The Institute of Living / HartfordHospital
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 545-7552 (Office) / 281 Moseley Terrace
Glastonbury, CT 06033
(860) 430-1486 (Home)
Hospital Affiliation History:
Psychologist – Consulting Staff2002 to present
HartfordHospital / The Institute of Living - Department of Psychiatry
Hartford, Connecticut
Attending Psychologist - Clinical Staff2001 to 2002
University of ConnecticutHealthCenter - Department of Psychiatry
Farmington, Connecticut
Postdoctoral Fellow1999 to 2001
University of ConnecticutHealthCenter - Department of Psychiatry
Farmington, Connecticut
Psychology Intern1998 to 1999
VA Connecticut Healthcare System - Psychology Service
West Haven, Connecticut
M.A. / Ph.D. Clinical Psychology1994 to 1999
University of Connecticut - Department of Psychology
Storrs, Connecticut (APA accredited)
Neuropsychiatric Mental Health Specialist1993 to 1994
CPCCapitalHospital, Austin, Texas
Ph.D. Clinical PsychologyAugust 1999
University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut (APA accredited)
Dissertation: "Pictorial presentation of verbal stimuli: A semantic memory study using an adaptation of the California Verbal Learning Test"
M.A. Clinical PsychologyMarch 1997
University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut (APA accredited)
Thesis: "Season of birth effects in autism"
B.A. PsychologyMay 1993
TulaneUniversity, New Orleans, Louisiana
Honors and Awards:
2001Clinical Neuropsychology Division 40 Science Advisory Committee Cognitive Neuroscience
Award, Presented at the American Psychological Association 2001 Annual Meeting
2001Post-Doctoral Training Fellowship, NIDCD Research Training Grant
1999-2001Post-Doctoral Training Fellowship, NIAAA Research Training Grant
1998-1999Graduate Research Fellowship Award, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
1989National Merit Scholarship Finalist
Grant Funding History:
/ Salary SupportNIMH; K23 MH070036-02 (PI: Stevens) / 12/15/04-12/14/08 / 90%
Neuroimaging Cognition in Adolescent Behavior Disorders / $152,312/yr direct costs
To use EEG and fMRI tools to characterize unique patterns of brain dysfunction in DSM-IV ADHD, Conduct Disorder, ‘callous’ CD, and comorbid ADHD+CD.
Role: Principal Investigator
Co-Investigators: Calhoun (10%); Pearlson (3%); Stevens (on k-award)
NIMH R01 MH080956-01 (PI: Stevens) / 04/01/08-03/31/13 / 5%
Characterizing Two Distinct ADHD Neurobiologies with fMRI 3.4th percentile / $250,000/yr direct costs
A study using functional imaging, genetic analysis, and neuropsychological assessment to examine whether there are two separate profiles of neurobiological impairment underlying impulsive behavior in ADHD.
Role: Principal Investigator
NIBIB R01 EB 000840-07 (PI: Calhoun) / 02/01/08-01/31/12 / 5%
A unified framework for flexible brain image analysis
The imaging findings in schizophrenia are widespread, heterogeneous, not diagnostic, and have limited replicability and it is likely that in part the lack of consistent findings is because most models do not adequately account for the variability present in the data from schizophrenia patients. The successful completion of this research will provide a powerful set of algorithms and software tools for the research community to increase the sensitivity and specificity of functional brain imaging techniques.
Role: Co-Investigator
NIMH R01 MH 076189-03 (PI: Fein) / 06/01/08-05/31/10 / 5%
Language Functioning in Optimal Outcome Children with a History of Autism / $35,000/yr direct costs
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) receiving intensive early intervention can reach what may be called "optimal outcome", in which cognitive and adaptive functioning are within normal limits and they no longer meet criteria for any ASD. Since language difficulties in ASD are so pervasive and central, residual language difficulties might be expected to persist even in children with optimal outcomes. This study will examine the underlying neural mechanisms of the striking improvement of cognitive processes in these optimal outcome children using fMRI tasks of syntax and face processing.
