Scholarship Application
Crystal Lake Central High School – 2015
All applicants will be considered for the following scholarships by completing this application.
*CL Dawnbreakers Rotary/Scott Mueller Memorial *CL Service League
*Paul H. Frederick Memorial (Home State Bank) *CLC Booster Club *Lions Club of CL
*LifeSource Blood Center
Please check below if you intend to apply for thisscholarship.
____ Brent William Thomas Memorial Scholarship for Visual Arts (portfolio is necessary)
Interviews with local organizations will take place Tuesday,April 14th. If you are selected to interview you will be notified of the interview time at a later date. Each interview will be approximately 10 minutes long. If athletics and extracurriculars would conflict with interview times after the end of the school day, notify me immediately so that I may schedule your time before 2:50 pm.All applicants will not necessarily be eligible for all scholarships. The criteria under which individual applicants will be considered for each scholarship are on the following pages.
Due no later than
Thursday March 12th at 3 PM
Please return to the Career Center to Ms. Allen
Local Scholarship Application
Crystal Lake CentralHigh School – 2015
Name: ______Parents’ names:______
Address: ______
Phone Number: ______(home) ______(cell) email: ______
ACT Score: ______SAT Score: ______GPA: ______Class rank: ______out of ______
College you’ll probably be attending: ______Have you been accepted? ___yes ___no
Intended major or career goal: ______
Do you have a parent or grandparent who is/was a U.S. veteran? ___ Yes ___ No
What extra-curricular activities have you been involved in at school? Any leadership roles?
Have you done any volunteer work and/or outside-of-school activities? What? (include jobs for pay)
Resume attached Optional essay attached (required for Scott Mueller and CLC
Booster Club scholarships only)
Are you a blood donor?______If yes, how often do you donate?______
Assume hundreds of other students are applying for the same scholarships. Are there special reasons you are more deserving? Please explain why you feel you should be selected to receive a scholarship.
Total parent income reported to IRS in 2013: ___ $0 - $20,000 ___ $20,000-$50,000
___ $50,000 – $75,000 ___$75,000-$100,000 ___ $100,000-$150,000 ___ $150,000+
Father’s occupation: ______Mother’s occupation: ______
Number of children in your family (excluding you) ____ Number of siblings currently in college _____
Tentative College Costs
Tuition (per year) $______
Room & Board $______
Books & Fees $______
Total $______
List scholarships, grants $______
or gift aid you’ve received
(do NOT include loans or $______
work study)
financial aid from your school $______
Total Aid $______
Money you’ve $______
saved for college
How do you plan to pay for costs not covered by the above?
Is there anything else you feel we should know?
Interviews will take place Tuesday, April14th…… Put that on your calendar!
Local Scholarship Descriptions
Crystal LakeDawnbreaker Rotary/Scott B. Mueller Memorial Scholarship
~ Non-renewable
~ Two $1,000 scholarships awarded
~ Must be attending a 4 year college or university in the fall
~ 3.0 minimum GPA
~ For well rounded students who have demonstrated citizenship through participation in extra-curricular activities at Central High School and in the community. Essay required written on a volunteer or community service experience and how the experience affected your life and the lives of those around you.
Paul H. Frederick Memorial (Home State Bank) Scholarship
~ Non-renewable
~One $1,000 scholarship
~Anyone attending a college or university majoring in business
CL Service League
~ Non-renewable
~ Number and amount of scholarships varies
~ Demonstrated service to the community
~ Must be attending a 2 or 4 year college or university. Financial need is considered.
Life Source Blood Center Scholarship
~ Amount will vary
~must be a 4 time blood donor
~3.5 GPA or higher and demonstrated service to school and community
Brent William Thomas Memorial Scholarship for Visual Arts
~ Renewable
~ One $1,000 scholarship
~ Has excelled in the visual arts and academically. Intending to major in the visual arts, portfolio required, separate interview.
CLC Booster Club
~ Non-renewable
~ Number and amount of scholarships will vary
~ Demonstrated outstanding volunteer service to the school during their years at Central. Should display a certain level of leadership and commitment to community service. Essay required written on a volunteer or community service experience and how the experience affected your life and the lives of those around you.
Lions of Crystal Lake Foundation Scholarship
~ Non-renewable
~ One $1,000 scholarship
~ Student who is interested in a career working with blind and/or deaf, physically or mentally handicapped individuals or interested in a career as a nurse, EMT, fire fighter or police officer.
~ or a student who is legally blind and/or hearing impaired
American Legion Post 171
P.O. Box 1713
Crystal Lake, IL 60039-1713
William Chandler Peterson Legion Scholarship Addendum
Offering: $1,500 scholarship to each high school in Crystal Lake
Requirements: Local Scholarship Application plus verification of relative’s military service
Relative who did/does serve in the US Military:
Briefly state what their service means to you:
Briefly state your reasons for choosing the school to which you have applied:
Briefly state your reasons for choosing your major or career goal:
The American Legion is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans. Come to the interview ready to discuss how you will contribute to this mission should you be selected as your high school’s scholarship winner.