I. Call To Order

The regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Chaney-Monge Board of Education was held on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 in the Chaney-Monge Library. The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Mount at 7:00 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance

II. Roll Call

Present: Maves, Lopez, Miranda, Mount.

Absent: Morales, Santoro, Ward.

Others in Attendance: Superintendent Andy Siegfried, Principal Jackie Hall, Director of Business Services Mary Ann Egizio, Recording Secretary Marilyn Conger, and Teacher Representative Kim Vaccaro, and Nicole Semplinski.

III. Public Participation

Lion’s Club Students of the Month awards for March will be given out at the next meeting.

IV. Communications

Director of Business Services – None

Superintendent’s Report – Superintendent Siegfried reported on the following:

Water Pipe – The water pipe was repaired yesterday. It was about a $3,000.00 repair and if it would have busted the whole back end of the building would have been flooded. It took 2 workers and about 11 hours to repair it. The heat was turned off that night and turned back on the next morning.

Member Ward arrived at 7:05 p.m.

Principal’s Report – Principal Hall reported on the following:

Calendar items – Upcoming calendar items are AR Assembly on the 17th put together by Mrs. Waddell, Dial Testing in our building on the 17th, Thank you to Ms. Soliman for a good Kindergarten Roundup, Kindergarten Visitation in May, Ms. Hayes is coordinating the solo and ensemble coming up the 26th, couple of Field Trips are scheduled. In may we have Spelling Bee’s have been scheduled, 8th Grade Activities, and the end of the year band concert.

Mrs. Hall indicated that the CMMPA wants to sell raffle tickets at the upcoming end of year band concert with board approval. Ms. Semplinski indicated that this year they did not have a lot of fundraisers and wanted to combine the raffle with the end of year concert to make it a little more fun and exciting parents and students. So they want to try a simple raffle and just get a few businesses to donate some items and certificates to see how that goes. Superintendent Siegfried asked if there were any objections from the board, and there was not any.

Consent Agenda

Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Miranda to approve the Consent Agenda items marked: V, VI, and VII as presented. There was no further discussion.

V. Amendments to the Agenda – None.

VI. Minutes

Minutes of the March 18, 2014 Business Meeting

Minutes of the April 1, 2014 Special Meeting

VII. Financial Reports - March and Interim April bills as presented in the amount of $322,055.04.

Roll Call

Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Mount, Ward.

Absent: Morales, Santoro.

There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.


1.  LASEC – Board of Director’s Items

Motion was made by Lopez and seconded by Miranda to affirm the decisions of the LASEC Board made during the April 9, 2014 meeting as presented. There was no further discussion.

Roll Call

Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Mount, Ward.

Absent: Morales, Santoro.

There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

2. Rising Star SPED Component

Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Miranda to approve the Rising Star SPED plan as presented. There was no further discussion.


Roll Call

Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Mount, Ward.

Absent: Morales, Santoro.

There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

3. Budget FY15

Motion was made by Miranda and seconded by Ward to approve Mrs. Egizio and Mr. Siegfried to start working on the FY15 budget along with completing all the required notices as presented. There was no further discussion.

Roll Call

Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Mount, Ward.

Absent: Morales, Santoro.

There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

4. RCDTS Codes

Motion was made by Miranda and seconded by Maves to approve a resolution requesting one RCTDS code for our elementary and middle school as presented. There were no further questions.

Roll Call

Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Mount, Ward.

Absent: Morales, Santoro.

There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

5. Working Cash

No action needed during the board meeting.

IX. Information/Discussion Items

6. Additional Information –

a. Request to waive student registration fees – A request has been received from parents of Student A to waive this year’s school fees. They have supplied all documents required and a letter why they are requesting the waiver. Member Mount asked if it was an 8th grader and if it was only for this year’s fees. Superintendent Siegfried indicated yes. Superintendent Siegfried asked if there were any objections from the board, and there was not any.

b. Tree removal request – In the board packets were a quote and pictures for tree removal. Superintendent Siegfried read a letter from a homeowner indicating reasons why they are requesting to have the tree removed. Member Maves asked if it was starting to decay. Superintendent Siegfried indicated that it does not appear to be but he would look into that. Member Lopez asked to table this discussion to the next meeting. Other board members agreed.

7. Other – Mrs. Hall indicated that the first round of PARCC testing went pretty smoothly. The next round of testing will be in May for grades 5 and 8 in English/Language Arts.

X. Committee Reports – None.

XI. New Business – None.

XII. Closed Session –

Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Lopez to go into Executive Session at 7:53 PM for the reasons of personnel [5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1)] as amended by P.A. 93-0057.

Roll Call

Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Mount, Ward.

Absent: Morales, Santoro.

There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Ward to come out of Executive Session at 8:30 PM. A vote also signifies being present.

Roll Call

Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Mount, Ward.

Absent: Morales, Santoro.

There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Miranda to approve the minutes of the Executive Session.

Roll Call

Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Mount, Ward.

Absent: Morales, Santoro.

There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

XIII. Adjourn
Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Miranda to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 P.M.


Board of Education District #88


Jan Mount, Vice-President


Elizabeth Maves, Secretary

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