Minutes of the Napa County Law Library Board of Trustees

November 5, 2014

Criminal Courthouse, Room 317

Call To Order:

The Honorable Francisca Tisher, President of the Law Library Board of Trustees, called the meeting to order at 12:14 p.m.

Roll Call:

The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Judge FranciscaP. Tisher, James V. Jones, Brian DeWitt, and Lloyd Llewlyn. Also present at the meeting were Michael Blend and Connie Brennan.

Public Comment:


Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of the Special Emergency Meeting held September 23, 2014, meeting were distributed to the Trustees, and upon motion made by James V. Jones and seconded by Lloyd Llewlyn, the minutes were approved by unanimous vote.

Financial matters:

Although Lisa Skinner was unable to attend the meeting, Connie Brennan, at Ms. Skinner’s request, presented a Fund Status Report as of September 30, 2014. Ms. Skinner also provided an explanation of the report in an e-mail, which was read to the trustees by Ms. Brennan. The report and a copy of her e-mail are attached to the original of these minutes.

Pending Matters:

Website update: Ms. Brennan reported that the Law Library website had been changed to reflect the status of the Law Library, and will continue to be updated as things evolve.

Online contract:

Trustee Richard Feldstein was unable to attend the meeting, and asked Ms. Brennan to report the following:

Status of contract –the LexisNexis (“LN”) contract goes into effect November 1, 2014, and stands as agreed.

Options offered by LexisNexis-LN agreed to modify the contract to allow the patron access terminals be located at an address other than 825Brown Street. In addition to the current contract terms, they offered the following, to be agreed to for a term of two years:

  • Additional full patron access licenses for $750 each;
  • Additional limited licenses for $350 each.

With respect to the limited licenses, Ms. Brennan provided handouts to the trustees showing exactly what resources were available in each.

After discussion, it was agreed to defer a decision on additional licenses, if any, until a new location had been determined.

Print Collection: At the Special Emergency Meeting in September, a subcommittee (V. Wood, J. Jones, L. Llewlyn, and M. Blend) was formed to review the print collection and designate a priority to each publication. The subcommittee completed its review, and the priority list was presented to the trustees at the meeting. After review and discussion, the Board agreed with recommendations of the subcommittee.

New Matters:

Voicemail: Ms. Brennan reported that, unfortunately, the voicemail message for the Law Library had not been checked or changed for a period of time since prior to the earthquake. However, she reported that all the messages had been returned, and the voicemail changed to provide a current status of the Law Library. She also indicated that the message now expressly states that messages should not be left, as they will not be returned.

Law Library Deliveries: Ms. Brennan reported that due to the closure of 825 Brown Street, there was some confusion on the part of delivery drivers for UPS and FedEx only (not the U.S. Postal Service), which either delayed shipment of updates, or caused the deliveries to be returned to the publisher. Both shippers have been contacted, and hopefully, the matter has been resolved.

“New” Temporary Location: Ms. Brennan reported on Mr. Feldstein’s behalf that, due to the earthquake and resulting damage to both the court and county, county representatives and Mr. Feldstein were continuing efforts to meet and discuss options for the location. It was anticipated that more information regarding this issue would be available at the December meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 1 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie R. Brennan