Role: Co-Investigator
National Foundation for Suicide Prevention (PI: Stevens) / 11/01/07-10/31/09 / No salary
Measuring Suicidality in Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder Using fMRI / $35,000/yr direct costs
A study using functional imaging of emotion-related brain activation to distinguish neurobiological abnormalities in suicidally-depressed adolescents with and without a history of impulsive suicide behavior.
Role: Primary Investigator
HartfordHospital Open Competition Award (PI: Stevens) / 08/01/04-08/01/05 / No salary
Response Inhibition in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder / $65,000 total
Project examines brain activity using EEG/fMRI/neuropsychological tests related to response inhibition in ADHD adolescents and adults, comparing placebo and typical psychostimulant medication.
Role: Principal Investigator (grant is in no-cost extension)
HartfordHospital Open Competition Award (PI: Stevens) / 08/01/04-08/01/05 / No salary
Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging correlates of cognitive and functional outcome after closed-head traumatic brain injury / $65,000 total
Project examines brain activity using EEG/fMRI/neuropsychological tests related to response inhibition in ADHD adolescents and adults, comparing placebo and typical psychostimulant medication.
Role: Principal Investigator (grant is in no-cost extension)
NIMH R01 MH081969(PI: Stevens) / 07/01/08-06/30/13 / 25%
Adolescent Maturation of Brain Network Integration for Executive Control Abilities / $250,000/yr direct costs
A study using fMRI analyses of neural network connectivity and neuropsychological assessment to examine the neural substrates of three domains of ‘executive’ cognitive abilities and to track their development across early adolescent to early adult maturation in healthy persons.
Role: Principal Investigator
NINDS R01 NS062000 (PI: Stevens) / 11/01/08-10/30/13 / 30%
Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Neurocognitive Deficits in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury / $250,000/yr direct costs
A study of the consequences of mild TBI to neurocognition using DTI measurements of white matter integrity and fMRI measurements of ‘resting state’ network functional connectivity.
Role: Principal Investigator
NINDS R0 1NS064514 (PI: Stevens) / 01/01/09-12/31/13 / 25%
Can diffusion tensor imaging of mild TBI aid prediction of adverse outcome? / $250,000/yr direct costs
A study of the consequences of mild TBI to neurocognition in the chronic phase of recovery, focusing on the question of whether DTI measurements can predict functional outcome in Iraq war veterans with TBI who are making the transition from active duty to civilian life.
Role: Principal Investigator
Department of Justice(PI: Ford) / 03/05/07-01/01/09
Recovery from life stress: GIRLS / $50,000 total
To determine whether cognitive treatment for PTSD results in changes in neuropsychological performance.
Role: Co-Investigator
Co-Investigators: Calhoun (10%); Pearlson (3%); Stevens (on k-award)
University of Connecticut Graduate Foundation Fellowship (PI: Stevens) / 1998-1999
Pictorial presentation of verbal stimuli: A semantic memory study using an adaptation of the California Verbal Learning Test / $10,000
To examine the psychometric properties of a new neuropsychological memory test.
Role: Principal Investigator
Refereed Journal Publications:
- Fein, D., Stevens, M., Dunn, M., Waterhouse, L., Allen, M., Rapin, I., & Feinstein, C. (1999). Subtypes of pervasive developmental disorder: Clinical characteristics. Child Neuropsychology, 5(1): 1-23.
- Stevens, M.C., & Fein, D., Waterhouse, L.H. (2000). Season of birth effects in autism. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 22(3): 399-407.
- Stevens, M.C., Fein, D., Dunn, M., Allen, D., Waterhouse, L. H., Feinstein, C. & Rapin, I. (2000). Subgroups of children with autism by cluster analysis: A longitudinal examination. Journal of the AmericanAcademy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 39(3): 346-352
- Stevens, M.C. Fein, D.A. & Markus, E. (2001). Connecticut Pictorial Learning Test: A pictorial version of the California Verbal Learning Test. Clinical Neuropsychologist 15(1): 95-108.
