President’s Message
By Mark Kula
Hello Everyone,
We have already had quite a lot going on this month! Many Thanks to those who joined me to support our REALTOR® of the year, Ann Hess, by attending the REALTOR® of the Year banquet on Tuesday evening at the NHAR Convention. Lots of great timely information and fun had by all!
The VAR Convention is happening next week as well. This is a prime opportunity to further gather your continuing education credits and have some fun in the process. There are also NH credits available. I see lots of great programs going on that are well worth the trip.
Let this Fall be the season of safety! Many incidents involving REALTORS® have been popping up both around the country and close to home. If you need red cards, contact myself or Diana at NHAR and we will get them out to you.
I would also like to take a moment to announce that I am no longer working for Century 21 Energy Shield Realty. I had been with the Energy Shield Team since the Quechee office first opened its doors five years ago. It felt like the right time to move on, so I have decided to open my own company, "Frederic Pierce Realty".
I look forward to seeing all of you at the conventions, the Salt Hill Social, as well as in the field!
Mark Kula
President UVBOR
Vice President’s Report
By Ann Hess
Thanks again to Coldwell Banker Redpath & Co. for hosting our last General Membership meeting. The speaker, Michelle Kainen, was excellent and very informative. The food, once again, was a huge success from Mickey’s Roadside Café; please make sure to stop by Mickey’s on a regular basis and thank him for his delicious meals.
We’d really like to thank all that attended the May and September meetings; we have had record numbers of attendees, which is what we are striving for. Nice job!! I believe that if we all work together on making the commitment to attend these meetings, we will all benefit.
Please remember to mark November 17th (11:30) on your calendar today. This will be our Annual Membership Meeting, hosted by Charles Desmarais, Resident Sales Representative at Liberty Mutual Company; he will get us up to date on home insurance. Tom Riley (NHAR Treasurer and 2010 President-Elect) will be here to induct the Officers and Directors, along with information from NHAR and NAR. In addition, we have scheduled Bob Quinn, NHAR Governmental Affairs Director, to give us a Legislative Update. This will be the last time we will all be together for 2009 – come and congratulate your peers on their elected offices and enjoy good food. Hope to see you all there!
Submitted by Mary Magnell
NNEREN Talking Points
September 9, 2009
It was voted to add the following fields to the Sold Listing Displays on and IDX: above ground plus total square footage, Waterbody and MLS number.
It was voted to make the following amendments to the NNEREN Rules & Regulations:
Add to 4.1 Listing Procedures under the New Construction paragraph:
“For purposes of accurate appraisals, if after sale, the listing is recorded at the Registry of Deeds as land only, make note of such fact (including land price) in the non-public remarks field upon closing.”
Add to 8.0 Compensation:
“NOTE 7: Comments written into the non-public remarks field designed, intended, or attempting to place conditions on a compensation, or which conditionally reduce compensation from that offered in the MLS are not allowed in the NNEREN database.”
Replace 8.1 Disclosing Short Sales:
As is: “Participants must disclose potential short sales when reasonably known to the listing participants and subscribers. [When disclosed, participants may, at their discretion, advise other participants whether and how any reduction in the gross commission established in the listing contract, required by the lender as a condition of approving the sale, will be apportioned between listing and cooperating participants.]”
Proposed: “Participants must disclose potential short sales [defined as a transaction where title transfers, where the sale price is insufficient to pay the total of all liens and costs of sale and where the seller does not bring sufficient liquid assets to the closing to cure all deficiencies] when reasonably known to the listing participants.”
Add to 10.3 Compliance with Rules:
“NOTE 1: If payment is attempted by credit card, but is declined, this attempt will not be considered a payment received.
NOTE 2: After two attempts at processing a particular credit card, NNEREN shall not be required to attempt to process that credit card any additional times, and it will be considered that no payment was received.
NOTE 3: NNEREN will not attempt to process any credit card more than once in a 24 hour period.”
Add item #3 to Office Agreement Contract:
REALTOR® Participant shall be provided with full access to the service at a cost of fifty-four dollars ($54) per quarter payable to NNEREN in advance.
A) Every licensed broker/salesperson, licensed assistant, and licensed or certified real estate appraiser or auctioneer affiliated with or employed by the REALTOR® Participant is required to be a member of NNEREN and will be provided with full access to the service at a cost of fifty-four dollars ($54) each per quarter payable to NNEREN in advance. Except where:
1) an appraiser will be charged twenty-seven dollars ($27) per quarter when that appraiser is required to pay full dues on an additional real estate license account.
2) a real estate Broker/Agent will be charged twenty-seven ($27) per quarter when that licensed real estate Broker/Agent has an additional NNEREN account within the same firm.
3) the charge for a team account will be twenty-seven dollars ($27) per quarter when each member of the team is paying for an individual full access account as stated in (A) above.
