Ostrovskaya Elena

Contact: E-mail: Tel.: 7916680 60 59 (mobile), 7499126 48 86 (private)

Personal data: date and place of birth – 03.04.1958

Civil state: married, two daughters – twins.

Education: MoscowStateUniversity of International Relations (MGIMO), ForeignOffice, International economics faculty, Diploma with Excellency.

Foreign language skills: (Mark 1 to 5) Spanish – 5, English – 5,French– 2

Scientific degrees: PhDin World economy and International Economicssince 1988.Thesis topic: “Economic relations between Spain and EC”.

Present position:Doctorat NationalScientificUniversity - Higher School of Economics(HSE),Moscowsince December 2005. Deputy-Head of Global economic governance and European IntegrationChair.

Academic research experience: Since 1989various research positions at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO),RussianAcademy of Sciences in the European Union research department.

Education and lecturing: on ad hoc and regular basis at the National Scientific University – HSE (World economy faculty and Law Faculty), Moscow State University (Faculty of Economy), IMEMO Russian Academy of Sciences), in Madrid (Universidad de Complutense) in Sevilla (Universidad de Sevilla y Universidad de Pablo Olavide), in Swiss Business school, Lucerne University.

Business experience: Mission in Moscow of the Chamber of Commerce of Andalusia (Spain).

Mssions fulfilled:

- lecturing and organizing seminars on the following topics: international economic institutes (WTO, OPEC, OECD, UNWTO, UNDP, etc); european integration, regional trade agreements in Asia,international trade policy;

- academic advisor of Masters and Bachelorsdiplomas, term papers, projects, policy briefs;

-scientific tutor of postgraduate studies;

-negotiating to organize work experience internship for Masters of the second year and for Bachelors of the fourth year atthe Ministry of Economic Development, Russian Trade Delegations,private Russian companies;

- research in the field of global government and regional economic organizations;

- preparing manuals, test books and other papers for the students;

- author of 18 Master and Bachelor Study programs;

- grant for a study of the system of global economic governance (2008-09). Manual published;

- grant for a study of the consequences of Russian entry to OECD (ecology, energy);

- expert for the Government of the Russian Federation(2011) to develop Russian 2012 agenda for APEC.

Stages abroad:6 monthsin Russian Trade Delegation in Madrid (Spain), 2 weeks in Maastricht (EU course for high ranking officials), 3 weeks in Oslo University (Norway), 3 weeks visit to major US Universities and think tanks (2005), common projects with Swiss business school, University of Lucerne (2010-2012).

Participant and speaker at Conferences: participation indifferent conferences in Russia and abroad.

Policy briefs:participationin case studies and top ranking economic policy briefs for the government and business consultancy and advice.

Publications and research outcomes: different publications in books (chapters), magazines and newspapers on different international economic topics, including onglobal economic governance, EU economic policies, consequences of EC membership for the Southern European countries (Spain, Greece, Portugal), international trade policy.