Minutes of the

7th Meeting

of the

German-Polish Joint Commission on
Scientific and Technological Co-operation

Potsdam, September 02 - 03, 2002

Based on Article 4 of the bilateral agreement between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the government of the Peoples Republic of Poland on Co-operation in the fields of Science and Technology, signed November 10th 1989, the Joint Commission on Scientific-Technological Co-operation held its seventh meeting on the 2nd and 3rd of September in Potsdam. The aim of the meeting was to exchange information on R&D policies in both countries, to analyse the state of co-operation and to discuss principles and priorities for future co-operation.

The meeting was chaired by Director General Karsten Brenner/ BMBF, and Undersecretary of State Jan K. Frackowiak/ KBN.

Annex I contains the list of participants.

Annex II contains the agenda of the meeting.

The meeting was held in the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

The discussion was based on statements of key organisations for science, research and industry on status, priorities and future instruments of bilateral co-operation, which are contained in annex III and summarised in Section C of this protocol.

A. Dialogue on National Policies in Higher Education and Research.

Dr. Frackowiak gave an overview on new elements in the Polish Government's current research policy (see Annex IV a) highlighting the new governmental mandate of the Minister of Science and Informatisation, the effectiveness of Polish science in spite of decreasing institutional funding in Poland, the increase of graduate and PhD-Students since 1991 and the rise of the quality of publication output in the last 10 years by 30% (Poland occupies the 21st place in the world publication output).

Dr. Frackowiack referred to the following areas as being specific polish priorities: Biotechnology, Telecommunication, Computer-Science, Microelectronics, Nanotechnology, Robotics and Biosciences.

Dr. Frackowiack stressed the importance of an efficient utilisation of scientific results contributing to economic growth. A future strategy is directed towards setting more positive frameworks, conditions for research rather than towards more funding.

The Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) reported on present discussions for the reorganisation which opens new perspectives also for future co-operations.

Mr. Brenner highlighted new initiatives in German research policy (see Annex IV b) one of them being the systemic action programme "Wissen schafft Märkte" (Science creates Markets); another one concerns special measures for SME’s. These initiatives aim to create a real Innovation-System in OECD terms involving all partners by linking science and industry, as a core element. The overall investment in R&D reached 2.5% of the Gross Domestic product with a perspective to reach 3 % of the GDP soon.

The head of the German Delegation summarised the comprehensive system of evaluation in Germany as being very helpful for working in closer synergy.

He emphasised new marketing initiatives as "HI Potentials", aiming at international careers in Germany, and "Go East", supporting education and research of German students and scholars in Eastern Europe by strengthening specific programmes of DAAD and AvH.

B. Ongoing and planned activities in bilateral co-operation

It was highlighted that the German-Polish Symposium "Perspectives of German - Polish Co-operation in Science and Technology, Warsaw, October 2nd - 4th, 2000" contributed to strengthening the co-operation on the institutional and individual level.

Both sides consider the implementation of a joint programme in Neurosciences, based on a joint call for proposals launched in 2002, to be a model for the future co-operation. It should be applied to other topics, too. The objectives are to advance scientific progress by using the synergy of a collaborative approach to research. Research will be focused on diseases of major importance for both nations. The programme has a funding of 1 Mio Euro/Year. 33 Proposals were submitted and are under evaluation. Funding is expected by 2003.

Both sides emphasised the importance of joint measures for stimulating mutual R&D of German and Polish universities, research institutions and industries. Fostering contacts and joint projects are acknowledged to be key instruments, which should be adapted both to national priorities and European integration.

The approval of specific measures for the bilateral working programme should be guided by joint calls for proposals according to the following criteria:

-  Quality and originality of the research approach

-  Common interest

-  Relevance to the respective funding programmes in Germany and Poland

-  Practical use

-  Promising results for further bilateral co-operation

-  Multilateral networking (EU and International Programmes)

-  Support for young scientists

Major instruments of co-operation will be:

-  Workshops

-  Hospitations/ internships

-  Mobility projects and project preparation grants

New bilateral instruments, especially workshops, hospitations and project development grants, are regarded as new accession towards co-operation in the European Research Area.