- Stevens, M.C., Kaplan, R.F. & Bauer, L.O. (2001). Relationship of cognitive ability to the developmental course of antisocial behavior in substance-dependent patients. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 25(8): 1523-1536.
- Kaplan, R.F. & Stevens, M.C. (2002). A review of adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A neuropsychological and neuroimaging perspective. CNS Spectrums, 7(5): 355-362.
- Stevens, M.C., Kaplan, R.F. & Hesselbrock, V.M. (2003). Executive cognitive functioning in the development of antisocial personality disorder. Addictive Behaviors, 28: 285-300
- Taxel, P., Stevens, M.C., Trahiotis, M., Zimmerman, J., & Kaplan, R.F. (2004). The effect of short-term estradiol therapy on cognitive function in men receiving hormonal suppression therapy for treatment of prostate cancer. American Journal of Geriatrics Society, 52(2): 269-273.
- Calhoun, V.D., Stevens, M.C., Pearlson, G., & Kiehl, K.A. (2004). fMRI analysis with the General Linear Model: Removal of latency-bias by using hemodynamic derivative terms. Neuroimage, 22: 252-257.
- Kiehl, K. A., Stevens, M.C., Laurens, K.R., Pearlson, G.D., & ., Liddle, P.F. (2005) An adaptive reflexive processing model of neurocognitive function: supporting evidence from a large scale (n = 100) fMRI study of an auditory oddball task. Neuroimage, 25(3): 899-915.
- Calhoun, V.D., Adali, T, Stevens, M.C., Kiehl, K.A. & Pekar, J (2005). Semi-blind ICA of fMRI: A method for utilizing hypothesis-derived time courses in a spatial ICA analysis. NeuroImage, 25(2): 527-38.
- Kiehl, K. A., Stevens, M. C., Celone, K., Kurtz, M. & Krystal, J.H. (2005). Abnormal hemodynamics in schizophrenia during an auditory oddball task. Biological Psychiatry, 57(9): 1029-40.
- Stevens, M.C., Calhoun, V.D., & Kiehl, K.A. (2005). Hemispheric differences in hemodynamics elicited by auditory oddball stimuli. NeuroImage, 26(3): 782-92.
- Stevens, M.C., Clark, V.P., Prestwood, K. (2005). Low-dose estradiol alters brain activity. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 139(3): 199-217.
- Stevens M.C., Calhoun V.D., Kiehl K.A. (2005).fMRI in an oddball task: Effects of target-to-target interval. Psychophysiology. 42(6):636-642.
- MandelbaumDE, Stevens M, Rosenberg E, Wiznitzer M, Steinschneider M, Filipek P, Rapin I. (2006) Comparison of sensory/motor performance in school-age children with autism, developmental language disorder or low IQ. Dev Med Child Neurol. 48(1):33-39.
- Astur, R.S., St. Germain, S., Tolin, D., Ford, J., Russell, D., Stevens, M. (2006). Hippocampus function predicts severity of post-traumatic stress disorder. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 9, 234-239.
- Stevens, M.C., Laurens, K.R., Liddle, P.F. & Kiehl, K.A. (2006) The hemodynamics of oddball processing during single-tone and two-tone target detection tasks. Int J Psychophysiol 60, 292-303.
- Stevens, M. C., Kiehl, K. A., Pearlson, G., & Calhoun, V. D. (2007). Functional neural circuits for mental timekeeping. Hum Brain Mapp, 28(5), 394-408.
- Stevens, M. C., Kiehl, K. A., Pearlson, G. D., & Calhoun, V. D. (2007). Functional neural networks underlying response inhibition in adolescents and adults. Behav Brain Res, 181(1), 12-22.
