Tietotekniikan koulutusohjelma, opetussuunnitelma 2006-2010


1.1 Computer Engineering Option

1.1.1 Description of the profession and professional skill

Information technology represents a fastly developing field of technology, the knowhow of which is needed almost everywhere. In addition to computers and mobile phones information technology is applied to things like cars, power tools, household appliances and different kinds of industry systems. Hence, information technology is developing to a kind of an so-called ubituous computing, the existence of which the user will notice mostly as an increase in the context sensitivity of a device or system, an increase in performance and as better usability.

A Bachelor of Information Technology works in designing, usage, management, maintenance, marketing, consulting and training duties related to applying information technology. The tasks are often of a project-like nature and in addition to technical knowhow, ability to work in a group, oral and literary communicative ability and language skills are among other things that are required in the profession.In the tasks of an expert that a Bachelor of Information Technology works in, it’s important to know how to independently obtain and apply new knowledge and combine the knowledge he or she obtained to find new innovative solutions. Basic abilities acquired from quality and financial thinking, environmental matters and entrepreneurship also work in favour to be successful in the profession. Also a willingness for constant improvement is very relevant in the fastly-changing operational environment of information technology.

Solutions based on wireless data transmission are a strongly-growing application area of information technology. Finland is one of the leading countries in the world in developing and applying this technology. The development of solutions based on wireless data transmission require knowledge of the functionality of long and short range radio networks, of wireless identification methods and of mobile terminal equipment application development. The knowledge of these sectors combined to, for example, a knowhow of embedded systems, electronics, software engineering and information networks,offer excellent possibilities to work in tasks of an expert in the profession now and in future.

A capable Bachelor is, with the help of the abilities he or she gained in education, able to work in various tasks of an expert in industry, trade and service sectors.

1.1.2 Knowhow as an aim of learning

The aim in the Computer Engineering Option is that the student learns to understand, utilize, plan, program and incorporate different information technology hardware, software and systems.

The goal of learning is to acquire solid basic information from different sectors of information technology and to especially evolve to a mastered expert of designing embedded systems. In addition to this, the student will be trained for future assignments by making him or her familiar with project- and teamwork, independent acquisition of information and creative thinking.

Subject matters of the Option can be roughly divided to hardware, software and telecommunications technology. In software technology, the core knowhow consists of controlling the methods, tools and techniques of application development. In hardware planning, the aim is to improve the students’ knowhow of digital and computer technology, operating systems and electronics designing. In improving telecommunications technology knowhow, operating principles, structures and transmission methods of data networks are the things that are concentrated on.

Learning how to network different kinds of teleinformatic devices to each other wirelessly and by wire are also such subjects. In designing embedded systems, the knowhow of all the aforementioned sectors is combined with the ability to produce solutions that fulfill the needs of the customer.

The most essential subject matters of the training are digital and computer technology, embedded systems, software engineering, data networks and telecommunications, mobile information technology and electronics designing.

1.1.3The Process of professional growth

The process of professional growth is expressed in the picture below.

A Bachelor of Engineering is expected to possessgood mathematic-scientific basic abilities.

An adequate mathematical knowhow is required for studying vocational subjects. This is why improving the students’ mathematic-scientific abilities is invested on in the first year of studying.Studying of the subjects shared between all HAMK students also begins on the first year.

To strengthen the student’s future occupational identity, studies on the first year also contain basic studies from different sectors of information technology, when the student will start to form a conception of what kind of tasks can be specialized on in information technology. The aim of the practical training, which takes place mostly in the summertime, is to increase the general working life abilities of the students after the first year.

Developing the knowhow of the Option’s more focal sectors (electronics, digital technology, embedded systems, programming) is invested on in the second year of studying. Things especially required from a person skilled in embedded systems are a fair knowhow of hardware, electronics and software, which is why these sectors are focal in the second year studies. In the latter periods, an introduction of the Option’s main and secondary subjects will be arranged for the students, so that the students would be prepared to choose the options that best suit themselves.

In the practical training that takes place after the second year, a part of the students are already placed in tasks more related to information technology and a part will improve their general working life skills.

On the third year, specialization takes place. Studying focuses on the thematic entities of the chosen main/secondary subject. Studying uses an increasing amount of distinct, working life-inspired examples and objectives for developing solutions accordant with the client’s needs through practical forms of studying (teamwork, laboratory work, e-learning). After the third year of studying the students are mainly in practical training tasks accordant with their own field of specialization, also by this way deepening their knowhow in the chosen field of specialization.

