Name / Representing / Present / Absent
Carol Kimbrough, President / Steering Committee / x
Chris Moss, 1st Vice-President / Steering Committee / x
Ann Wright, 2nd Vice-President / Steering Committee / X
Nancy Schur-Beymer, Secretary/Treasurer / Steering Committee / x
Liz Estrella, Senator At-Large / Steering Committee / X 6 B / X (late)
Tony Anderson, Past-President / Steering Committee / x
Fernando Cabrera / Adjunct Faculty - Spanish / X 3 / x (late)
Melissa Hornstein, Senator / Math/Science/Engineering / x
Jason Hough / Language/Fine Arts / x
Salina Lopez / Adjunct Faculty / x
Peggy Mayfield / Library / x
Melissa Stave / Kinesiology/Athletics, Health Ed. / x
Lisa Storm / Social and Behavioral Science / x
Steve Triano / Advanced Technology & Applied Sci. / x
( ) / Language /Fine Arts
( ) / Nursing & Allied Health
( ) / Counseling & Categorical Programs

Guests:Al Munoz, Tracey Richardson, Brian Lofman,

  1. Call to Order
  2. Adopt Agenda Motion: M/S: Moss/Mayfield Vote: Approved/Unanimous

Motion: Amendthe agenda (item 8/b).M/S: Moss/Estrella; Discussion – two thirds vote required.

Vote: Approved/ Majority – Nay – Anderson

  1. Approval of Minutes, 9/9/2014 Motion: M/S Anderson/Hough (D – amend spelling ) Vote: A/U
  2. Public Comments: None
  3. President’s Report: Carol Kimbrough presented with Brian Lofmanon Institution-Set Standards for Student Achievement.

In 2013, the ACCJC began requesting information in its annual report relative to standards for course completion rate, persistence and transfer rates to 4-year institutions. The college is required not only to report rates for these measures, but to set a standard for acceptable performance on these measures specific to the institution. A special task force was created last year comprised of the Vice-President of Instruction, the Dean of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness, the Senate President and representatives of the various shared governance constituencies. To date, the task force hasconsideredmodels that other schools have developed, how these models were selected and what levels of achievement were ultimately selected. Eventually a recommendation for developing Hartnell’s model will be considered and this model will be presented to Senate and the other pertinent college councils. Robust discussion followed on how we measure success in our student population, the involvement of Senate, and how measurements will be selected to provide information useful to the College as a whole, not just meeting the ACCJC criteria.

  1. Reports

a)Institution-Set Standards -- Carol Kimbrough/Brian Lofman (see above)

b)District Reserves Policy and Rationale – Al Munoz presented information pertinent to the budget planning process at Hartnell in support of the 20% reserve limit. Pertinent information includes the size of our district, the amount of state deferments the campus has endured, and the lack of guaranteed dollars paid on time to community colleges. Prop 30 helped with the rise in sales tax, but this support is temporary. Prop 98 levels may also help, but may not be there if a recession occurs. The goal for a 20% reserve is also based on cash flow issues in receiving apportionment dollars from the State. Traditionally October and November months are times when expenditures may exceed available cash; it takes 3.8 million dollars to cover expenses for one month -10% of budget. If we do not have adequate cash then our option is to buy Trans bonds to coversalaries and other expenses in October/November. These short term loans have high interest rates attached to them, so part of the reason to put aside a 20% reserve is so we can weather the October November months until tax payments come in—this saves money because we do not have to borrow.

FTES projection accuracy is another factor to consider. Our current FTES goal (7100) is an ambitious goal; if we do not accurately project or manage growth or decline in FTES, apportionment amounts are affected and we may not receive the budgeted amounts. Current California trends for community colleges are flat or declining. Our local high school graduation classes are expected to be flat until 2018/19. They may take off again in 2019/2020. This means apportionment may remain flat while our cost of living and doing business continues to increase (STERS – STEP increases).