- Stevens, M. C., Pearlson, G. D. & Kiehl, K. A. (2007). An fMRI Auditory Oddball Study of Combined-Subtype Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Am J Psychiatr.164, 1-13.
- Stevens, M. C., Kiehl, K. A., Pearlson, G. D., & Calhoun, V. D. (2007). Brain network dynamics during error commission. Human Brain Mapping. Published online, Nov 2, 2007
- Jafri, M., Stevens, M.C., Pearlson, G., Calhoun, V.D. (2008). A Method for functional network connectivity among spatially independent resting-state components in schizophrenia. Neuroimage, 39(4), 1666-81.
Invited Reviews:
1. Stevens, M.C. (2005). Functional Neuroimaging in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. CT Medicine, 69(9):561-570.
Manuscripts Under Review:
Stevens, M.C., Skudlarski, P., Pearlson, G.D., Calhoun, V.D. Age-related cognitive gains are mediated by the effects of white matterdevelopment on brain network integration. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Stevens, M.C., Pearlson, G.D., Calhoun, V.D. Changes in resting state neural network causal density across normal adolescent development. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Stevens, M.C., Kim, J., Lovejoy, D., Oakes, H., Skudlarksi, P., Kiehl, K.A., Pearlson, G.D. Diffusion tensor imaging detects neuropsychologically significant white matter injury in mild traumatic brain injury. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Meda, S., Stevens, M.C., Folley, B., Calhoun, V.D., Pearlson, G.D. Evidence for anomalous network connectivity during working memory inschizophrenia: An ICA based analysis. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Deckel,AW, Assaf, M., Calhoun, V.D., Giuliani, N., Groth, K., Stevens, M.C., Gelernter, J., Pearlson, G.D. Polymorphisms of the alpha7 nicotinic cholinergic receptor (CHRNA7) discriminate figural memory abilities in healthy adults. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Rapin, I., Dunn, M., Allen, D.A., Stevens, M.C., Rosenberg, E., & Fein, D. Empirical Evidence for Language Disorder Subtypes in Schoolage Children with Autism. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Demirci, O., Stevens, M.C., Andreasen, N.C., Michael, A., Liu, J., White, T., Pearlson, G.D., Clark, V.P., Calhoun, V.D. Investigation of relationships between fMRIbrain networks in the spectral domain usingICA and Granger causality reveals distinctdifferences between schizophrenia patients andhealthy controls. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Conference Presentations
Szeles D.M., Pearlson G.D.,Stevens M.C. Age-related Differences in Mental Timekeeping: an fMRI study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Biological Psychiatry, 2008: Washington, DC.
Meda, S.A.,Stevens, M.C., Folley, B.S., Calhoun, V.D, Pearlson, G.D. Evidence for anomalous network connectivity during working memory in schizophrenia: An ICA based analysis. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Biological Psychiatry, 2008: Washington, DC.
Book, G.A., Kiehl, K., Stevens, M., Pearlson, G.D. Fusion of fMRI and the Pupil Response During an Auditory. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 2008: New York, NY.
Pearlson, G.D., Thomas, A.D., Meda, S. A., Hylton, J.L., Andrews, M. M., Potenza, M. Worhunsky, P., Stevens, M. Abnormal Reward Circuitry in Cocaine Abusers – An fMRI Based Study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the AmericanCollege of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2007: Boca Raton, FL, USA.
Stevens, M.C., Kiehl, K.A., Pearlson, G., Calhoun V.D. Functional neural networks underlying response inhibition in adolescents and adults. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2007: Chicago, IL, USA.
Pearlson, G.D., Deckel, A.W., Calhoun, V.D., Assaf, M, Groth, K., Stevens, M. Meda, S.A., Gelernter, J. An Alpha7 Nicotinic Cholinergic Receptor (CHRNA7) Polymorphism Discriminates Figural Memory Abilities and Related Brain Structural and Functional MRI patterns in Healthy Adults. Poster presented at the annual meeting of ACNP, 2006.
