National Conference for Centers of Science and Mathematics Education

University of Utah - May 20-22, 2012

Conference Summary


The current systems of science and mathematics education in the United States do not meet the increasing societal demand in these fields. Over 60 US universities have established Centers for Science and Mathematics Education (CSME) that build bridges among science, mathematics, and education departments and with schools, businesses, and community organizations. These Centers hold a unique role in transforming the culture of science and mathematics education. Despite Centers’ unique roles, importance to the educational system, and common mission, no organization currently exists to facilitate communication among these centers or to coordinate their work. In May 20-22, 2012, the University of Utah’s (UofU) CSME brought together representatives from 13Centers for a National Conference, gathering in Salt Lake City for plenary sessions, panel discussions, and workshopsaround the central themes of inspiration, education, collaboration, and transformation.


Conference attendance varied by session and included 26 center representatives, 10 panelists, 24 graduate students, and 15 members of the general public. Centers represented at the conference included:

  • Arizona State University - Center for Practice, Research & Innovation in Mathematics Education (The PRIME Center)
  • Baylor College of Medicine - Center for Educational Outreach
  • Cornell University - Cornell Lab of Ornithology Education Program
  • Georgia Institute of Technology - Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC)
  • North Carolina State University - The Science House
  • Northeastern University – The Center for STEM Education
  • San Diego State University – Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education (CRMSE)
  • University of Colorado Boulder – Integrating STEM Education (iSTEM)
  • University of Nebraska Lincoln – Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education (CSMCE)
  • University of Utah – Center for Science and Mathematics Education (CSME)
  • Vanderbilt University – Vanderbilt Center for Science Outreach (CSO)
  • Washington University, St. Louis – Institute for School Partnership
  • West Virginia University – Health Sciences & Technology Academy (HSTA)


  • Exploration of the programs and challenges of participatingCenters

One representative from each center presented an overview of their work with a poster and a short talk. Then,the attendees articulatedcommon themes that emerged across Centers (challenges, successes, evaluations research).

  • Investigation ofCenters’ roles in STEM education

Breakout sessions addressed the roles that Centersplay to improve STEM education. Two moderated expert panel discussions provided multiple perspectives.

  • Collaboration and network-building

Participants established a foundation for future collaboration through breakout sessions on these topics:

  • Program assessment strategies and collective research
  • Project and center sustainability strategies
  • Plans for future conferences or network-building
  • Creating a white paper


Conference attendeeswere interested in pursuing collaborations,conferences, and a network. Next steps include:

  • Create a listserv for centers and their affiliates (managed initially by theUofU CSME)
  • Create an Advisory Committee to continue the conversation
  • Explore funding opportunities
  • Consider establishment of a new organization or a subset of an existing organization
  • Write a collaborative white paper
  • Establish a web-based tool to share information and evaluation tools (managed by the UofU CSME)
  • Continue to evaluate the changing roles of Centers in STEM education

For details and a summary of conference proceedings and participants’ feedback, visit