Consulate General of France in Djeddah
Tel: 02668 15 50
First Page (1/2)
- Surname(s) family names(s)
- First names
- Sex :M = male/F = female
- Date of birth (Day – Month – Year)
- Place of birth
- Country of Birth
- Other names
- Current nationality
- Original nationality
- Mention = Passport
- Number of passport
- Nationality of the passport
- Date of issue of passport (Day – Month – Year) + City of issue
- Date of expiry (Day – Month – Year)
- Current address in Saudi Arabia
- Current occupation (Student, Kind of job, Jobless…)
- Employer (Name and address)
- Marital Status = Single – Married – Separated – Divorced – Widow(er)
- If you are not Saudi, you have to mention information from your IQAMA:
- Number, Date of issue (Day – Month – Year), City of issue
- Issued by, Date of expiry (Day – Month – Year)
- If you travel with somebody with your family, indicate:
- Father, mother, sister, brother, children
- Surname and First name
- Date of birth (Day – Month – Year)
- Nationality
- Mention the reason of your request for VISA:
- For studies (Fill up with your speciality)
- To follow somebody of your family (Sister, wife, husband, mother, father)
+ How many years will you stay in France?
- Your address in France
Second Page (2/2)
- Will you work in France?
- Will you follow studies in France? (Yes or No)
If YES, inform us of the detail of your studies (French language, Program of the school of university…) + name and address of the first school you are going to.
- Will you do an internship in France? (Yes or No)
If YES, inform us of the detail of your internship + name and address of the first school you are going to.
- What will be your financial resources in France? (Mention who will be giving you money in France)
Have you got a scholarship? (Yes or No)
If YES, who is giving you the scholarship and how much will you get?
- Have you got family in France? (Yes or No)
If YES, mention the name, nationality, link and address of your member’s family in France.
- Have you got a warrantor in France? (Yes or No)
If YES, mention the name, nationality, link and address of the person you know.
- Have you ever lived in France for a least three consecutive months? (Yes or No)
If YES, mention the date and address of your stay in France and indicate why you lived in France.
Form filled in (City) ………………… on the (Date) ………………………..