Community Rugby Injury Surveillance and Prevention Project
(CRISP) 2016-2017
The community rugby injury surveillance and prevention project (CRISP) is coordinated by a team at the University of Bath and funded by the RFU as part of the RugbySafe research strand. The aim is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the injury profile of the English men’s community game to inform injury management and prevention strategies.
We are currently recruiting men’s teams from RFU levels 3-9 to report on their match play injuries for season 2016-17.
What we require from your club over the 2016-17 season:
§ Brief details on age, weight and height for 1st team squad players.
§ Brief details for 1st XV matches
§ Details on any 1st XV match injuries causing the player to miss one match or more.
(Information can be reported via the CRISP online data entry system or paper forms).
Participating clubs will benefit from:
§ A report of their season’s match injuries compared with other clubs of a similar level.
§ Membership to the World Rugby Science Network.
§ Contributing to our understanding of injury patterns in English community rugby. Examples of previous research articles from this Project:
§ CRISP 2014/15 season report
§ Epidemiology of time-loss injuries in English community-level rugby union
§ Collapsed scrums and collision tackles: what is the injury risk?
§ Epidemiology of head injuries in English community level rugby union
§ Incidence of medical attendance injuries in English community rugby union
§ Shoulder Injuries in English Community Rugby Union
We would appreciate this information being forwarded to members of your 1st team squad involved in coaching, conditioning and injury management. To nominate your club, please contact the CRISP team by 5th August. We look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards Email:
Dr Simon Roberts Tel: 01225 384531