PPG Meeting

Monday 2nd March 2015 7pm at Southwood Practice

Those Present: L Stratton, R Cuninghame, D Srivastava, B Hambleton, M Neale, K Brearley, S Siggs


  1. Review of minutes of last meeting:
  • Farnborough Poly Clinic – DS has sent information to LS for distribution as appropriate
  • Triage/telephone assessment – everyone agreed that it was working well and that patient’s understood what the service was and how to use it.
  • Effectiveness of external services – work needs to be done to promote self- help groups – further details with in these minutes .
  • DNA results – noted that the numbers had changed recently (had not been changed for some time). It was discussed about the process of writing to a patient who had not turned up and the ultimate decision to exclude a patient would be with Dr Whitfield. There are DNA policies which are on our practice booklet and website to inform patients of the process and potential exclusion if they repeatedly DNA. Since reducing the available appointments to 2 weeks ahead there was a small reduction in the DNA rate.
  • Annual survey has been completed.
  • Action plan for 2014 has been completed.
  • Electronic prescriptions are now active and most staff are trained on how to use this service
  • Minutes were all agreed
  1. Review last survey results.

All members were given a copy of the recent survey results. A very brief synopsis of the survey was made and it was concluded that with a 10% return rate on 2000 emails sent it was successful.

Main points noted in the results:

  • Patients would prefer to be emailed when learning about changes in the services we provide.
  • Promotion of self-help groups is an area that needs improvement.
  • Patients liked being reminded by text for their future appointments
  • Similarly if we needed to get hold of a patient to cancel or change a clinic, a text would be the preferred method of doing so.
  • Friends and Family Test – 44.9% extremely likely and 36.79% likely to recommend Southwood to their friends and family.
  • Overwhelming 70% would like to see a comments and suggestions box in reception
  1. Be Part of Something Important – DS.

Druv discussed proposals for commissioning services and the plan for services within the commissioning group for 2016/2017.

It was felt that although it was important we should be aware of what is being planned, at the moment the Southwood PPG would focus on what services we already had within the surgery.

DS will email LS details from CCG/locality meetings for her to circulate to the PPG members for their information.

  1. Plan for the future – all

As in previous years, a three point action plan was discussed for 2015. The group unanimously agreed that the focus would be on promoting patient self-care and self -help services.

Therefore the three point plan agreed:

  1. TV monitor in the waiting room which can be used to promote voluntary services as well as minor health advice
  2. Promoting Self-Care via the TV screen, posters in the waiting room and website.
  3. Creating a regular (quarterly?) newsletter to incorporate all of the above.
  1. AOB

Complaints feedback – LS

LS addressed two recent complaints made in the surgery.

It was agreed with complaint 1 that the surgery had acted entirely appropriately and the response given to the patient’s complaint by HGG was very satisfactory.

With complaint 2 the process of booking in a patient who is deaf was discussed. The wrong pt was originally booked but as the pt is deaf and known to the staff a message was added to the appointment slot to say ‘pt deaf please collect from waiting room’ This happened and a consultation was carried out. Only after the pt left with a prescription did the error come to light. The group felt that this was an unusual situation and that this particular incident had never happened previously.

The group accepted that there had been discussions in Practice regarding the reasons how and why this had happened and felt confident that this is a one off incident which has been discussed in depth with staff.

Blood Test Clinics

The recent disruptions to the regular blood test clinics were due to staff sickness and despite less availability it was agreed that there had been enough posters and notices in the surgery to advertise a limited service.

Services are back to normal now.

Hand Gel

Should be more obvious and signposted to use the gel.


Try, where possible, to reduce the number of magazines and the variation!

Smart Cards

It was noted that sometimes it can be tedious for the patients when receptionist has to return to the back office to collect their smart cards. LS explained that it was to do with security and connecting to the spine.


SS mentioned the amount of increasing rubbish in the area. LS explained that is was Morrisons responsibility to manage the waste in the area. SS did say that environmental health had been informed of the state of the rubbish and would be investigating further.

Medicine Review Date

BH mentioned that the medicine review date does not show on EMIS access. LS to look in to.