Psychology Internal Assessment—Introduction, Hypotheses, Design, Participants, Materials, Procedure—3 points each—TEST due 10/25

Title Page

  1. title with word “experiment” and both variables, student name and number, subject and level

Abstract (Skip for now.)


  1. Perspective/subject context
  2. 1st study/theoryrelevant reference
  3. Connected importance
  4. 2nd study/theoryrelevant reference
  5. Connected importance
  6. 3rd study/theoryrelevant reference
  7. Connected importance
  8. APA Internal Citations (See website for link.)
  9. Rationale/justification for investigation
  10. Replication study specifics
  11. Aim (Label this.)


  1. One tailed or two tailed
  2. Null and Its Operationalization (Label this.)
  3. Experimental and Its Operationalization (Label this.)


  1. Independent, repeated, matched
  2. Justification—why the above
  3. Experimentaland control conditions
  4. Independent variable identified and operationalized
  5. Dependent variable identified and operationalized
  6. Controls for confounding variables
  7. Ethical considerations and steps
  8. Random assignment of participants

Participants (Give as many details as possible.)

  1. Sampling technique and justification (why this sample) and random assignment intent


  1. List of in the body of the report and copied and pasted versions of informed consent, standardized instructions, stimulus material, and debriefing at end of document


  1. Development of materials and setting
  2. Ethical steps—informed consent, debriefing, etc.
  3. Bias
  4. Detailed and clear to replicate
  5. Chronological
  6. Single blind or double blind
  7. Random assignment
  8. Controls of extraneous variables—standardization, time of day, counterbalancing, order effects, demand characteristics, etc.

Psychology Internal Assessment—Introduction, Hypotheses, Design, Participants, Materials, Procedure—3 points each—TEST due 10/25

Title Page

  1. title with word “experiment” and both variables, student name and number, subject and level

Abstract (Skip for now.)


  1. Perspective/subject context
  2. 1st study/theoryrelevant reference
  3. Connected importance
  4. 2nd study/theoryrelevant reference
  5. Connected importance
  6. 3rd study/theoryrelevant reference
  7. Connected importance
  8. APA Internal Citations (See website for link.)
  9. Rationale/justification for investigation
  10. Replication study specifics
  11. Aim (Label this.)


  1. One tailed or two tailed
  2. Null and Its Operationalization (Label this.)
  3. Experimental and Its Operationalization (Label this.)


  1. Independent, repeated, matched
  2. Justification—why the above
  3. Experimental and control conditions
  4. Independent variable identified and operationalized
  5. Dependent variable identified and operationalized
  6. Controls for confounding variables
  7. Ethical considerations and steps
  8. Random assignment of participants

Participants (Give as many details as possible.)

  1. Sampling technique and justification (why this sample) and random assignment intent


  1. List of in the body of the report and copied and pasted versions of informed consent, standardized instructions, stimulus material, and debriefing at end of document


  1. Development of materials and setting
  2. Ethical steps—informed consent, debriefing, etc.
  3. Bias
  4. Detailed and clear to replicate
  5. Chronological
  6. Single blind or double blind
  7. Random assignment
  8. Controls of extraneous variables—standardization, time of day, counterbalancing, order effects, demand characteristics, etc.