

Pipo wants to go to school with the butterfly, the dove, and the duck, but he is too big. So they bring the school to him.

--- Conversation Questions---

(1) / Retell the story.
(Answer) / The Puma wants to go to school with the birds but he is to big so they bring school to him.
(Follow Up) / What birds went to school there?
(2) / Imagine you were Pipo, how would you feel if you couldn’t go to the school?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Has this ever happened to you?
(3) / Imagine you were Pipo, how would you have felt when they brought school to you?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / What kind of animal was Pipo?
(4) / Tell me about a time you did something special to make someone feel included.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / How did they react?
(5) / Tell me some words you can substitute in the place of the word “cry”
(Answer) / Sob or weep.
(Follow Up) / Do you cry when you feel left out?
(6) / Recall what Mapi, the butterfly, brings to school.
(Answer) / Her lunchbox.
(Follow Up) / Do you bring your lunch to school?
(7) / Tell me what Pepe, the duck, always wears to school.
(Answer) / His blue school cap.
(Follow Up) / Can we wear hats to school? (No)
(8) / Recall what Mr. Owl is at the school.
(Answer) / The teacher.
(Follow Up) / What do him and Mapi like to do together?
(9) / Recall some things the students like to do at school.
(Answer) / Draw, paint, and find places on the map.
(Follow Up) / What do you like about school?
(10) / Recall why Pipo cannot come in the school.
(Answer) / He is too big.
(Follow Up) / So what did they do?
1. / Write about a time you made a friend feel included when they felt left out.
2. / Make a list of things you like and dislike about school.
3. / Write about how you think Pipo felt his first day of school.
4. / Describe all of the characters in detail.
1. / Have a picture of a school. Tell them today you will read about someone who can’t go to school because they are too big.
2. / Have a lunchbox on the table. Ask the children if they bring their lunch. Then say, “Today we will read about a school of birds and one brings her lunch everyday.”
3. / Have simple math problems from the illustrations on the marker board. Say, “Today some students are learning math skills in our story. Let’s read about them.”

Book Title: Pipo, the Puma

Author: Clarita Kohen / Illustrator: Loretta Lopez
ISBN: 0-439-41417-2 / # of Text Pages: 14 Book Level:
Building Oral Vocabulary
6 / love / 8 / tickling / 12 / idea
Prediction Questions
5 / What other things do you think they will do at school?
9 / Do you think he will be able to come to school?
11 / What will they do?

This resource is provided by KYREADS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.