Knox Central High School Band
Band is a performance based class and as so, all rehearsals and performances are mandatory. Failure to attend will be reflected in the students’ grade.
Marching Band and Pep and are the primary focus of the band program during the fall semester and is not considered an extra-curricular activity. The band expects every student to attend all rehearsals andperformances. Performances are concerts, selected football/basketball games, marching competitions and parades. A student will receive a failing grade for the semester if they exceed 5 unexcused absences. For an absence to be excused, you must submit a written request (e-mail works best ) 4 weeks in advance of a performance and 2 weeks in advance of a rehearsal. This will give us adequate time to approve ordisapprove the request. Please note that simply submitting a request does not mean that it will beapproved. Emergencies (documented sickness, medical, death in the immediate family) will behandled on an individual basis.
Unexcused performance = 3 absences
Unexcused practice = 1 absences
Unexcused tardy = ½ of an absence
Concert Attendance: Band is a co-curricular class, which requires attendance at each concert. Concerts are essential not only to musical development, but an integral part of building self esteem, leadership qualities, a sense of commitment, and teamwork. Music is chosen foreach concert at least 6 weeks in advance and chosen in accordance to the instrumentation of the ensemble. A full ensemble is needed at each concert toguarantee the most rewarding experience for everyone.Attendance at all performances is therefore required.Please plan your schedules around the Knox Central Band concerts. Failure to participate in a concert will lower a student’s grade up to 25% depending on how many concerts there are during that quarter.
I understand that conflicts in students’ commitments do arise, and that serious illnesses and deaths do occur.If there is an unavoidable conflict, please contact me as soon as possible. If the absence is excused, the student can make up the concert by writing a two-page report on a music topic of his/her choice.
Please mark your family calendar of all rehearsals and performances to avoid conflicts. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and your support of this important part of yourson/daughter’s music education.
Marching Band Performance Attire: Each student will be in full uniform for each performance. If a student is NOT in full uniform, points will be deducted from their Concert Attendance and Attire grade for each missing item. If they are not in uniform, they will not be able to perform with the band.
Concert Band Performance Attire: Each student will dress in all black for each performance. If a student is NOT in full black, pants, shirt, shoes and socks they will not be aloud to perform with the band and their grade will be lowered by up to 25%.
1.Students will arrive on time and have his/her instrument, necessary equipment, music folder with music, and a pencil at each rehearsal. .
2.Students will touch and play only his/her own instrument.
3.All school handbook rules apply in the band room.
4.No food, drinks, or gum in the band room.
5.Respect school and personal property. For example, percussion instruments are to be played only by percussionists at the appropriate time.
6.Sheet music is school property.
¯ Students need to treat music with care.
¯ Music is not disposable.
¯ If music is accidentally torn, please tape it together.
¯A charge of $2.00 per copy will be assessed if an original copy of music is lost or damaged.
¯ Method book collections will be charged according to the current replacement value.
7. Students are expected to return their possessions and items they used and/or borrowed to their designated places. If a student does not store their instrument, music, folder, and/or book in the appropriate place, they will be responsible for damages that occur to school owned instruments and school owned equipment.
If you have any questions about the band program please do not hesitate to call:
Darrell Dixon
Band Director
Cell (270) 579-2579
(Please detach and return with student along with parent/guardian signatures to verify syllabus has been read and understood.)
Student’s Name (Please Print)______
Student’s Signature______
Parent’s Name (Please Print) ______
Parent’s Signature______
Mailing Address ______
Home Phone Number ______