It was voted that the following change be included for bank owned properties . This would not be mandated but would give the broker/seller the discretion to use this option when it most accurately describes their listing status
On bank owned properties, allow listing broker to indicate “contingent” once offer is
Is accepted by the bank (but prior to receipt of executed P&S)
Add “REO, offer accepted, P&S due” (28 characters … field limit is 30) as a selection
Into the contingency type drop-down.
The BOD voted in support of continued negotiations with VREIN for a single regional MLS.
NAR “Game Changer” Initiative – this opportunity was released at the Chicago Leadership meeting in August. It is intended to spark, and potentially fund development of, innovative ideas which positively impact an MLS or Association and its membership. It was requested that, if the NNEREN staff can be of assistance in this process, any ideas be submitted to staff before the October 1st deadline.
2010 Nomination Committee/Election – the ByLaw process was reviewed. The Committee will be chaired by Dennis Brown and meet directly after this NNEREN Board meeting.
Leadership Day will be a one day retreat at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in Concord on October 29th to develop NNEREN’s focus for 2010 and update NNEREN’s business plan. Jeremy Conaway will be the facilitator.
Save the date!
Submitted by Gerry Stark
In accordance with Article V, Section 3(a) of the Upper Valley Board of REALTORS® Bylaws, written notice is hereby given that application for membership has been made by the following:
Kimberly French – Century 21 Energy Shield/Hanover
None at this time.
● Mark Kula is now doing business as Frederic Pierce Realty, LLC.
Board Calendar
Oct. 13 Tues Board of Directors Gerry Stark’s Office
Oct. 26 Mon NHAR Orientation NHAR (Concord)
Upper Valley Board of REALTORS®
115A Airport Road – PO Box 550
Concord, NH 03302-0550
Ph: (800) 850-8864 In State; (603) 229-0468 Out of State; Fax (603) 228-0385
The Upper Valley Newsletter is an official publication of the Upper Valley Board of REALTORS®
Mark Kula – President
October 7th
WHAT TIME : 5pm –7pm +
The monthly social is designed to be no hassle, come if you can, with no advance sign up required. Come take a break with your fellow REALTORS®!
I look forward to seeing you there.
Mark F. Kula
Upper Valley Board of REALTORS® Enfield Community Center
General Membership Meeting Enfield, NH
September 15, 2009
1. Call to Order
(a) The meeting was called to order by President Mark Kula at 11:58 a.m. He welcomed the attendees and then led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the REALTOR® Pledge.
2. President’s Report
(a) The President thanked Coldwell Banker Redpath for hosting today’s meeting.
(b) The REALTOR® Safety Cards and Overview were distributed among the members. It was also noted that an incident recently occurred in the Sunapee area.
(c) Mark announced the Salt Hill Social to be held the first Wednesday on each month from 5 – 8, effective October 7th.
(d) Everyone was urged to attend the REALTOR® of the Year Banquet at the upcoming Convention to join in honoring Ann Hess.
(e) A Happy Birthday was noted to Brian Fortier.
3. Secretary’s Report
(a) It was MOVED, SECONDED and VOTED to approve the minutes of the May 19, 2009 meeting, as distributed.
4. Treasurer’s Report
(a) It was MOVED, SECONDED and VOTED to approve the financial reports as presented.
(b) Jim Bouchard reported that the 2010 Budget had been completed and approved; the 2010 Local Dues will remain the same.
5. Inductions
(a) Gerry Stark then inducted the following new members:
Charles “Chuck” Clifford – Lang McLaughry Spera
Susan Cole – Century 21 Energy Shield
Jana Guy – LindeMac Real Estate
Nancy Lyons – Martha Diebold Real Estate
Jolin Salazar-Kish – Kish Consulting & Contracting
6. Committee Reports
(a) Brian Fortier reported that the Affiliates would have a booth at the Convention, where he hopes to be introducing the new brochures.
(b) Mary Magnell gave a brief NNEREN report, noting changes would be included in the upcoming newsletter.
(c) Mary also reported that at the Leadership Summit NAR has challenged the Local Boards and State Associations to come up with new ideas that benefit REALTORS®. This would be a program that could be implemented at the local level with assistance from NAR. Ideas must be submitted by October 1st.
(d) Bruce Johnson noted that an ordinance change would be presented at the City of Lebanon on October 21st.
(e) Gerry Stark reported for the Nominating Committee, asking that any interested members or nominations be forwarded to him right away.
7. Guest Speaker
(a) Ned Redpath then introduced the speaker, Michelle Kainen, an attorney with Kainen Law Office, P.C. She gave a presentation and handouts on the “Introduction to Bankruptcy and Residential Foreclosure”.
8. Other Business
(a) Ann Hess thanked Coldwell Banker for their assistance with today’s meeting and asked for ideas and future hosts. She also thanked everyone for their attendance reservations.
(b) A 50/50 raffle was held – the winner was Tony Lozeau.
9. Adjournment
(a) It was MOVED, SECONDED and VOTED to adjourn at 12:55 p.m.
Submitted by:
Diana Dunning
Board Administrator