Stevens, M.C., Kiehl, K.A., Pearlson, G., Calhoun V.D. Functional neural circuits for mental timekeeping. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2006: Florence, Italy.
Moncrieff, D.W., Stevens, M.C., Kiehl, K.A. Regional differences in fMRI activation during a divided attention task using single syllable words. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2006: Florence, Italy.
Rosenthal, M.A., Stevens, M.C., Kelley, E.A., Dunn, M., Rapin, I., & Fein, D.A. Predictors of school-age language outcome in ASD. Poster presented at the 5th International Meeting for Autism Research, Montreal, CA., 2006.
Kurtz, M.M., Wexler, B.E., Stevens, M.C., Kiehl, K.A. Abnormal hemodynamics of verbal working memory in patients with schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, Toronto, CA, May, 2006.
Stevens, M.C., Calhoun, V.C., & Kiehl, K.A. Hemispheric Differences in Hemodynamic Activity
Elicited by Auditory Oddball Stimuli. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 2005: New York, NY.
St. Germain, S.A., DePeau, K.M., Stevens, M.C., Tolin, D.F., Ford, J.D., & Astur, R.S. (2004). Virtual Navigation During fMRI in Patients with PTSD. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience 2004: San Diego, 1025.14
Stevens, M.C, Celone, K., Kurtz, M.M., Pearlson, G.D., & Kiehl, K.A. fMRI of oddball processing in schizophrenia: Support for the disconnection hypothesis. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, 2004: New York, NY.
Kiehl, K.A., Stevens, M.C, Celone, K., Ortengren, A., & Pearlson, G.D. fMRI of oddball processing in bipolar illness. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, 2004:, New York, NY.
Kiehl, K.A., Stevens, M.C., Celone, K., Kurtz, M.M., & Pearlson, G.D. fMRI of auditory oddball processing in schizophrenia II: Replication and extension. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Biological Psychiatry, 2004: New York, NY.
Kiehl, K.A., Stevens, M.C., Laurens, K.R., Pearlson, G.P, & Liddle, P. F. An adaptive reflexive processing model of neurocognitive function. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 2004: San Francisco, CA.
Stevens, M.C., Laurens, K.L., Liddle, P.F., Calhoun, V.D., Pearlson. G.P., Kiehl, K.A. Independent components analysis of fMRI auditory oddball task reveals paralimbic abnormalities in psychopaths. Presented at Developmental and Neuroscience Perspectives on Psychopathy, 2003: Madison, WI.
Stevens, M.C. Laurens, K.R., Liddle, P.F., Kiehl, K.A. New findings from a large-scale examination fMRI-measured target detection: A random effect analysis of the three-stimulus auditory oddball task in 100 participants. Presented at the Society for Cognitive Neuroscience, 2003: New York, NY.
Stevens, M.C., Laurens, K.R., Liddle, P.F., Kiehl, K.A. The hemodynamics of oddball processing during single-tone, two-tone and three-tone target detection tasks. Presented at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2003: New York, NY.
Kiehl, K.A., Stevens, M.C., Laurens, K.R. & Liddle, P.F. The missing stimulus: An event-related fMRI study of a ‘gap’ detection oddball task. Presented at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2003: New York, NY.
Kim, J-S., Stevens, M.C., Calhoun, V.D., Kiehl, K.A., & Pearlson, G.D. The effects of eye movement on motion correction algorithms for fMRI time-series : A simulation study. Presented at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2003: New York, NY.
Clark, V.P., Stevens, M.C., Lai, S. Effects of object categorical vs. subordinate level discrimination on fMRI responses in the oddball task. Presented at Society for Cognitive Neuroscience, 2003: New York, NY.
Kaplan, R.F. Stevens, M.C., Tartar, S., Liss, M. A case of Capgras Syndrome with normal face perception. Presented at International Neuropsychological Society, 2002.
