure to report to a Team Detention will result in a School Detention.

3.)School Detention: Students can receive a school detention for more severe discipline consequences. School Detentions will be dismissed by 4:10 PM. Failure to report to a school detention may result in in-school or out-of-school suspension. Only official notes from a doctor, lawyer, judge, JPO officer, or clergy man/woman will be accepted as excuses. These notes must be presented to administration by 8:25 AM on the day after the scheduled detention. Parent notes will not be accepted. Failure to report to a School Detention can result in Suspension.

Dress Code

It is the expectation that all students will follow the established dress code policy everyday. If a student is found to be in violation of the policy, he/she will receive notification of specific consequences. Please refer to the Student Dress Code pages at the end of the handbook.

There are several times throughout the month and quarter when Dress Down Days are sponsored. At times, these days are used as fundraisers for local charities and clubs. These days are announced via the daily announcements. On established “Dress Down Days,” students must wear school appropriate attire: no jeans with holes/tears, no tank tops/muscle shirts, no flip-flops/sandals, no exposures, no hoods attached to tops, nothing shorter than 3 inches above the knee (even with leggings underneath), no pajamas, no tights as pants, no drug/alcohol/violence references, and nothing that is specifically prohibited on any announcements establishing the Dress Down Day.


The Middle School has high expectations for student achievement and student responsibility. Each student has the right to a safe and calm environment for learning. When a student is violating this right for herself/himself and/or others, he/she has violated an expectation and will be dealt with by multiple measures, including teacher-level consequences, team-based consequences, guidance counseling, and administration. Generally, teachers determine the level of violation and work with the student, parents, guidance counselor, and administration to assist the student to be successful. There are violations that would automatically be referred to administration:

1.)Illegal/controlled substances


3.)Inappropriate gestures

4.)Administrative Defiance



Any occurrence of disorderly conduct, possession/distribution of illegal substances, vandalism, weapons, and/or gang activity will also result in police action. Additionally, these offenses and general/chronic discipline problems could also be referred to alternative education services. Please refer to the Reading School District Student Handbook for additional information regarding these policies.

Early Dismissals/Medical Appointments

There are several times throughout the school year that students will be dismissed early from school. The 1st Monday of each month will have an early dismissal for middle school students. Additional early dismissals will be noted on each month’s school calendar.In the case of medical appointments, parents must report to the main office to pick their child up on the day of the appointment. Parents are strongly encouraged to schedule doctor and dental appointments for after school hours.

Electronic Devices

As per Reading School District policy, students may bring electronic devices, including cell phones, onto school property. However, students may not use these devices during the school day while in classes, halls, lavatories, or any other part of the building. In particular, cell phones must be turned off upon entering the school building and must remain off until dismissal. All electronic devices must be kept out of sight. If a student brings an electronic device to school, he/she holds complete responsibility for its safekeeping. The Reading School District,and/or adults within the building, will not be held responsible for the safekeeping of student electronic devices. Students violating this rule will have the items confiscated and parents/guardians must come to school to retrieve the item(s).

Emergency Drills

In complying with local regulations, the middle school will have emergency fire and/or weather drills at least once each month. During these times, students must remain silent and follow adult directions to exit and re-enter the building appropriately.Failure to comply with these rules could result in a police citation.

Field Trips

Field trips are a privilege for students to gain academic experiences outside of the classroom. Students who have failed to follow expectations in the classroom will not be provided with the opportunity to participate in field trips off school property. Moreover, student who do not have physicals on file with the nurse are not allowed to participate on school field trips.


Middle school students may not bring food into the school other than a pre-packed lunch. This includes any food products that are to be shared in the classroom. Any students found to have food or drink products on their person after entering the school building will have the items confiscated and discarded. Drinks that are brought from home in a pre-packed lunch must remain un-opened until the lunch period begins. The middle school reserves the right to inspect all food and drink items at any time.


Throughout the year several fundraising opportunities for the school, clubs, or the PFO will be offered to students. Student participation is not mandatory, but offered to all students.

Students are required to carry their GoMath workbooks at all times.


Every middle school student has access to a school counselor. Every student has the opportunity to receive interventional support. At times, students may be assigned to speak with a school counselor by a teacher or administrator.


At the middle school, it is the expectation that all students will be able to walk from class to class appropriately. Students must walk on the right side of the halls, use the appropriate up or down staircases, keep moving without loitering, and have quiet conversations. Running, pushing, shouting, screaming, singing, dancing, going to any lockers without permission, going into lavatories, loitering in stairwells, inappropriately gesturing/touching others, disrespecting others, and/or walking to restricted areas of the building will not be tolerated. During hall sweeps, students who are found out of class without a pass directly from a teacher will have an automatic school detention.

Incentive Program

Each month, the middle school will hold an incentive program for students who received less than 10 demerits. These programs will include Movies, Faculty v. Student Athletic Competitions, Sports Events, Day Dances, Faculty Fun Days, and other events. Students who are not eligible for these events will be assigned to an alternate location for the time of the event. In addition, students who receive a teacher detention for “NO DEMERIT SHEET” and students who do not have a demerit sheet by the end of the month will not be allowed to participate in the incentive program.


Middle School students receive interim reports half-way through each quarter to note successful/unsuccessful progress in specific subject areas. Parents and guardians must be made aware of a potential failure in any area. Students are expected to take these interim reports home to parents as soon as they are distributed. These interim reports must be returned to the Team Leader.


Lavatories are generally available on each floor of the middle school. Students must ask permission from a classroom teacher to go to the lavatory. Also, students are responsible to have each teacher sign his/her planner to denote each lavatory trip. Generally, students are permitted to use the lavatory before lunch, during lunch, and after lunch. Students with specific medical conditions may be given additional consideration. Additionally, the Middle School works very hard to maintain clean and functioning lavatories. If there are any problems in the lavatories, students are expected to inform an adult in the building as soon as possible. Any students who are caught not keeping the lavatories clean and orderly will receive severe consequences under a vandalism designation.

Leaving the Building

Students are not allowed to leave the building during the school day. Legitimate reasons for leaving school early include being sent home by the nurse or having to leave for a medical appointment. In either case, students must be picked up by a parent or guardian with proper identification (must be on the pickup list on file). Students will not be allowed to leave the building without a parent/guardian present. Students are dismissed at 3:25 PM, unless they are attending rehearsals, meetings, practices, or school/team/teacher detentions. Students who remain in the building after 3:25PM must be under the supervision of a teacher and should not be in the hallways without permission. Once students have left the building, they should go directly home and NOT LOITER on or around school property.