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Title / Screen and conduct assessments of young people’s strengths, needs and context
Level / 6 / Credits / 15
Purpose / People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify and discuss methods and tools for screening and undertaking assessments of young people; use strengths-based practice to support young people to tell their story; consult with young person’s whānau, key contacts and other professionals and analyse information gathered to determine the strengths, interests, needs of a young person and possible positive youth development approaches; support a young person to explore possible positive youth development initiatives based on the information obtained; and reflect on experiences in conducting assessments under practice supervision to plan for professional development.
Classification / Social Services > Youth Development
Available grade / Achieved
Entry information
Recommended skills and knowledge / Unit 26127, Assess risk, and work within risk management strategies, in youth development contexts; Unit 26128, Gather and analyse information for youth development purposes; Unit26130, Work with a young person to map and strengthen their connectedness with their key social environments; and Unit 26131, Manage personal performance and actively engage in self care as a youth development worker; or demonstrate equivalent knowledge and skills.
Explanatory notes
1 This unit standard is underpinned by the principles in the Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa[1] (YDSA) that youth development is “based on a consistent strengths-based approach” and “needs good information”. It prepares people to use their knowledge and understanding of youth development practice to work with young people, and to practice accountably within established organisational policies, procedures and protocols.
2 When contributing to achievement of a degree or any degree-related qualification, assessment of this unit standard must be integrated within an approved programme of study. Those providers wishing to offer a degree programme containing this standard are referred to CMR 0222 for further information on requirements.
3 Glossary:
Administrative supervision is a form of management supervision where the supervisor and employee agree on work to be done and the employee carries out the work as agreed. The supervisor is responsible for monitoring the work of the employee and providing assistance where necessary.
Group is three or more people meeting together and connected by a common interest or activity.
Informed consent is agreement to a procedure given by a person with the full knowledge of the process used, the risks involved, probable consequences and alternatives.
Key contacts are the most significant people in a person’s socio-ecological context with whom they interact.
Organisational protocols are the guidelines, rules and regulations of an organisation including its legal requirements, policies, procedures, templates and processes.
Positive youth development means building on young people’s strengths, interests, skills, and abilities to support their transition from childhood to adulthood. It focuses on engaging youth to take responsibility for their own well-being and that of their wider community, now and in the future.
Positive youth development initiative means a specific intervention, activity or programme of activities designed, using positive development principles, philosophies and practices, to produce a positive outcome for a young person or group of young people.
Practice supervision is a contracted relationship with a skilled peer who provides a safe context to reflect on and review aspects of, or episodes in, a professional’s practice. It involves a worker meeting with an independent person who has advanced experience, knowledge and practice skills, including skills in supervisory practice. Practice supervision happens either inside or outside the workplace in a confidential setting.
Social environments include but are not limited to – whānau, family, peer groups, communities (identity-based, cultural, religious, and geographical and/or interest-based) and places of study and employment.
Strengths-based practice recognises that both ‘risk’ and ‘protective’ factors are acquired throughout a person’s social and personal development. By focussing on what is working well strengths-based practice supports the adaptive growth of organisations and individuals. Strategies may include but are not limited to – solution focussed, resilience-based, kaupapa Māori, Pacific and other culturally relevant modalities of practice.
Screening tools mean those instruments used to screen young people for risk factors such as mental illness; drug and alcohol use; sexual, emotional or physical abuse; and to determine their needs, strengths, resilience factors and circumstances.
Youth/young people are people between the ages of 12 and 24.
Youth development context is a situation where youth development practice is being used intentionally to promote positive development of young people. Examples include education, sport, community development, religious groups, cultural groups, and interest groups.
4 Assessment notes:
This unit standard may be assessed against evidence of demonstrated performance in the workplace and/or through the use of simulated workplace settings in an educational environment. Workplace settings can include field or practice learning placements.
Outcomes and evidence requirements
Outcome 1
Identify and discuss methods and tools for screening and undertaking assessments of young people.
Evidence requirements
1.1 Assessment methods are identified and assessed.
Range a minimum of two assessment methods.
Assessment includes – purpose and intended use; effectiveness when used with individuals and groups or young people; strengths and limitations in use; any safety, cultural, legal and ethical issues associated with use.
1.2 Screening tools for undertaking needs, strengths and context assessments of young people are identified and assessed.