There is also a desire to grow reserves to be able to weather the next recession and to consider future needs. Anticipated expenses include the new science building, possible refurbishing Merrill Hall, and other updates in the facilities master plan to support student success. Another rising expense is Health Care: it rose by 2 % in the past year but prior three years saw a 32% increase in benefit cost. Employers must add more STRS contributions immediately.

Average reserves of like- size colleges are 18.8, 16.9, 16,13, and 12%. These figures may be misleading, depending on the way the information is reported.

Questions from Senators included support for high school recruitment, the 50% Rule, Sabbaticals, and the wording of the Administrative Policy (AP 6305). If reserves dip below the 20% level, a plan to replenish the amount needed to meet the expected 20% reserve level may be implemented by the District. There is no mention of participatory governance in the implementation of this plan. Mr. Munoz stated he was “Open to language to emphasize that the number is not rigid but is a goal especially during times of fiscal stability at the State level.”

  1. Action Items

a)Faculty Committee Appointments

  1. DE Committee: Additional membership - Carol Hobson, Maj-Britt Kimm.

Motion to approve: M/S Anderson/Storm; Vote: Approved/Unanimous

  1. Full-Time Faculty Hiring Committee: Rhea Mendoza Lewis

Motion to approve: M/S Hough/Estrella ; Vote: Approved/Unanimous

b)Hiring Committee for Dean of Academic Affairs & Curriculum - Larry Adams and LaVerne Cook

Motion to approve:(M/S Schur/Moss). Discussion: these individuals have experience, skills and knowledge specific to curriculum and the discipline area needs. Names of others were offered to support diversity. In the past, HR has requested a change in Senate appointments to reflect greater ethnic diversity. The time lines for this request from HR required amending the agenda by a 2/3 vote to expedite the Senate approval process. If these names are not accepted we would respectively request the HR department to explain criteria and allow Senate more time to consider alternates.

Vote: Approved; 2 Nay Estrella, Anderson, Abstain 1 – Hough

c)Peer Evaluator Appointments (Probationary Faculty)—Consent Item

  1. Laura Fatuzzo (Physics) requests Pimol Moth (Astronomy)
  2. Sam Pacheco (History) requests Ann DeJesus-Riley (History)
  3. Mohammed Yahdi (Math) requests Ken Rand (Math)
  4. Chris Zepeda ( PE Instructor/Coach) requests David Beymer ( Athletic Trainer/PE)
  5. Michael Davis (Welding) requests Valentin Rodriguez (Diesel Technology)
  6. Burton Ward (Sustainable Design) requests Pam Wiese (CSS Instructor)

Motion: to approve items 1-6; M/S Anderson/ Mayfield; Vote: Approved/Unanimous.

d)BP/AP Review Process (Second Reading, Action)

  1. BP/AP 3280, Grants (Hornstein, Wright reviewed)

Recommendations: withhold support and ask that AS be involved in further discussions of more detailed language. Volunteer a few faculty representatives to work with a team for rewrite. Gaps in Senate review of academic program grants, probationary faculty involvement as PI, and lack of distinction between processes involving private and government-source funds.

Motion: That the Senate sends this forward as “NOTapproved,”include our rationalesin the routing slip and recommend that the Advancement Council collaborate with Senate volunteers to re-write.

M/S Schur-Beymer/Moss; Vote: Approved/Unanimous.

  1. BP/AP 4021, Establishing, Revitalizing, or Discontinuing Academic Programs (Moss, Storm)

This AP was generated from within the Senate and was approved May 2014. Carol Kimbrough, Brian Lofman, SteveTriano and Chris Moss served on the task force to write this document. The process requires a consensus approach between Academic Affairs and Senate.

Motion: approve as presented. M/S:Schur Beyer/Anderson. Vote: Approved; 1 abstention (Storm)

  1. BP/AP 4040, Library and Other Instructional Support Services (Mayfield, Estrella)

This new administrative procedure was created in consultation with our current librarians.

