Meeting Agenda


  • mission of Unyts
  • outline of activities for this school year
  • dates for blood drives
  • commitment letter
  • roster

Meeting Agenda

9-30-15 10-1-15

  • review website
  • finalize roster
  • Webinar = Tues 10/13 @ 2:30 in library; be there by 2:15 to sign into Go2meeting
  • set dates for blood drive sign up
  • next meeting = educate ourselves about blood donation
  • date of next meeting = Wed 10/7/15 (half day; make it Tues 10/6/15)

Meeting Agenda


  • sign up for shifts during lunch and/or study hall for Blood Drive sign-ups
  • no missing class for this
  • Mon 10/26 – Fri 10/30 or until full
  • Watch videos to educate ourselves about blood donation
  • -- think about this for campaign week
  • Webinar for Mrs. Knavel and Hannah Tues 10/13 @2:30; be there by 2:15 to sign into Go2Meeting

Meeting Agenda


  • sign up for shifts during lunch and/or study hall for Blood Drive sign-ups
  • no missing class for this
  • Mon 10/26 – Thurs 10/29 or until full
  • Watch videos to educate ourselves about blood donation
  • Hannah and Jenn present info from webinar
  • Hand out fact sheet to read before working sign-ups
  • Posters

Meeting Agenda


  • Blood drive results
  • How to educate about iron
  • Write thank you cards for faculty
  • Field trip 12/16 9:30 – 12:30
  • Next mtg will hand out packets w/info about organ and tissue donation
  • Hannah and Jenn’s powerpoint on web site
  • Everyone needs to have questions prepared for the field trip
  • Set date for next mtg

Meeting Agenda


  • Scholarship
  • Signs to post
  • If you donated blood at our drive on 11-4-15, you are eligible to donate again on 1-1-16.
  • Next LHS blood drive is 4-29-16.
  • Why you need iron as a nutrient
  • How to maintain healthy iron levels
  • Monday is our meeting day
  • Next mtg Monday 1-11-16.

Meeting Agenda


  • Scholarship
  • Picture with Iron poster
  • hang poster in café
  • Check “yes” campaign
  • how to insert screen shot
  • Speaker Wed Series
  • more info to follow

Meeting Agenda


  • Scholarship – mandatory for seniors
  • Check “yes” campaign
  • how to insert screen shot
  • Unyts rep can come here with their computer to register older students (age 18) as tissue and organ donors.
  • Speaker Web Series will be in February; still waiting for dates. THIS WILL BE MANDATORY for all club members.
  • Steeler Service project – Mr. Taft has list of neighbors who want help with yard clean-up

Meeting Agenda


  • Webinar

Meeting Agenda


  • Bison’s Game is Sunday 6/12/16
  • Posters for campaign: Use “check yes” on Unyts website
  • Summary of story
  • Check yes graphic
  • Create in Word; save as pdf
  • Mrs. Knavel will use poster printer in Teacher Center; we will spend some of our budget for this
  • Scholarships due 3/11 and 3/31

Meeting Agenda


  • Bison’s Game is Sunday 6/12/16
  • Posters on the way from Unyts; we need to have a sign up table in the café week of 4/18 – 4/22
  • after school 4/28 to hang streamers and arrows
  • Posters for campaign: Use “check yes” on Unyts website
  • Summary of story
  • Check yes graphic
  • Create in Word; save as pdf
  • Mrs. Knavel will use poster printer in Teacher Center; we will spend some of our budget for this
  • Have a Conversation With Your Family
  • Let them know you want to be an organ and tissue donor
  • 18 yrs old register to be an organ and tissue donor online
  • Q and A about tissue and organ donation
  • Q on front; A on back
  • OK to make more than one for each fact
  • Unyts logo on each one
  • tape to wall on top edge
  • Use info in power point (link on our webpage)
  • Trace body and draw/label tissues and organs that can be donated
  • hang this next to our board in the cafeteria

Lackawanna High School