Annex V contains a list of 69 ongoing projects 2001 -2003.

Annex VI contains the list of projects approved by the Joint Commission for 2002 - 2004. The project " Adaptive Shock Absorbers for Application in Airvehicles" was added to the list on the special wish of the polish side.

Both sides highlighted the Polish - German Forum on Innovation and Co-operation to be held in Warsaw on the 7th and 8th October 2002. It is expected, that the co-operation - forum will result in new joint projects both in bilateral and European programmes with active participation of SME.

Both sides consider the results of the bilateral working group on "start ups" to be very fruitful. The recommendations of the working group led to further activities. They are in action and will be further developed in direct contacts without a prevalent need for further meetings of the working-group

Based on the request of the Polish side a workshop on evaluation of scientific projects and institutes was agreed upon to be held in December 2002.

C. Status, Priorities, and Future instruments of bilateral Co-operation

The commission discussed topics evolving from the symposium "Perspectives of German-Polish Co-operation in Science and Technology" held under the presidency of the German and Polish Ministers of Science in Warsaw on 2nd - 4th of October 2000. The key-organisations for science, research and development and intermediaries in both countries reported on their respective strategies for internationalisation and current initiatives in Poland. The main perspectives are summarised hereafter; further information is contained in the relevant annexes referred to.

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V.

(Annex No. III a)

-  The Max-Planck-Society has long ranging co-operative links of its institutes and individual researchers with Polish partners. During the recent three years mutual information visits to exchange information on strong points of research and to identify common fields of interest aimed at intensifying co-operation. This holds true especially for molecular and cell biology, biotechnology, medical research, ecology and biodiversity research, material sciences, humanities, history and international law.

Graduate student exchanges, exploratory workshops, and scientific conferences have been and will continue to be conducive to stimulate further scientific exchanges and initiate scientific networks.

The Max-Planck-Society considers training young researches together with its Polish partners to be an important way for supporting long-term contacts. The MPG offers new instruments to jointly train young researchers with partners abroad. These are the International Max-Planck-Research-Schools, Independent Junior Research Groups, and Partnergroups. Partnergroups support gifted young scientists who return to their home-institute after a stay at a Max-Planck-Institute. On recommendation of a Max Planck Institute these young scientists may receive a limited funding to perform their research in co-operation with the Max-Planck-Institute. Thus, partnergroups can serve as an important instrument for shaping careers in science, they might hinder brain-drain and support sustainable relations among the institutes.

Hermann von Helmholtz-Forschungszentren -

Hermann von Helmholtz-Association of National Research Centers HGF

(Annex No III b)

-  The Helmholtz-Association, in developing and evaluating its programs also insists on scientific quality on an international level, i.e. among others the following criteria are to be observed: Co-operation and networking with foreign scientific partners in concerted research are essential elements for the strategic significance of the program. The recent reorganisation of the Helmholtz-Association opens new challenges, also towards an intensification of co-operation with Polish partners. To this end a commitee was founded to analyse new possibilities and challenges for co-operation in research and development with central and eastern European countries and thus, of course, with Poland. Prof. Ganten / Berlin-Buch is Chairman of this committee. Helmholtz activities focus in the 6th framework to increase mobility of young researchers of 96 proposals for Networks of Excellence and Integrated Projects, among them 31 together with Polish partners. More extensive use shall be made of the Marie Curie Scholarship.

Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz -

Leibniz Association WGL

(Annex No: III c)

The Leibniz-Association co-operates with Polish institutes in the field of humanities, educational research; economics, social sciences and regional infrastructure research; life sciences; mathematics, natural sciences and engineering; environmental research. Leibniz-Institutes built up a scientific network through bilateral and EU projects, organize guest-scientist-programs as well as common scientific events in German-Polish co-operation. Institutes of the Leibniz-Association foster graduate and post-doc programs with Polish universities, invite Polish scientists as members of their international science councils and produce joint scientific publications. The general target of the Leibniz-Association as an organisation is the enhanced international publicity and confidence in the Leibniz Association. The newly established DAAD Leibniz fellowship program shall enhance promotion and recruitment of young scientists.

