Head of Pre-Prep (and Nursery) Job Description September 2013

Principal requirements:

  • To be responsible to the Headmaster for the day to day teaching and learning, staff appraisal, internal management, organisation, and administration of the Pre-Prep Department, including the Nursery Department. (this is implied within the Pre-Prep umbrella below)
  • The role will include maintaining a high profile throughout the Holmewood community, fostering key strategies and strong relationships to promote excellence in the quality of the whole education provided, and working with the Headmaster and staff to sustain and enhance the standing of the school.
  • As part of the Senior Management Team, to assist the Headmaster in planning and implementing school policies and to undertake any other duties that the Headmaster may from time to time require.
  • To manage the EYFS to include Nursery and Reception.
  • To teach lessons with and for colleagues, as required, across all year groups, displaying a high level of professional ability as an example to new teachers, students and others.
  • To maintain a high standard of professional commitment.
  • To co-operate and liaise with fellow staff from each department for the good of the pupils and of the school.
  • To take appropriate responsibility for the health and safety of pupils, visitors and work colleagues in accordance with the requirements of legislation.
  • To contribute to the overall life of the whole school.


  • To provide a secure, stimulating and orderly environment in which pupils’ happiness, welfare and all round development can be nurtured and are central to everything we do.
  • To provide a sound foundation for pupils’ progress and to monitor this carefully and closely.
  • To ensure a wide range of activities for pupils and to give them confidence in their ability to take on new challenges.
  • To identify any children with particular educational or emotional needs and, where necessary, to make provision for them.
  • To welcome new pupils to Holmewood and to the Pre-Prep.


  • To liaise between the Headmaster and Pre-Prep staff where appropriate.
  • To be responsible for monitoring the work of the Teaching Staff and the Teaching Assistants in Pre-Prep.
  • To lead the team of Pre-Prep Teachers and assistants and encourage their continuing professional development through regular appraisal and INSET.
  • To liaise, as appropriate, with other members of staff, e.g. Head of Junior School, Deputy Head, Director of Teaching and Learning, Director of Operations, Heads of House, Heads of key departments, learning support staff.
  • To attend senior management meetings.
  • To assist in the appointment and induction of new staff.


  • To ensure that positive communication is maintained with parents through reports, parents’ evenings, letters and other informal opportunities.
  • To maintain a high profile and to earn a reputation for accessibility and presence within the settings.


  • To effect the continuing development of a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum.
  • To ensure that schemes of work are regularly updated and policy documents are reviewed.
  • To oversee the delivery of the curriculum in line with school philosophy.
  • To ensure that all appropriate records are kept and to monitor the use of records to inform planning and target setting.
  • To keep abreast of current educational thought.


  • To keep the Headmaster aware of events in Pre-Prep, through attendance at weekly meeting, Senior Management meetings and other opportunities, as appropriate.
  • To co-ordinate the Pre-Prep academic and administrative timetables.
  • To deploy teaching and non-teaching staff in an efficient manner.
  • To organise appropriate cover within Pre-Prep in the event of illness, training and rescheduling.
  • To ensure the efficient management of available resources.
  • To ensure use of best practice in record-keeping including the use of the PASS/3Sys database.
  • To monitor and oversee the ordering, maintaining and updating of resources within the department.
  • To ensure the efficient management of the annual budget for the department.
  • To delegate as necessary and appropriate to ensure that the department fulfils the requirements of the whole school policies.
  • To prepare class lists as required.
  • To produce an extensive Pre-Prep calendar of events on a termly basis.
  • To organise educational and recreational outings and visits from speakers.
  • To have responsibility for the organisation and delivery of Pre-Prep specific events such as plays, concerts, parents’ evenings, curriculum evenings, galas et cetera.

To carry out any other duties that from time to time might reasonably be requested by the Headmaster or his delegated deputy.

Job Description Head of Pre-Prep Sept 2013Page 1