VGIN Coordinator Report
VGIN Coordinator Report to the VGIN Advisory Board
July 2014
VBMP Orthophotography RFP
Spring 2014 flights were conducted to fill in the gaps for the areas that were not collected (see graphic) in 2013 due to weather conditions. Data has been processed and is awaiting final quality control review before customer delivery. All 2013 VBMP imagery has been delivered and is readily available.
Planning is underway to conduct a series of regional VBMP informational sessions in the fall of 2014 in preparation for collection of the western half of the state in the spring of 2015.
Road Centerline – RCL and Address Points
VGIN's 2nd quarter of 2014 Virginia Base Mapping Program’s Road Centerline (RCL) data product was released on May 27, 2014. 63 localities were updated this quarter with 12200road segments either updated or added. This updates the overall VBMP road centerline segment count with over 617,153 segments of which 612,290 are named road segments. This latter metric shows an increase of 6,000 new roads or modified road segments in the last quarter alone.
VGIN has recently received a new VDOT data submission in June of 2014. This data is based on VGIN's geometry and locality attribution processed by VGIN with updated VDOT business data. It will be incorporated into the next quarterly release.
Point addressing is a priority for VGIN and this data collection continues to grow with 20 additional localities providing 8000 new address points this quarter in addition to updated addresses. To date VGIN has obtained 3,436,874 point addresses from 134 of 137 communities in the Commonwealth. The point addressing is based primarily on building footprint, property parcel center, or driveway/doorway access point. This data product feeds the VGIN Geocoding web service, brings greater accuracy for geo-locating addresses and will be invaluable for supporting Next Generation 9-1-1.
Administrative Boundaries
The Administrative Boundaries workgroup is concluding its work on the development of a formal statewide geospatial data standard. The proposed standard is currently under review status via ORCA, VITA’s “Online Review and Comment Application” at
LiDAR Acquisition Plan
On May 15, 2014 members of the Elevation Work Group were reconvened to discuss VGIN’s desire to develop a LiDAR Acquisition Plan. This plan’s purpose would be to establish priorities for future LiDAR acquisitions in the Commonwealth were funding to become available and to agree upon a quality standard for the data. A draft plan is currently under development by VGIN.
Since 2010, VGIN has facilitated a collaborative approach to funding partnerships to incrementally collect approximately 48% of the state in the eastern half. Virginia’s participation in the USGS “3DEP” (3D Elevation Plan) efforts increase collaborative opportunities from the federal government, making a LiDAR Acquisition Plan a good thing to have in place.
Land Cover Data
Legislative language was included in the new state biennial budget directing the Department of Environmental Quality to work with VGIN to implement statewide land cover data to support localities in planning and implementing stormwater management programs. Initial discussions are underway with DEQ and the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission to define technical requirements.
Freedom of Information Act Council
VITA has been working with the FOIA Council and a group of GIS stakeholders from state and local government to create a GIS data guidance document. The purpose of this document is to help answer questions and to help educate the GIS community on FOIA and GIS data. Once finalized, the document will be published as an informational brochure through the FOIA Council.
West Virginia GIS Conference
In June the VGIN Coordinator was invited to provide the keynote speech for WV GIS Conference in Charleston WV. Virginia base mapping successes were highlighted along with common regional and national goals and objectives affecting our two statewide programs.