Computer Technology

Excel Application Test

Points Possible: 50

Part 1

1)Create the following Excel worksheet and be sure to capitalize, center, and bold as shown.

a)Make sure the title and name are on separate lines (Hint: Alt + Enter)

2)Save as Excel Test 1.

3)Make the following changes to the document:

a)Change the height of row 1 to “40”.

b)Change the height of rows 2 – 9 to “15”.

c)Change the number format to currency with no decimals.

4)Write a formula for cell D3 that subtracts Quota from Actual.

a)Copy the formula down the correct number of cells.

5)Write a formula for cell E3 that divides the Actual by the Quota.

a)Copy the formula down the correct number of cells.

b)Change the number format for % of Quota to Percent.

6)Add a Dashed Outline Border to the Work Sheet.

7)Change the font of the whole work sheet to 11-point Book Antiqua.

8)Automatically adjust the size of the columns.

9)Change the font of row 1 only to 16-point Book Antiqua.

10)Change the orientation of the worksheet to Landscape.

11)Change the left and right margins to 0.5”

12)Horizontally and vertically center the worksheet on the page.

13)Save again.


15)Change the work sheet to show formulas (Ctrl + ~).


Part 2

1)Open WorkSheet42.

This file is from Benchmark Series Microsoft Excel 2002 by Nita Rutkosky published by EMC Paradigm

2)Save as Excel Test 2.

3)Create a pie chart from the data (you choose the type of chart).

a)Make sure the chart is placed as a new sheet.

4)Add a title at the top of the chart reads:


5)Change the font of the title to 30-point NewsGothicMT(or serif font).

6)Change the font of the legend text to 18-point NewsGothicMT(or serif font).

7)Add Data Labels showing the value of each segment of the pie.

8)Move the legend to the left side of the page.

9)Save again.

10)Print only the chart.

Part 3

1)Put your printouts in order.

2)Attach the test copy to the back of your printouts.

Name: ______Number: ______

Excel – Application Test

All Parts

_____ / 2 points Print the documents

_____ / 2 points Attach Test to back of Printouts

Part 1

_____ / 2 points Create the Table

_____ / 2 points Capitalize as shown

_____ / 2 points Bold and Center as shown

_____ / 2 points A1: Student’s Nameon separate line

_____ / 2 points Adjusted Column Widths

_____ / 2 points Row 1: Height =40

_____ / 2 points Row 2-9: Height= 15

_____ / 2 points B3-D9: Number Format = $ w/no decimals

_____ / 2 points D3 Formula: Subtract

_____ / 2 points D3 Formula: Copied Down

_____ / 2 points E3 Formula: Division

_____ / 2 points E3 Formula: Copied Down

_____ / 2 points E3-E9: Number Format = Percent

_____ / 2 points Work Sheet: Font = 12-point Book Antiqua

_____ / 2 points Row 1: Font = 16-point Book Antiqua

_____ / 2 points A1-E9: Dashed Border

_____ / 2 points Landscape Orientation

_____ / 2 points Horizontally and Vertically Centered

Part 2

_____ / 2 points Create a pie chart

_____ / 2 points Title w/ Correct Text

_____ / 2 points Title: Font = 30-point News Gothic MT

_____ / 2 points Data Labels: Show Values

_____ / 2 points Legend: Move to left


_____ / 50 points