Range a minimum of three tools.
Assessment includes – purpose and intended use; effectiveness when used with individual and groups of young people; strengths and limitations of each tool; the context for its use; any safety, cultural, legal and ethical issues associated with their use.
1.3 Assessment method and screening tool are selected and the choices are discussed with reference to their ability to determine young people's needs, strengths and contexts.
Range one tool and method for each of a young person and a group of young people.
Outcome 2
Use strengths-based practice to support young person to tell their story.
Range two different young people, one of a cultural background different to the candidate's own.
Evidence requirements
2.1 Young person is informed of the purpose of telling their story and the process to be used, and their informed consent is gained.
2.2 Strengths-based practice is used to support young person to tell their story.
Range story includes but is not limited to – young person’s history and background; perceptions of their strengths, interests, goals and ambitions; support networks, key contacts and available resources; perceived or real constraints, limitations or barriers to their ability to meet their aspirations.
2.3 Information obtained is recorded and records are maintained according to organisational protocols.
Outcome 3
Consult with young person’s whānau, key contacts and other professionals and analyse information gathered to determine the strengths, interests, needs of a young person and possible positive youth development approaches.
Range two different young people, one of a different cultural background to the candidate's own.
Evidence requirements
3.1 Key contacts within the young person’s social environments are identified.
Range a minimum of ten contacts are required from family, whānau, work, education, social, creative, cultural, spiritual and/or sporting contexts.
3.2 Information is gathered from family, whānau, other professionals and organisations, agencies and key contacts in the young person’s social environments, using organisational protocols.
Range information includes but is not limited to – young person’s history and background; strengths, interests, goals and ambitions; support networks and available resources; any constraints, limitations and barriers to young person's development.
3.3 Information gathered from young person’s stories and other sources is analysed, in consultation with colleagues, to determine young person’s strengths, needs, interests and possible positive youth development approaches.
Range a minimum of two possible positive youth development approaches for each young person.
Outcome 4
Support a young person to explore possible positive youth development initiatives based on the information obtained.
Range two different young people, one of a different cultural background to the candidate's own.
Evidence requirements
4.1 Information is shared with the young person according to organisational protocols.
4.2 Young person is supported to identify initiatives to support their positive development and to assess the feasibility of implementing these.
Range a minimum of two initiatives.
Assessment includes but is not limited to – fit of initiative with young person's strengths, interests, goals, and aspirations; resources available; preparedness of young person to implement initiative; young person’s concerns or constraints; support people in their social environments; actions to mitigate young person's concerns or limitations.
4.3 Young person is supported to discuss implementing possible positive youth development initiatives with key people in their social environments to gain their support.
Range discussion includes but is not limited to – intended actions, outcomes sought, support required from the key person, agreement on what will be provided to the young person by the key person and when.
Outcome 5
Reflect on experiences in conducting assessments under practice supervision to plan for professional development.
Evidence requirements
5.1 Own experiences in conducting assessments are reflected on under practice supervision to determine their effectiveness.
5.2 Feedback from supervisor is used to identify strengths, weaknesses, gaps in ability to assess young people and any professional development needs.
5.3 Practice supervision is used to develop and agree a plan for ongoing professional development.
Range plan includes – immediate actions, resources and support required, timeframes, process for monitoring implementation of plan.
Planned review date / 31 December 2013Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions
Process / Version / Date / Last Date for Assessment /Registration / 1 / 14 April 2011 / N/A
Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference / 0222
This CMR can be accessed at
Please note
Providers must be granted consent to assess against standards (accredited) by NZQA, before they can report credits from assessment against unit standards or deliver courses of study leading to that assessment.
Industry Training Organisations must be granted consent to assess against standards by NZQA before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards.
Providers and Industry Training Organisations, which have been granted consent and which are assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards.
Requirements for consent to assess and an outline of the moderation system that applies to this standard are outlined in the Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMRs). The CMR also includes useful information about special requirements for organisations wishing to develop education and training programmes, such as minimum qualifications for tutors and assessors, and special resource requirements.
Comments on this unit standard
Please contact the Community Support Services ITO Limited (Careerforce) if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard.
Community Support Services ITO Limited (Careerforce)SSB Code 101814 / Ó New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2012
[1]Page 7 Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa, accessed from