The Bachelor of Engineering studies culminate in the fourth year with the thesis, in which the student gets to apply the knowhow that he/she acquired -in the studies performed during the earlier years - in real working duties. The thesis is usually made in companies of the trade, according to the tehtävänantodefined by the employer and it’s very common that students are already employers of the company at this time. In the fourth year students also supplement their studies with optional study modules from supplies of their own Degree Programme or other Degree Programmes and schools or perform a part of their studies as on-the-job training.

1.1.4Study guidance and learning support

Study guidanceis an ongoing process throughout the studies in the Computer Engineering Option. The aim of guidance and learning support measures is to make it easier for students to make their personal choices, help them to advance in their studies and to prevent aborting and extending the studies.

Study guidance starts in the first year in the “Introduction to Polytechnic Studies” study module, in which the students are familiarized with the studying environment, the shool toimintakäytännöt and with the curriculum, working method aims and future line of work of their own Degree Programme. The aim is to bind the student to his/her studies, planning the studies taking optionality into account, getting to know the possibilities of internationalization in studying and in working life and development in teamwork and interaction skills. An essential part of the study module is the Evo Jamboree event, during which the students can get to know other students who have started studies in other different HAMK units and Degree Programmes in the same year.

Study guidance is continued in the second and third year in the “Research and Development Skills” study module, when the students, among other things, engage in HOPS conversations and specify their own personal progressing plan based on the experiences gained during studying and practical training.

In the fourth year, study guidance pays specific attention to advancing the thesis process and performing optional and possibly uncompleted study modules within the limits of study time.

Study guidance is answered for by the student counsellor, but the whole Degree Programme participates in learning support. In performing single study modules, especially important support people are teachers, from whom the students can seek advice and guidance, both during lessons and at guidance times separately notified of by each teacher.

The progression of studies is monitored and discussed of in Degree Programme meetings, to which the whole staff of the Degree Programme is participated in.

1.1.5The operational environment and teaching arrangements

The Option operates in modern fully renovated (in the year 2000) premises in the heart of Forssa city by the Loimijoki river. The operational environment offers an ideal setting for performing studies. Short distances, a cosy environment, a good supply of leisure services and reasonably priced housing are advantages that Forssa offers to students as a city to study in. A large part of students live in a student house which was especially streamlined for the students’ needs and where,among other things, an ADSL internet connection is included in the rent.

The classrooms and laboratories used by the Degree Programme are equipped with the newest hardware and software which are updated yearly. There are laboratories available, among other things, for studying telecommunications, data networks, mobile information technology, software engineering, digital and computer technology, embedded systems, natural sciences and hands-on electronics studying. A modern language laboratory is available for studying languages. One of the most modern electronics manufacturing learning environments in Finland, EleForss, is used for studying electronics designing, manufacturing and testing. With the manufacturing and testing devices in EleForss, students can develop products based also on their own innovations.

A well-equipped library as well as self-access spaces, from where literature and computers are found, are open for independent studying, data acquisition and e-learning. Students may also utilize separate work spaces located in different parts of the building, spaces where studies can be almost completely buried in their studies without any disturbance from the outside world.

Studyingconsists of complementary study methods. Such methods include classroom teaching, e-learning, laboratory work, practical works, projects and on-the-job studying. On-the-job studying includes practical training, on-the-job studies, projects and theses. In addition to these, the InnoForss centre of expertise, that operates in the Forssa unit,offers the possibility to perform a part of one’s studies in the midst of interesting research and development projects.

Information technology industry companies operate in the global market. English serves as the work language in many companies that operate in Finland, and company employees are required to have good language skills and cultural knowledge. Accordingly, internationality has a focal role also in the Degree Programme in information technology. Annual exchange students coming from different European countries help create an international atmosphere in the options. The amount of students arriving to the Degree Programme has in recent years been an average of 10-15 per semester, most of them arriving from Spain. A part of the degree’s study modules are executed in English and experts visiting from schools in collaboration may also be used in the execution of the study module.

Students are also urged toperform a part of their studies abroad in schools that are in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences. The aim is to have about 30 % of the students leave to go on a long (at least 3 months) student exchange. The language skills and improved cultural abilities brought in by the experience are valuable knowhow capital in the global work market.


The Starttihautomo of Forssa is a consultation service of entrepreneurship meant for students. Starttihautomo is located in the InnoForss centre of expertise that operates in contact with the Degree Programme.

Underthe guidance of Starttihautomo, the student can direct a part of his/her studies studying entrepreneurship and possibly developing the ground for his/her own future company. Studies include, among other things, compiling a business idea, a budget plan, a marketing plan and a product development plan, in addition to studying osakokonaisuudet related to product development activity and productization. Studies are based on the study option chosen by the student.

Under the guidance of Starttihautomo, the student can - as per his/her personal curriculum – perform upwards from 15 credits, at best even 90 credits worth of studies around his/her own business idea (practical training, project works, project studies, thesis, optional studies).In which case, study modules related to vocational studies and advanced special studies can amount to 15-45 credits under the personal curriculum.

