Sports Premium Funding 2015/2016

What is the Sports Premium?

In March 2013 the government decided to provide additional funding of £150 million per annum to improve the provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools in England, known as The Primary PE and Sport Premium.

This funding – provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - is allocated to primary school headteachers. The funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.

At Oakfield Primary School we receive a basic funding package of £8000 per annum together with a top up which is based upon the number of children of primary age in the school.

The Purpose of Sports Premium Funding

The Sport Premium is used by the school to improve the provision and quality of PE and Sport in school and to increase participation in PE and Sport.

Sport at Oakfield Primary School

At Oakfield Primary School, we work to promote healthy and active lifestyles and aim to provide sporting opportunities for all our pupils.

Funding 2015-16

Basic allocation£8,000.00 Plus £5 per pupil £1,555.00 Total £9,555.00

Allocation of Funding 2015/16

Membership of School Sports Partnership£2,500.00 Includes SSCO support within local school cluster, range of CPD opportunities, Sports Ambassador training, Superstars programme, Lunchtime Supervisor Training, Subject Leader , support, inter school competitions.

Curriculum – Foundation Stage Scheme of Work£ 125.00

Swimming SLA£3,850.76 Additional swimming sessions provided for years1, 2 and 3.

Transport – Additional Swimming/competitions£3,079.24


Impact of Sports Premium Funding 2015/16 and Sustainability

  • Profile of PE and a healthy lifestyle has increased throughout the school, resulting in it maintaining a high status.
  • Sporting achievements and activities are celebrated on the school website and in whole school assemblies.
  • Support and CPD for Subject Lead provided by School Sports Partnership via PE forum group, and specialist support.
  • CPD for NQT – Physical Literacy and Fundamental Skills
  • Increased opportunities for years 1, 2 and 3 to take part in the swimming programme normally only offered to year 4. Ensures the majority of KS1 and KS2 children acquire the important life skills required in learning to swim and again puts a focus on leading a healthier lifestyle.By offering these sessions to years 1, 2 and 3 in addition to the statutory provision in year 4 means that children are able to build on their skills each academic year.
  • Opportunities to promote a healthy lifestyle used through school with each class taking part in the Travel Tracker Walk to School programme – this has been carried out as a whole school programme since September. The children are extremely focused on this programme as there is monthly badge reward for children being active on their journey to school. This term there has been a significant rise in the number of children receiving their reward badge each month.
  • Sport Ambassadors – 4 year 5 children selected to attend a course to promote sport within school. This encourages all the children to remain active as they then lead various sporting activities at playtime.
  • Entering competitions, festivals and cluster sporting events to open opportunities for children to try new activities and develop talents of children in particular sports, e.g. Primary Dance Showcase and Future Stars event at EIS.
  • Skip4Life – children to take part in a skipping challenge in the summer term. It encourages children to keep fit and active, even those who are reluctant to participate in sport. We will be taking part in the Skip4Life Skills Challenge which involves the children working together as a class in competition with other classes.
  • After the Skip4Life programme the children are actively encouraged to use their own skipping ropes at break times and lunchtime to practise their new skills and teacher, teaching assistants and lunchtime supervisors help with this.
  • Bikeability – a scheme to support Y6 children. It develops their skills, confidence and knowledge of road safety in order to help them to become confident when cycling on the road.
  • Sport Relief Mile activity recently undertaken by the whole school, together with other school sports activities, has resulted in children being inspired to remain more active at break times and to try and improve their overall fitness.
  • Lunchtime Supervisors actively encourage sporting activities and in are due to undertake training via the School Sport Partnership in making lunchtimes more active.
  • A full equipment audit ensures availability and quality of suitable curriculum resources throughout the school to ensure a broad teaching of sports throughout the Key Stages.
  • A number of afterschool clubs providing specialist coaching are provided such as Martial Arts, Street Dance and Gymnastics. This means that children have an opportunity to try new sports or develop skills in specialist sports.
  • Spare PE held in school ensures that all children are able to take part in their weekly PE sessions.
  • Separate to the sport funding the school employs a specialist dance teacher to cover PPA afternoons ensuring children have the opportunity to develop any dance skills that they already have and to try new styles of dance. Again encouraging children to remain more active.
  • Since the sports funding has been introduced it has been used by the school to develop the skills of the subject lead and all teaching staff to ensure the quality of teaching and learning. PE lessons are now delivered more confidently by the staff and the purchase of new equipment in recent years ensures quality PE lessons are offered.