Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber
Modernising Scientific Careers
Workforce Implementation Group Agenda
Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering
Tuesday 9th April 2013. 10pm-12noon
Room 1, Blenheim House, Leeds
Attendees: Lee Walton-Chair (Sheffield Teaching Hospital), Alexis Moore (Leeds Teaching Hospitals), Sharan Packer (Bradford), Pete Twigg (University of Bradford), Andrew Wagstaff (Bradford), Chris Monk (Sheffield), Alison Sampson (HEYH), Sally Drew (HEYH).
Action Notes1. / Welcome and Introductions / Apologies: David Brettle, Gavin Gogley.
2. / Notes from 05/02/13 / All minutes agreed.
Clinical Engineering update provided by AW. National meeting well attended.
Discussion based around the use of apprenticeships for EBMEs, (modelled on the NE scheme). Proposed model to include specialist models (i.e. in electrical engineering), as well as core models pertinent to the NHS.
DH to formally write to IPEM/IHEM and ask for nominations to act as an advisory/writing group for the relevant modules. Iain Threlkeld to be involved and feedback.
AS had requested a briefing from the national team via EIB about this DH work and remit.
Next EIB May, paper should be available to circulate after this.
3. / CF2-4 Update / Update on CF2-4 developments provided by AS. Note that the closing date for the ‘Expressions of interest’ for the pilot programme is the 26th April. Please contact with any queries.
Next steps: FE/HEI providers have been invited to an information event due to take place on 14th May.
Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber (HEYH) have had assurance from Shirley Fletcher that the regional proposal will align to the national project.
4. / PTP Update / University update provided by PT:
University of Bradford to offer 20 places on the CE course. Unsure at present if these numbers include radiation physics. PT to email region with confirmed numbers when known. PT to send scoping email to LW to forward to group members asking for placement support.-to include overview of placement commitments by the Trust, and offer to interview students. AS keen for placements to be regional.
Suggestion made by AW that PW considers using a clinical engineer on the University interview panel. PT to consider offers made.
PT stated that DH did not require an accreditation visit for radiation engineering, and that he would hear if this was accredited by the end of this month for a September 2013 start.
Funding update provided by AS:
AS clarified that there are two elements to PTP funding- 1) Tariff- aim-to align medical training funding with non-medical training funding. This is a payment made to the placement provider. The 3 year implementation process commenced April 2013. Note that clarity still needs to be sort with regards to which specialisms are included in the initial tariff envelope. Note that tariff payments will be aligned to quality of the placement
2) Placement Support Costs-currently stands at £1200 for year 1 only. AS has suggested that this should be changed to the following, however clarity still needs to besought:
Year 1-£1000, Year 2-£1000, Year 3-£1000.
Please note there is no guidance at present on the number of students that HEYH will support, particularly if placements are out of region.
Once funding guidance is available AS to inform the Group. Action by AS.
AS to attend the accreditation process for Medical Physics at the University of Cumbria
5. / STP Update / ACM raised concerns that the STP application process will discrimination against good candidates as only those with a 2:1 can apply. ACM to pen an email to the School. AS/SD asked to be copied into correspondence.
Concerns also raised by the Group that the advertisements for the STP posts were not available on Scientists, were difficult to find on the application website. SD to feedback to the School.
Group asked for a summary of timescales for the 2014 application process. SD to action.
SP reported that she would be interested in a 2014 STP.
6. / HSST update / LW reported that IPEM and the National Team are working together on the curriculum.
Still no clarity provided on the funding model or recruitment process. Start date of Sept 2013, but unsure if this relates to MP&CE.
7. / Accredited Scientific Practice / Brief update provided by LW. The School will oversee the assessment process; The Academy will formalise the award-Certificate of Competence of Accredited Scientific Practice Competencies' (CCASPC).
National working groups to be set up to define required areas.
8. / Partnership Councils / AS confirmed that theSouth Yorkshire and North Yorkshireand the Humber meeting has already taken place. The SYreport has been sent out via the regional network.
Mike Bosomworth from Life Sciences Implementation Group is due to attend the inaugural meeting of the West Yorkshire Partnership Council.
9. / AOB / AS reported that Neil Porter has now retired. The Group wished to acknowledge all the hard work undertaken by Neil Porter throughout the region on behalf of theHCS community.
Note that Sue Hill is in the process of trying to gain agreement for the post of Scientific Director through NHS England.
Group to consider Aims and Objects for the forthcoming year. AS suggested that it would be timely to revisit the Groups TOR to ascertain how this would best be achieved.SD to put on Chairs agenda for discussion.
Please register on the regional website at NHS Networks. Search Yorkshire and the Humber MSC Implementation and Science Network.