MFOA Board Meeting MINUTES

Sunday, July 10, 2016 @ 4:00 PM MCSO/EOC – Ocala, FL

Board members in attendance – A. Summers, C. Anderson, C. Dill, D. Soluri, J. Pole, M. Reece, R. Howard, Sr., R. Sergent, T. Adams, T. Lee, Sr., & W. Clayton

Board members not in attendance – D. Stewart, J. Law, M. Baas, M. Coppock, R. Sullivan, & T. Bedford

Call to Order – A. Summers @ 4:09PM

Previous minutes – T. Adams. Motion by M. Reece to accept April 2016 minutes as written/posted, 2nd by T. Lee, Sr. Motion carries.

Treasurer’s Report – J. Pole Report presented. Discussion was held. Motion by M. Reece to accept Treasurer’s Report as presented, 2nd by R. Sergent. Motion carries.

Old Business –

Web page updates – - D. Soluri. Everything is update. A few current Football documents are still being added.

MFOA Awards Banquet, MFOA Annual Business Meeting & FHSAA Summer Conference recap – T. Adams All went well with each event. A special thanks to all that came out to help with the FHSAA Summer Conference.

New Business –

FHSAA MFOA Account updates – T. Adams. Counties served by MFOA were confirmed by W. Clayton and will be submitted to FHSAA to update our account.

FHSAA Committee Manager updates – A. Summers. Committee Managers for FHSAA/MFOA have been updated and will be submitted to FHSAA and posted on the MFOA webpage.

Rules Interpreter – Terry Lee, Sr.

Recommendation – Ted Bedford

Education & Training – Reid Sergent

Evaluation – Mike Reece

Assignment – Charley Anderson

Grievance – Carl Dill

Motion by W. Clayton to accept FHSAA/MFOA Committee Managers, 2nd by C. Anderson. Motion carries.

MFOA/FHSAA Registration Update – C. Dill. Online Arbiter will go live on Monday, July 11, 2016. Paper registration packet has been available online at since July 5, 2016.

Football Kick-off Meeting – C. Dill. Scheduled for Monday, July 11, 2016 beginning at 6PM on Ocala at the MCSO EOC. C. Dill will be handling the meeting. Football Mechanics Clinic is scheduled for Saturday, August 13, 2016. Mark your calendars, location and start time is TBA. Referee Consideration forms will go out next week with voting to follow. 2016 Referee List will be completed by July 31, 2016.

Insurance – M. Reece. There is a possibility that FHSAA will carry some part of the required insurance through NHFS. This is still under discussion. A copy of the NFHS officials’ card will be scanned and sent to D. Soluri so it will be available to all MFOA officials.

2016-2017 Evaluators – M. Reece. D. VanAuker will possibly be replace due to a recent illness. Other possible evaluators;

Frank Washington –Football & Basketball
Mike Burke - Basketball and potentially some football (he was a High School coach for 14 yrs (will help)

Floyd Williams – some limited Basketball

Tim Wiggins in place for far north basketballand possibly some Football
Jeff D’Amelio - Football
Reaching out to Larry Huxley in basketball for Citrus County areas
currently seeking Baseball and Softball people

2016-2017 Webmaster & Inspector appointments – A. Summers. Motion by M. Reece for D. Soluri to retain his position as MFOA Webmaster, 2nd by W. Clayton. Motion carries. Motion by M. Reece for R. Howard to retain his position as MFOA Inspector, 2nd T. Lee, Sr. Motion carries.

Baseball News – D. Stewart, not present, none presented.

Basketball News – C. Anderson, M. Coppock, & T. Lee, Sr. C. Anderson has been in discussion with E. Thompson and F. Beasley from FHSAA in regards to basketball evaluations from the 2016 playoffs. Evaluations have been received and have been forwarded to the officials involved. We are still waiting on a DVD copy of each state game. Discussion was held in regards evaluations for the upcoming season. T. Lee, Sr. mentioned that M. Coppock will need to have a replacement to carry on the duties for the North Basketball Director position during his recuperation. T. Lee, Sr. will contact M. Coppock in regards to suggestions.

Flag Football News – R. Sergent. FHSAA was impressed with our crews that went post season. Questioned why the St. Cloud post-season game check has still not been received from the school and, therefore, the crew has yet to receive payment. A. Summers has contacted, and will contact again, the FHSAA office in regards to this problem and will get with R. Sergent with an update.

Football News – C. Dill Referee consideration forms will be available the week of July 11, 2016. An announcement will be broadcast on the Arbiter with this information and deadline. FHSAA has requested that our playoff crews be submitted prior to beginning of the 2016 Football season. Broadcasts in regards to all of this information will be forthcoming through the Arbiter. Directors will be responsible for recording the area scrimmages and clinic study meetings for the upcoming season. D. Soluri has already sent a link to the directors involved so that they are able to record attendance. Discussion was held in regards to questions that were sent out by F. Beasley/FHSAA and answers sent from our Football Directors.

Softball News – J. Law. Not present, none presented.

Other – N. Basketball Director replacement while M. Coppock recuperates. T. Lee, Sr. will take care of contacting officials who would be interested in taking on this assignment and report back to the board in August. Discussion was held in regards to the incident at the Villages Tournament with Parents/Officials. It was decided that since this was not a FHSAA/MFOA sanctioned event this incident will not be under investigation. An email reminder with a copy of the Officials’ Ethics statement will be broadcast to all of our officials as a reminder. Discussion was held in regards to adoption of the sub-varsity Football uniform shorts, gray Basketball shirts, and patches. These decisions were made at the Annual Business meeting but will be brought up again for discussion at the respective Kick-Off, Tip-Off, and First Pitch meetings. Flag Football post-season game at St. Cloud has not been paid; A. Summers has been and will be again in contact with the FHSAA in regards to payment. All Marion County schools will pay the association, except Belleview High School, J. Pole presented an idea in regards to direct deposit. Discussion was held. A form will be sent out to all of our officials. Those who would be interested in direct deposit of game fees will be able to fill out and return this form to J. Pole.

Suspensions/Fines/MFOA Incident Reports – R. Howard. Investigation into an official not showing up to a Spring Scrimmage, as well as, a Spring Game. An email was sent out with a fine to the official involved and will be paid soon. Another investigation is on going in regards to an official’s arrest.

Adjourn – Motion to adjourn by @ 6:24 by R. Sergent, 2nd by M. Reece. Motion carries.

NOTES: Next MFOA Board meeting will be held at MCSO Emergency Operations Center in Ocala beginning at 4PM on Sunday, August 14, 2016.