Room 201

Phone: 240-236-7048

Email: (best method of contact)


Course Description:

This class is a continuation of American Sign Language I, with the expansion of conversational language skills.Students will focus on improving their skills in fingerspelling, facial grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary. They will continue to practice their expressive and receptive skills in ASL. Students will learn more about Deaf history and culture, including literacy in ASL storytelling. The textbook Master ASL, will be used, moving on from ASL 1 with units 6 to 10. The course includes advanced receptive and expressive sign vocabulary, grammar, structure and specific features that are unique to this visual language. This class will be taught using an immersion style, where students do not use their voices and will use ASL as their primary means of communication. The pre-requisite for this class is successful completion of ASL 1.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion, student will:

  1. Narrate a complete story using specified ASL structures including non-manual markers, contrastive structure, reference points, and classifiers.
  2. Use gestures, descriptions, locatives, and instrumental classifiers, correct spatial referencing, eye gaze and contrastive structure.
  3. Make requests, give directions, and describe others in ASL including the use of non-manual markers.
  4. Develop polite conversation strategies to handle interruptions, including those due to sounds in the environment.
  5. Communicate in ASL to identify others and give appropriate information to establish connections.
  6. Integrate numbers into sentences in ASL.

Class Expectations:

Students are expected to:

Be Ready –

1.Attend class EVERY DAY.ASL is a visual language which is not easily written down. Therefore, it is essential that students attend classes where the material is presented visually, as it is difficult to try to make up missed lessons from the book.

2.Be on time and working in assigned seat BEFORE the bell rings. Running into the classroom while the bell is ringing is not considered being on time.

3.Bring your required materials daily, which include:

A 1½ inch or larger notebook (three ring binder – no folders)

Five dividers

Blank notebook paper


USB flash drive or patch cord for your recording device (for project presentations)

A positive attitude, ready to learn!


4.USE ONLY SIGN LANGUAGE WHEN COMMUNICATING IN THE CLASSROOM. (unless special permission is obtained. NO EXCEPTIONS. Using voice at any time will result in losing participation points, which will negatively affect your grade. Persistent violation of this sign only policy will result in disciplinary action. It is considered rude in the deaf community to use voice instead of signing.

5.Follow directions the first time they are given.

6.Respect yourself, your teacher and your classmates. No teasing, insulting or other disrespectful behavior will be tolerated.

Be Relentless -RELENTLESS:

7.Complete all assignments on time and with integrity. Give your best effort and be open to feedback. Take advantage of opportunities to improve.


Because this class has many individual students with different needs and learning styles, I expect behavior to be MATURE and APPROPRIATE at all times. Additionally, all students have a right to a learning environment that is disruption free. If my ability to teach or others’ ability to learn is disrupted, you can expect:

ONEWARNING (The “Look” or a verbal reminder), which may include an adjustment to your location (you may be asked to move)

Two minute conference after class followed by 30 minute detention as necessary.

Parents and administrators will be contacted for individuals who continue to have difficulty with the respect and safety deserved by all in our classroom.

School disciplinary procedures as necessary – all Frederick County and Frederick High School policies will be enforced in this class. I reserve the right to skip steps of the disciplinary procedure due to chronic or severe infractions.

FCPS/FHS Discipline Procedure
  • Warning/conference with student
  • Phone call to parent/guardian
  • Teacher detention
  • Office referral


THE USE OF CELL PHONES, PAGERS, TEXT MESSAGING AND OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM. Using a cell phone or voice will affect your participation grade. There will be opportunities for the use of technology, as outlined by the FCPS/FHS Technology guidelines, but only when instructed by the teacher.

NOTE: Please do not call or text your student during class. Since ASL is a visual language, looking away from the class to read a cell phone detracts from learning. If it is an important message, please call the front office at 240-236-7000 and they will relay the message.

GRADES: (Available on the web – on Pinnacle)

ASL is a visual language and, as with all languages, it is important to practice. Students are expected to practice a minimum of 20 minutes each night and log their time daily. Our interactive approach means that students will be called upon to participate as much as possible in class and to practice their language skills through various activities. Student participation is essential. To a large extent, your success will depend on your participation and motivation.

Grading will be determined in the following categories:

  • Class participation (remember – NO VOICES or Cell PHONES!)30%

This includes (but is not limited to) warm-ups, evaluations and practice logs.

  • Projects/presentations10%
  • Classwork25%
  • Tests and quizzes25%
  • Homework10%

Additional Important NOTES:

*Since ASL is a visual language, assessments and projects are videotaped, in part or entirely. All students will be videotaped, but the recordings are available only to the teacher and will not be released for public viewing.

*If you are absent or wish to get additional help, sign up for Connect. I will request you during that time, however, I can only see 4 people per day, so plan ahead. I am also usually available after school. I ask that you let me know ahead of time if you plan to come after school, to be sure I do not have a staff meeting or other conflict.

*You have 2 days to make up missed work after an absence. It is your responsibility to come to me to find out what you missed – I will not chase you down to tell you. Any handouts given in class will be in the missed work folder near the door.

*Daily work will be in the Binder – refer to this for make-up work.

*Set up appointments with meafterclass to get missed work – not during class. If you have an issue regarding your grade, do not ask me to discuss it in the middle of instruction.

*Notebooks will be collected and graded periodically. Keep them in order.

*You will be required to interact with the Deaf Community in order to practice your skills and learn more about Deaf Culture. You will need to have at least one experience PER TERM and submit a report on your experience. Remember that you represent Frederick High School and your teacher when you are there.

IF YOU FOLLOW THESE REQUIREMENTS – do your assignments, come to class, and participate – you will pass this class. If you do not, do not be surprised at the result.

Academic Integrity

Good academic work must adhere to the Frederick High School Honor Code. The attempt of students to present work which they have not produced as their own, is regarded by the Frederick High School faculty and administration as a serious offense. Students are considered to have cheated if they copy the work of other students during an examination or turn in a paper/essay or assignment written, in whole or part, by someone else. Students are guilty of plagiarism, intentional or not, if they copy materials from books, magazines, or other sources without identifying and acknowledging them. Students guilty of assisting others in, either cheating or plagiarism on an assignment, quiz, or examination may receive a grade of F for the assignment and parents will be contacted. Repeat occurrences will be referred to the FHS administration.

ASL 2is a not a required class for graduation, but it does fulfill language requirements, including college admissions. This class is designed to prepare you to pass, if you actively participate in all of the assignments given. I want you to have a successful experience in ASL. I am here to help – if things are not going the way you’d like, let me know ASAP and I can make time available to help you.

Please sign and return this page:

You only need to return the signed portion of this copy. The course description and requirements portion is to be kept in your notebook for your reference.

I have read the syllabus and understand the course goals, class rules, homework guidelines, and grading policies as described. My signature indicates that I understand my responsibility as an academic and honest student. I agree to abide by the behavior expectations and honor system for Frederick High School. The parent/guardian signature acknowledges receipt and acceptance of the course description and requirements. My signature also acknowledges the No Voice and No CELL PHONE policy (except as directed by the teacher).

I have read and accept the class expectations for Mrs. DeLameter’sAmerican Sign Language 2class.


Student name Student signature


Parent/Guardian name Parent/Guardian signature

Parent’s Email address: ______

Parent’s Phone Number: ______

Best time to contact? ______

Anything that you would like me to know about your student?