Fraunhofer Gesellschaft FhG

(Annex No III d)
Building on existing schemes and procedures for co-operation by research networks like INCREASE, strategic market analyses and strategic centers of excellence-co-operations, the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft is heading for strategic enlargement of its co-operation with Poland by consolidating and further developing existing co-operation, selecting and defining additional new potentials for co-operation with research institutions of the universities, of the Polish Academy of Sciences, non-university research units and local industries. At the same time the promotion of young scientists as well as their increased communication in international networking is a primordial target for FhG's international activities. Finally, FhG-efforts are meant to intensify joint activities within the 6th framework program of the European Union.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft -

German Research Society DFG

(Annex No: III e)

DFG maintains the training of young researchers in international co-operation as a strong priority. There are increasing efforts to realise Internationale Graduiertenkollegs - International Research Training-Groups between German and Polish universities and associated non-university research institutions. Two Polish-German Graduiertenkollegs already exist; more applications are currently being prepared. Joint research- and study-programs of such groups reveal both the excellence of the individual research sites as well as the integration of complementary expertise. The program includes joint supervision of dissertations and a 6-12 months mobility period. It is based on the principle of balance and counteracts brain drain. Setting stimulating frames for competitive contacts and co-operation among scientific communities remains one of the future main topics. In its co-operation with the State Committee for Scientific Research KBN DFG's main action items are: MOU on complementary funding and joint evaluation; with regard to the 6th EU - Framework Program: "ERA-NET-Consortium".

Following the joint conference organized by DFG and the Foundation for Polish Science FNP on the promotion of young scientists in German-Polish co-operation (Warsaw, January 2002) future joint activities presently under discussion are: A Joint thematically-focussed workshops to be held alternately in Poland and Germany on all instruments of international cooperation within the DFG portfolio; bilateral financing of preparatory activities for joint grant applications creation of a Copernicus Award for efficient contributions to the common target of the promotion of young scientists.

-  Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst -

-  German Academic Exchange Service DAAD

-  (Annex No.: III f)

To care for mobility schemes for the stimulation of the exchange of young scientists is the overall target of DAAD-programmes for academic co-operation and exchange also with Poland. Besides individual scholarships such as the Research Scholarship-Programme, DAAD-Leibniz-Scholarship-Programme, DAAD-Siemens-Masters-Programme, International Degree-Programme) there are project-related and institutional programs as the project-related exchange- of academics, the PhD-Programme and a double degree-programme. Furthermore there are complementing programmes promoting study and research in Poland for young German students and scientists.

-  Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung -

-  Humboldt-Foundation AvH

-  (Annex No.: III g)

Complementing the joint initiative of different organisations to increase the number of scientists and scholars from Germany doing research in Eastern European Countries (CEE) the Humboldt-Foundation is going to strengthen the network of Humboldtians in CEE to act as potential hosts for scientists and scholars from Germany by:

Return fellowships for Humboldtians upon their return to CEE;

Additional support for short-term-visits with Humboldtians in CEE;

Additional support for long-term-collaborations with Humboldtians in CEE;

More flexibility for granting Feodor Lynen-Fellowships to Humboldtians in CEE.

-  Hochschulrektorenkonferenz -

-  Rectors' Conference HRK

In line with the joint initiative of German higher education and research funding agencies to increase the number of students, scientists and scholars from Germany in countries of Eastern Europe the Rectors' Conference is preparing a "Higher Education Conference" with the Polish Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools (CRASP) to promote exchange of students and young researchers.

-  Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen "Otto von Guericke"

-  Center of Competence for R- & D-Support for SMEs/AiF

-  (Annex No.: III h)

AiF demonstrated its activities for R & D-Co-operation between German and Polish companies as well as between companies and R & D-institutes and possibilities for the exchange of R & D-personal. As an example for ongoing co-operative activities AiF-announced the German-Polish Co-operation Forum which shall take place in Warsaw on 7th/8th October 2002 for the following priority areas: new materials; biotechnology; medical technique; IC-technology, logistics. It is jointly organised with the International Bureau of the BMBF.