Motion: approve as presented. M/S Moss/Hough; Vote: Approved /Unanimous

  1. AP 4050, Articulation (Kimbrough, Anderson)

Recommendation: in consultation with our articulation officer, some language change is suggested to focus on articulation with post-secondary institutions.

Motion: approve with changes. M/S Anderson/Hough; Vote: Approved/Unanimous

  1. AP 6305 Reserves (Wright, Schur-Beymer)

Recommendation: that the Academic Senatedoes not approve the policy with current language. The Senate is open to discuss possible changes with Mr. Munoz.

Motion: to NOT approve AP 6305. M/S Moss/Hough; Vote: Approved/Unanimous

  1. BP/AP 6340, Bid and Contracts (Estrella/Stave)

Recommendations: The BPis nearly identical to other schools. The AP discusses limits,but does not talk about prequalification(as discuss in the BP). The code reference has been updated and should be changed to section 2711 A and amount has changed from $50,000 to$84,100. Another recommendation for change is to consider the duration of continuing contracts. Current language does not exceed three years; we would suggest 5 years andadd language for contracts and supplies for 3 years. Motion: to vote on BP 6340 and AP separately; M/S Hough/Schur-Beymer; Vote: A/U

Motion: approve BP 6340 as written. M/SSchur/Hough; Vote: A/U

Motion: approve AP 6340 with changes. M/S Schur/Hough; Vote: A/U

  1. AP 6346, Contract Review and Monitoring (Hornstein, Schur-Beymer)

Recommendations: this AP seeks to provide language in creating and monitoring contracts but language on monitoring is lacking; the AP does not include the principle investigator (PI) as having authority in overseeing contracts on grants.

Motion: approve AP 6346 with changes (the addition of the PI to persons that may have oversight authority) ; M/S Hough/Moss Vote: A/U

  1. AP 6350, Contracts-Construction (Kimbrough)

Recommendation: approve as presented.

Motion: approve AP 6350 as presented; M/S Hough/Stave Vote: A/U

  1. AP 6360, Contracts-Electronic Systems and Materials (Lopez, Cabrera)

Recommendation: revision to delete the statement: “Supplemental instructional packages can be taken without taking estimates or advertisements for bids as long as the services provided are supplemental instruction software.” Discussion: do we need clarification of what constitutes is supplemental instruction software?

Motion: approve AP 6360 with changes (remove the language); M/S Hough/Moss (May obtain clarification at college council meeting). Vote: A/U

  1. AP 6370, Contracts-Agreements for Services (Hornstein, Schur-Beymer)

Recommendation: approve as presented

Motion: approve AP 6370 as presented;M/S Hornstein/ Storm; Vote: A/U

  1. BP/AP 6520, Security for District Property (Cabrera, Lopez)

Recommendation: approve as presented

Motion: approve BP/AP 6520 as presented. M/S Stave/Hough; Vote:A/U

  1. BP/AP 7350, Resignations (Storm)

Recommendation: language regarding deadlines is “should” and timelines are customary: 2 weeks, 30 days, a semester.

Motion: approve BP/AP 7350 as presented.M/S Hough/Moss; Vote: A/U

e)AS Leadership Institute/Mentoring Process (Tabled)

  1. Discussion/Information Items (Tabled)

a)Academic Senate Retreat 9/20/2014 – Feedback

b)Exemplary Hartnell Programs


d)Minimum Qualifications change proposals Min Qualifications to include engineering

e)Faculty Recognition Awards

  1. Announcements (Senators)-none
  2. Adjournment at 5:15PM

(M= moved, S= seconded, A= approved, U=vote unanimous)

"In accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and SB 751, minutes of the HC Academic Senate record the votes of all committee members as follows. (1) Members recorded as absent are presumed not to havevoted; (2) the names of members voting in the minority or abstaining are recorded; (3) all other members are presumed to have voted in the majority."

1 | Academic Senate Minutes, 9/23/2014