
Mrs. Chapman

English III AP

Class Period:

Current Events Friday: due EVERY Friday

You will find and print an article from this week’s news and do the following:

1.  Write the turn-in date on each page of the article.

2.  At the bottom of the first page, write the MLA citation for your article.

3.  Using the Rhetorical Strategies and Grammar Structures lists on the back of this sheet:

a.  Find at least five (5) Rhetorical Strategies: label and highlight in yellow

i.  the selection can either use or reference the strategy

ii. all strategies must be used by the end of the year.

b.  Find at least four (4) Grammar Structures: label and highlight in pink

i.  the selection can either use or reference the structure

ii. all structures must be used by the end of the year.

c.  Record the article’s date in one of the blanks for the corresponding strategy or structure

i.  each strategy or structure may only be used three times

4.  Choose two (2) of this week’s vocabulary words to either:

a.  highlight the word (used correctly) in the article in green OR

b.  rewrite a sentence from the article to use the vocabulary word (highlight original sentence and your rewrite in green)

5.  Record the article’s date in one of the blanks for the corresponding Strategy or Structure.

a.  once all blanks have been used for a Strategy or Structure, no further credit will be awarded for it

6.  Place the article in the front pocket of the folder.

7.  This sheet and the chart on the following page must remain in the brads of your folder. Your assignment will not be accepted without it, and you will not be given another copy.

8.  Once an assignment is graded, put it in the brads behind this assignment sheet.

This assignment will be graded using the rubric below:

Item / Pts. Each / Total Value
(1, 6,7, 8) / 5 / 5
MLA Citation
(All or nothing) / 15 / 15
Rhetorical Strategies
(Correctly Identified, Highlighted, Dated) / 10 / 50
Grammar Structures
(Correctly Identified, Highlighted, Dated) / 5 / 20
(Correctly used) / 5 / 10
Total (x2) / 100

Note: If you will be absent on a given Friday due to a field trip or other school function, the assignment must be turned in before you leave or the standard ‘Late Work Penalties’ will apply.