/ IPC Meeting Minutes / IPC Fall Committee Meetings with SMTAI
September 27th – October 1st 2015
Rosemont Convention Center
Rosemont, IL.

Report of the Committee (Committee #)

Cameron Shearon is the chairman of this committee.

Michael Ford is the vice-chair of this committee.

Minutes completed by Michael Ford

Date: 27th September 2015

Attendees (Listed alphabetically)

Kevin Dudley, Sanmina

Manon Dutil, Cogiscan

Zac Elliott, Mentor Graphics

Michael Ford, Mentor Graphics

Keith Peterson, MDA

Dennis Gagne, Juniper Networks

Brian Rubow, Cimetrix

Cameron Shearon, AT&T

Project Background and Status

1st physical meeting with members. Plan is to review the outstanding items in the working document, and to review the presentation which will be delivered on Monday.

Summarized Results


·  Review the document

·  See Zac’s demonstration on the data storage

·  Review the presentations for tomorrow and this afternoon’s meeting

o  Prepare for the kind of feedback that we should expect. Need to address points from those that feel that traceability should not be dictated by a standard, since it can be a significant cost to manufacturing – the key points in the explanation are the benefits and the levels that may be chosen.


·  Dennis – Kevin – how do EMS companies deal with traceability – lack of consistency. Process traceability tends to be manual. Needs to be such that the standard can be applied on a wider basis – such as the whole site in the case of an EMS.

·  Keith – hole in traceability is with common materials. Also processes – there is a lack of a “central clearing house” for process data.

·  Dennis – parts coming in labelled differently is a key issue.

·  3 or 4 levels

·  The word “critical” needs to be discussed, how is it defined?

·  Reviewed sections of the working document with several changes (sections 1 – 5)

·  Reviewed Zac’s presentation – decided to use it in the Monday meeting, as it illustrates the data structure well.

·  Made many changes, updates and corrections to the standards document

·  Completed review up to

Action Items

·  Standard document seems to include corruptions, needs resolving

·  Add refrigerator term in maintenance section – which may need to be expanded significantly.

·  Put in the tree image from the presentation (done)

·  Need to align document format with IPC standard

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