Cisco Networking Academy

The Degree Programme partakes in the international CiscoNetworkingAcademynetwork. Within the network, students have the possibility to perform studies included in the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) degree. CCNA studies are performed mainly as e-learning and are executed integrated into the study modules of the Computer Networks module and as a part of the mandatory vocational studies.

In youth education, a half of the alternative vocational subject modules start in September and the other half in January. This makes possible for the student to choose any of the modules in the curriculum of his/her minor/major subject regardless of when he/she started studying.

The supply of alternative vocational subjects is updated yearly taking the changes occurred in the labour market’s knowhow need into account. Alternative vocational subjects are also put in order in accordance with the latest plan. Thus the names, contents and scales included in the alternative vocational subject modules may differ from those depicted in this plan.

In adult education, the timing of the alternative vocational subjects that will be organized is planned yearly taking into account the students’ interest for performing different modules and the groups simultaneously in execution.

1.1.6 Major and minor subjects

The collective scale of major and minor subjects is 60 credits. Major and minor subjects are chosen from the supply of so-called alternative vocational subjects. The scale of each vocational subject is 15 credits. Modules that will be included in the major and minor subject must be carried out fully. It is also possible to add single study modules from different modules to the optional studies.

In the Computer Engineering option, embedded systems or mobile information technology can be chosen as majors (scale of 30 credits).

In the embedded systems major subject option, the student learns to plan and execute processor-based systems which are used to control different kinds of devices and systems. This requires deep knowledge of computer engineering, digital circuits and planning them, processors, bus architectures, peripherals and other constituents and planning methods of computer engineering. In addition, software engineering knowhow is needed in producing embedded systems. The embedded systems (15 credits) and software engineering and programming(15 credits) modules are mandatory in the major.

In the mobile information technology major subject option, the emphasis is on developing hardware- and software-based solutions based on wireless data transfer. This requires knowledge and application development knowhow on wireless data transfer techniques, terminal devices, mobile operating systems and development platforms.Wireless M2M solutions serve as a special area of focus in the major subject option. Mandatory modules in the major subject option are mobile information technology (15 credits) and software engineering and programming (15 credits).

The following modules (minor subject, 30 credits) can be chosen to supplement the major subject:

  • Software engineering
  • Computer networks
  • Electronics design
  • Data flows and tracking (In the supply of the Degree Programme in Logistics)
  • Employment skills(In the supply of the Degree Programme in Logistics)

Another module left without use can also be chosen into a minor subject.

A minor subject can also be chosen from the supply of other degree programmes in HAMK, from the minor subject alternatives available for everyone or be performed as project studies, e.g. in Starttihautomo, InnoForss or EleForss. In the last-mentioned cases, the minor subject’s learning content, the study module scales, evaluation criteria and ways of performance are planned case-specifically.

The minor subject can also be performed as on-the-job studies in companies.

Study entities performed abroad can also be accepted into the minor subject.

Relating to choosing optional studies an annual briefing will be held for the students, in which the modules’ contents, objectives and tasks for which each module prepares for are more accurately introduced. An excursion to some of the information technology companies in the neighbouring area is tried to be arranged annually. That or a visit by people graduated from the degree programme, in which case students have the opportunity to receive real time information about the job contents and job descriptions of bachelors of engineering working in information technology duties.

1.1.7 Study structure

IN TOTAL / 240 credits
THESIS / 15 credits
Mandatoryvocational subjects 60 credits
Major subject/Minor subjects 60 credits
BASIC STUDIES / 60 credits
Common basic studies 30 credits
Field-of-study-specific studies 30 credits

Opintokokonaisuudet ja opintojaksojen kuvaukset

Koulutusohjelmien yhteiset perusopinnot

Kielet ja viestintä 15 op

Kieli- ja viestintäopintoihin sisältyvät yhteisö- ja asiantuntijaviestintä, ruotsin kieli ja vieras kieli. Opinnoissa opiskelija saavuttaa opiskelussa sekä tulevassa ammatissa ja ammatillisessa kehittymisessä tarvittavia suullisen ja kirjallisen viestinnän taitoja. Hän omaksuu valmiuksia käsitteelliseen ja kriittiseen ajatteluun ja tunnistaa omat viestinnälliset vahvuusalueensa. Hän osaa valita tarkoituksenmukaisen viestintäkanavan ja -tyylin välittäessään informaatiota ja omaksuessaan sitä työyhteisön ja yhteiskunnan jäsenenä. Hän tunnistaa myös kulttuurikohtaiset viestinnän vaatimukset ja kykenee toimimaan korrektisti monikulttuurisessa ympäristössä.