The Official Constitution


Ride For World Health Organization


The Ohio State University

Article I

Section 1: Organization Name

Ride for World Health at The Ohio State University

Section 2: Purpose

Ride for World Health at The Ohio State University has been organized

for the explicit purpose to educate and raise awareness of domestic and international health.

The Ride was created with a few simple things in mind:

1) Many people are not receiving adequate healthcare

2) There exists a significant link between poverty, illness and lack of access to healthcare

3) Something can be done about numbers 1 and 2

The student organization will be the umbrella for the establishment of a yearly cross-country biking trip that emphasizes education, advocacy, and sponsorship for both global and domestic healthcare.

Section 3: Discrimination Laws

Ride for World Health seeks to improve the health of all people. As such, Ride For World Health, in accordance with applicable State and Federal Laws, does not discriminate based on the basis of age, race, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, age, medical condition, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, status as a veteran or disabled veteran, and also prohibits any form of sexual harassment. This policy covers all aspects of the organization; including, but not limited to, participation as a team member, guest cyclist, or volunteer, as well as access to any programs, activities and events.

Article II

We are an organization that was inspired by medical students, is lead by medical students, and an organization whose day to day decisions and future direction will always be determined by OSUCOM medical students. Voting membership is limited to currently enrolled students at The Ohio State University. Other members, such as faculty, alumni, and professionals are encouraged to become honorary non-voting members.

Section 1: Officer Selection

All future officers will be elected by the current year’s Officer Board (aka Leadership Team). All Leadership Team positions require potential officers apply through prior to March 15th. Their applications will be reviewed and votes will be taken from the entire leadership team prior to March 30th each year. All votes are considered equal. The following positions will also require an interview by CEO, COO, and Logisitics Chairs prior to voting:

-  CEO

-  COO

-  Logistics Chair

Section 2: Officer Removal

All officers who are not in compliance with the rules and responsibilities of Ride for World Health agreed upon at their original appointment can be considered for removal. The officer in question must be given warning of such removal, and will have the opportunity to speak to the board of officers regarding such issues. A unanimous vote by the remaining officer board is required for removal of said officer. Upon removal, the advisors for Ride for World Health in the Office of Global Health must be notified regarding such.

Section 3: Member Selection

All future members of Ride for World Health can apply each year through Each membership application will be reviewed by the newly elected Recruitment Chair, CEO, and COO. Membership will be awarded to qualified OSUCOM students through a formal “Welcome Letter”. Eligibility requirements are that the student have time available to participate in the coming years cross-country biking trip, and will be able to reach all medical school requirements prior to participation.

Section 4: Member Removal

All members who are not in compliance with the rules and responsibilities of Ride for World Health agreed upon when joining R4WH can be considered for removal. The member in question must be given written or verbal warning of such removal, and will have the opportunity to speak to the board of officers regarding such issues. A unanimous vote by the officer board is required for removal of member. Upon removal, the advisors for Ride for World Health in the Office of Global Health must be notified regarding such. Funds raised by said member throughout their involvement in R4WH will not be returned upon dismissal from R4WH.

Article III

Section 1: Officer Titles

-  CEO

-  COO

-  Logistics Chair

-  Major and Minor Events Chair

-  Finance Chair

-  Sponsorship Chair

-  Recruitment Chair

-  Marketing/PR Chair

-  Website Chair

-  Education Chair

Section 2: Officer Responsibilities

-  CEO: Responsible to drive efforts in order to ensure that the leadership team is motivated and on task. You are also responsible for ensuring that everyone on the Board is in compliance with rules and regulations of the Ride. The rest of the team has a list of tasks which you will oversee. The CEO has the final say on all documents, logos, education materials, etc. CEO should have a list of ideas, strategies and plans ongoing at all times– the most important of these is to ensure that the Ride improves and continues.

-  COO: Responsible for working hand in hand with the CEO to ensure that all timelines are adhered to and deadlines are met. COO is also responsible for overseeing the Project Manager Spreadsheets and keep meeting minutes that should be published in email and posted on the general team email account. COO will be responsible for all official Ride for World Health paperwork including disclosure statements, insurance policy paperwork, health insurance paperwork for all riders, and sponsorship contracts.

-  Logistics Chair: Responsible for establishing the route for the annual ride, ensuring that all roads are safe, determine housing arrangements along that route, and plan for meals to feed all participating members. Additionally, Logistics is responsible for all gear including but not limited to jersey kits, winter gear kits, biking equipment, and bike purchases.

-  Major and Minor Events Chair: Responsible for establishing events along the route of the biking trip as well as planning recruitment events and advocacy events throughout the year. Will work in conjunction with Education Chair to ensure that appropriate lectures are given to meet the vision and purpose of Ride for World Health.

-  Finance Chair: Responsible for overseeing all money exchanged by Ride for World Health including but not limited to personal and corporate donations as well as all Ride expenditures. Will maintain all paypal requirements. Will file and electronically store copies of all receipts and checks. Will file appropriate tax paperwork pertaining to 501(c)3 status.

-  Sponsorship Chair: Responsible for targeting and recruiting large corporate sponsors. Included in this responsibility are establishment of sponsorship packet, funding proposals, and tax exemption receipts.

-  Recruitment Chair: Responsible for recruiting members to join the current year and recruiting members for the following years officer board.

-  Marketing/PR: Responsible for establishing all marketing and PR materials for Ride for World Health including but not limited to logo modification, social media accounts, flyers, posters, and distribution materials. Also responsible for making media contacts along the route and writing up press releases.

-  Website Chair: responsible for maintaining and updating the material contained therein.

-  Education Chair: responsible for establishing new and modifying old education lectures and curriculums as recommended by feedback from the previous year’s surveys. Assist with Major and Minor events chair in establishment of lecture venues to insure that vision and purpose of Ride for World Health are met.

Article IV

The advisor for Ride for World Health at The Ohio State University must be a full

time member of The Ohio State University faculty with a valid WHOIS

ID#. Advisor is elected by majority vote of all executive committee members. Roles and responsibilities of such advisor are as follows; to collaborate with organization members on effective education and public awareness strategies.

Article V

Meetings may be called by anytime by a voting member. Additional scheduled

meetings shall be held the first Sunday of every calendar month.

Article VI

This constitution may be amended at anytime with unanimous vote by all eligible

voting members as described in Article II of this constitution.

Article VII

Being that Ride for World Health is a non-profit organization, at the dissolution of

this organization all assets will be given to Partners In Health or another non-profit organization. The founding members will make the final decision on which organization receives Ride for World Health’s assets by majority vote. If there is any debt at the time of dissolution the debt will be assumed equally by all voting members of Ride for World Health.