Computer Skills & Applications I2016-2017

Teacher: Susan Riddle Rm. 011

JeffersonMiddle School

Keyboarding Module 1 ~ Alpha Keys

This module is designed to teach basic keying skills, consisting of fluent manipulation of all alphabetic letters. (Q-1 & Q-2)

Keyboarding Module 2 ~ Numbers/Symbols and Numeric Keypad

This module is designed to teach basic keying skills, consisting of fluent manipulation of all numeric keys as well as the symbols and the numeric keypad. (self-paced Q-3 & Q4)

Keyboarding Module 3 ~ Building Speed and Accuracy

This module is designed to increase keyboarding speed and accuracy when using the touch method. Emphasis is on daily use of a computer system, speed and accuracy skill building techniques.(Q-3 & Q4)

Timed Writing Goals: 25-wpm/95% accuracy and graduated goals based on skill and ability.

**These next modules are KEY to the development of “Finger Memory”.**

Word Processing Basics and Business CorrespondenceModule 4 ~ WORD

This module is designed to teach the basic skills in word processing as well as document formatting rules for letters and emails in the business community (Q-3 & Q4)

* * * * * * * *

* Each of these modules will take the student approximately 15 class periods to complete. Emphasis in each module is on the daily use of a computer system and appropriate software to provide integrated training through a learn/practice/sustain/assess plan of skill building.

Assessment Weights / Classwork & Assessments
Production Set Assignments – 2x / WORD/Google Doc Sample Sets
Classwork-1x / Keyboarding lessons, samples w/notes, binder cover, CTRL Commands, unit packets
Classwork-Timed Writings-.5x / Best 3 out of 12 @ 95%+ accuracy
Module/Unit Test-2x / Test
QQT -1x (Quick Quiz Ticket,
i.e., Quiz) / Quiz-after Lessons 2, 5, 9, 13 during Alpha Keyboarding modules
Yellow Card/Binder Check– 1x / Unannounced

Make Up Schedule:

Days allowed for making up missed work:

2 class periods for each day missed of class.

Tutoring and Make Up Dates and Times:

Tuesday afternoons ~ 2:00 to 3:00 pm

Each morning ~ 7:00 to 7:25 am

Supply “WISH” List:Supplies come each day!

Supply “Wish” List—Students may use their core subject binders…
but it would be helpful if they have a binder designated for Computer App I.

1 1” 3-ring binder with clear plastic cover pocket


12 sheets of notebook paper

15 pack of subject dividers

1Antibacterial Wipes (1 carton each quarter would be nice!)

(Classroom supply to be used each period so students can clean their keyboard and mouse before use.)

1Box Tissues

Optional: Headphones-are available but students may bring their personal set.

Internet Access:

Students will be utilizing the Internet throughout the year. The policy of the WFSCS School Board is that ALL STUDENTS may access the Internet during class time with a signed permission form from their parent/guardian. This form will be sent home through homerooms and must be signed and on file by the date specified on the form. If this form is not on file, your child will not have access to the Internet in this classroom until their form has been returned.


  • DPI Curriculum Guide Moodle.LearnNC-BU10-2YA, Computer Skills & Apps 1
  • (alphabetic keyboard, numbers/symbols, keypad & timed writings)
  • Southwestern: Century 21 Jr. Input Technologies & Computer Applications ~ textbook
  • Microsoft Office: WORD
  • Google Drive and associated Apps
  • SmartBoard
  • Internet

A Clean and Healthy Lab: Because so many students touch the computer keyboards daily, it would be helpful to have antibacterial wipes available for each child to wipe off their keyboard and mouse before beginning their work. If at all possible, please consider sending in a carton of wipesand a box of tissuesto help keep our lab and students healthy. Thank you.

Susan M. Riddle CSA1 / 16-17