Geography GCSE

Terms 1 & 2 Restless Earth
Lesson / Objectives / Scale & case studies / Numeracy/literacy focus & key terms / Skills / Resources
1 / Why is the earth’s crust so unstable? / To know the structure of the Earth
To understand the crust is unstable, especially at plate margins
To contrast oceanic and continental crust
To describe the distribution of plate margins and tectonic activity / Global / Literacy focus
Key terms: Crust, plate, plate margin, mantle, oceanic crust, continental crust, convection currents, destructive-subduction boundary, destructive-collision boundary, constructive boundary, conservative boundary / Labelling atlas maps
Annotating diagrams
Independent Enquiry
Description / Exam Technique describing distributions (sheet), How the Earth was formed (clip), Layers of the Earth (rap), The Plates (sheet), The Structure of the Earth (sheet), ppt
2 / What happens at plate margins? / To know what happens at a destructive-subduction, constructive and conservative margins
To understand how plate margins create different types of tectonic activity / International
Juan de Fuca plate, North American plate, Pacific plate, San Andreas Fault / Literacy focus
Key terms: subduction, ocean trench, mid-ocean ridge, volcanic islands, collision, fault, friction / Labelling diagrams
Reflective Learning
Explanation / How plates move (clip), Mid-Atlantic Ridge (clip), Plate boundaries diagrams (ppt), ppt
3 / How are our highest and deepest places created? / To know how and why fold mountains form at collision boundaries
To know how and why ocean trenches form at destructive subduction margins / International
The Alps
Mariana Trench & Challenger Deep / Literacy focus
Key terms: geosyncline, collision boundary, destructive-subduction boundary, / Atlas maps
Labelling diagrams
Reflective Learning
Description / How do mountains form (sheet), world map, ppt
4 / How do people use an area of fold mountains? / To know how people use areas of fold mountains
To understand how people adapt to the difficult conditions within them / Regional
The Alps, Livigno, Italy / Literacy focus
Key terms: mining, adits, transhumance, valley farming, hydro-electric power, alpine infrastructure, hairpins, snow sheds, avalanche gates, controlled avalanche detonation / Independent enquiry
Explanation / Fête de la Transhumance (clip), Human activity in fold mountains (sheet), Human Planet Controlled Avalanche Detonation (clip), Human Planet Sulphur mining in fold mountains (clip), Hydroelectic Power - How it Works (clip), ppt
Independent Study / To create an account on life in Livigno, Italy, The Alps. How were the Alps created? How do people use the mountains? How have generations adapted to life in fold mountains?
5 / How and where are volcanoes created? / To know the features of a volcano
To contrast composite volcanoes with shield volcanoes.
To link volcanic activity to the type of plate margin / National
Mount St Helens, USA
Mauno Loa, Hawaii / Literacy focus
Key terms: Vent, composite volcano, andesite, shield volcano, basalt / Labelling and drawing diagrams Annotation / Composite shield factsheet (sheet), Composite volcano eruption Merapi Indonesia (clip), Exam Technique Annotation (ppt), Features of a Volcano (sheet), Pyroclastic_Flow_movie (clip), Shield volcano eruption Kileaua Hawaii (clip), volcano classification (sheet), ppt
6 / How do volcanoes affect people? / To know where volcanoes are found
To understand the causes of the Mount St Helens eruption
To distinguish between the primary and secondary effects
To appreciate both the positive and negative impacts
To distinguish between the immediate and long term responses to the eruption / National
Mount St Helens, Washington State, USA / Literacy focus
Key terms: Composite volcano, cryptodome, lateral blast, pyroclastic flow, ash, lahars, tourism, USGS / Independent enquiry
Explanation / Mount St Helens Classifying (sheet), Mount St Helens Iain Stewart (clip), Mount St Helens Pyroclastic flows explained (clip), ppt
7 / How can we monitor volcanoes and predict eruptions? / To reflect on the positive impacts of volcanic events
To know the ways volcanologists can monitor and predict volcanic eruptions
To understand that USGS are responsible for the monitoring of Mt St Helens, and the way they do this / National
Mount St Helens, Washington State, USA / Numeracy focus
Key terms: USGS, seismograph, seismogram, COSPEC, tiltmeters, digital cameras, thermal imaging / Independent enquiry
Explanation / Monitoring of Mt St Helens capture sheet (sheet), Mount St Helens USGS monitoring 2004 (clip)
Independent Study / To create a report on the eruption of Mt St Helens, Washington State, USA. To outline the causes, primary effects, secondary effects, positive impacts, immediate responses and long-term responses. How do USGS predict and monitor the volcano today?