Stevens, M.C., Lai, S., Benson, R., Kaplan, R.K., & Clark, V.P. Altered event-related fMRI activity with conduct disorder. Presented at American Psychological Association, 2001: San Francisco, CA..
Clark, V.P., Stevens, M.C., Lai, S. Distractor novelty effects on event-related fMRI responses in the oddball task. Presented at Society for Neuroscience, 2001.
Stevens, M.C., Kaplan, R.F. & Hesselbrock, V.M. Executive cognitive functioning in the development of antisocial personality disorder. Presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism, 2001: Montreal, Canada.
Clark, V.P., Stevens, M.C. Event-related fMRI responses to the oddball task. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research, 2001, 25(5 Supplement A): 78A. Presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, 2001: Montreal, Canada.
Clark, V.P., Stevens, M., Chua, E., Goff, E., Audie, J., Lai, S., and Benson, R. An fMRI study of multimodal selective attention: Effects of functional relatedness. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Eighth Annual Meeting, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Supplement, 2001, p.110. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 2001.
Stevens, M.C., Kaplan, R.F. & Hesselbrock, V.M. Executive cognitive functioning in the development of antisocial personality disorder. Presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, 2000
Stevens, M. C., Kaplan, R. F. & Bauer, L.O. Relationship of conduct disorder and antisocial personality to later estimates of cognition in substance dependent treatment groups. Presented at NIAAA “Alcoholism: What Can Research Offer in the 21st Century,”1999: Indianapolis, IN.
Stevens, M. C. & Fein, D. Season of birth effects in autism. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Conference, 1998: Honolulu, Hawaii.
Invited Talks:
Stevens, M.C. Emerging Understanding of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Neurobiology from Clinical Neuroscience Research. Invited presentation to the The Watkinson School, Hartford, CT. September 11, 2007.
Stevens, M.C. Neuroscience Methods. Invited presentation to The Connecticut Association of Independent Schools Summer Institute, Hartford, CT. August 21, 2007.
Stevens, M.C. Emerging Understanding of Disruptive Behavior Disorder Neurobiology from Clinical Neuroscience Research. Invited presentation to The Connecticut Association of Independent Schools Summer Institute, Hartford, CT. August 21, 2007.
Stevens, M.C. What Exactly Do You Mean By 'Executive Impairment'? Invited presentation to The Connecticut Association of Independent Schools Summer Institute, Hartford, CT. August 21, 2007.
Stevens, M.C. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Response inhibition neural network function in ADHD and healthy adolescents. Invited presentation to the Neuroscience Department, TrinityCollege. Hartford, CT. April 2, 2007.
Stevens, M.C. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: An Update on Current Questions and Emerging Understandings from Neuroimaging Research. Invited presentation at the 2007 annual conference of Connecticut Association of Private Special Education Facilities. Rocky Hill, CT. March 15, 2007.
Stevens, M.C. “What Brain Research Tells Us About ADHD”. Invited Presentation to the Grace S. Webb Breakfast Series, Hartford, CT. March 1, 2007.
Stevens, M.C. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Response inhibition neural network function in ADHD and healthy adolescents. Invited presentation to the Psychology Department, University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT. October 25, 2006.
Stevens, M.C. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Child and Adolescent Research at the IOL: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Invited presentation to HartfordHospital Board of Directors. Hartford, CT. September 22, 2006.
Stevens, M.C. Adolescent and Adult Differences in the Function of Response Inhibition Neural Networks. Invited presentation to the Psychology Department, University of Louisville. Louisville, KY. August 9, 2006.
Stevens, M.C. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Current Questions and Emerging Understandings from Neuroimaging Research. Invited presentation at the 2006 annual conference of Connecticut Association of Private Special Education Facilities. Rocky Hill, CT. March 15, 2006.
Stevens, M.C. Brain changes in cocaine dependence. Presentation at Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience Rounds at The Institute of Living, February 9, 2006. Hartford, CT.