8 / What is a supervolcano? / To know what a supervolcano is and how it differs from composite and shield volcanoes
To understand the potential impact of a supervolcanic eruption in contrast to a volcanic eruption / National
Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming, USA / Literacy focus
Key terms: caldera, fissures, geothermal, geyser, hot spot / Labelling diagrams
Reflective Learning
Sketch map / 2012 Super Volcano Eruption (clip), Mega Disasters- Yellowstone (clip), Supervolcano Video Notes (sheets), supervolcano (sheet), ppt
9 / What are earthquakes and where do they occur? / To know the features of an earthquake and how they are measured
To describe where earthquakes occur and understand why they occur at constructive, destructive and conservative margins / Global / Numeracy focus
Key terms: Focus, epicentre, shock waves, Mercalli scale, Richter scale / Atlas maps
Sketch diagrams
Describing seismograms / California Quake (clip), Christchurch Earthquake (clip), ppt
10 / What were the causes, effects and responses to the Kobe earthquake? / To understand the causes, effects and responses to the Kobe earthquake in Japan
To explain the ways that engineers in Kobe have tried to reduce the impact from earthquakes / National
Kobe, Japan / Literacy focus
Key terms: Destructive subduction, shallow focus, epicentre, CBD, liquefaction, Nojima fault, Hanshin Expressway, suburbs / Independent enquiry
Synthesis / Kobe Japan (sheet), Kobe what were the causes of the damage (ppt), student slides (ppt), Seconds from Disaster (documentary), ppt
11 / What were the causes, effects and responses to the Port au Prince earthquake? / To understand the causes, effects and responses to the Port au Prince earthquake in Haiti
To understand why the country’s responses were so slow and uncoordinated / National
Port au Prince, Haiti / Literacy focus
Key terms: Conservative, shallow focus, epicentre, CBD, liquefaction, cholera, temporary accommodation / Independent enquiry
Synthesis / Al Jezeera (documentary), student slides (ppt), ppt
12 / Why is a tsunami hazardous? / To know how a tsunami forms at a destructive subduction boundary
To understand how a tsunami wave changes as it approaches land
To explain the causes, and describe the effects and responses to the Japanese tsunami in 2011 / National
Sendai & Fukushima, Japan / Literacy focus
Key terms: Tsunamigenesis, destructive subduction, megathrust, drawback, train, epicentre, nuclear meltdown / Independent enquiry
Synthesis / 3D Animation showing Formation of a Tsunami (clip), How the 2011 Japan tsunami happened (clip), Japan tsunami (clip), Youtube – shopping shelves (clip), receded ocean (clip), ppt
Independent Study / To create a report comparing the Port au Prince and Kobe earthquakes. Contrast the causes, primary effects, secondary effects, positive impacts, immediate responses and long-term responses of the earthquakes. To describe how the effects and responses were different. To understand why the effects and responses to earthquakes are different in countries at different stages of development.
Terms 2 & 3 Population Change
Lesson / Objectives / Scale & case studies / Numeracy/literacy focus & key terms / Skills / Resources
1 / How does population grow? / To describe the growth in global population
To know how to calculate population change by country
To understand how to interpret population change calculations and compare countries / Global / Numeracy focus
Key terms: Zero growth, natural decrease, natural increase, exponential growth, birth rate, death rate, life expectancy, J shaped curve, S shaped curve / Labelling graphs
Numerical manipulation
Calculation / 7 Billion How Did We Get So Big So Fast (clip), 7 Billion National Geographic (clip), Population Introduction (sheet), Population (clip), ppt
2 / What are the major factors affecting population growth? / To know the affect agricultural change, urbanisation, education, standards of living and emancipation of women has on population growth / Global/national / Literacy focus
Key terms: Agriculture, mechanisation of agriculture, rural to urban migration, education, standards of living, emancipation of women / Independent enquiry
Synthesis / Emancipation of women, family & birth rate (documentary), Farmers Benefit Through Mechanization (clip), population terms (cards), major factors affecting population growth (sheet), ppt
3 / What is the demographic transition model? / To know the trends in the demographic transition model
To understand how to interpret the demographic transition model / Global/national / Numeracy focus
Key terms: High fluctuating, early expanding, late expanding, low fluctuating, natural decrease / Labelling & interpreting graphs
Synthesis / Demographic Transition Model_The Stages (sheet), Living Graphs Teacher (sheet), ppt
4 / What countries are in the different stages of the demographic transition model? / To know example of countries at each of the demographic transition model
To understand the characteristics of each stage of the demographic transition model
To use the model to compare the situations of different countries / National
The Matis, Amazonia
France / Numeracy focus
Key terms: Indigenous tribes, Shariah Law, contraception, newly industrialising countries, developed countries / Independent enquiry
Labelling & interpreting graphs
Synthesis / Afghan farmers growing poppies to survive (clip), ppt
5 / What are population pyramids? / To know the features of a population pyramid
To know how to construct a population pyramid
To be able to interpret population pyramids / - / Numeracy focus
Key terms: Age structure, gender structure, apex, base, economically active, elderly dependents, young dependents / Drawing & interpreting graphs
Synthesis / Constructing Population Pyramid (sheet), ppt
6 / How do we use population pyramids? / To use population pyramids to give characteristics of a population
To be able to use population pyramids, alongside the demographic transition model to predict likely future changes in a population / National
India / Numeracy focus
Key terms: Gender skew, infant mortality, child mortality, dependency ratio / Interpreting graphs
Synthesis / Ppt
7 / Why was the One Child Policy introduced and how was it enforced? / To know the reasons why the One Child Policy was introduced in 1979
To know what is meant by an anti-natal policy
To understand the severity of the rules imposed / National
China / Literacy focus
Key terms: Anti-natal policy, overpopulation, famine, forced abortion / Independent enquiry
Explanation / Forced Abortions in China (clip), One Child Policy – China (clip), ppt
8 / How has the One Child Policy changed and has it been successful? / To know how the One Child Policy has changed since the 1990s
To understand the consequences of the One Child Policy and whether the population is more sustainable today / National
China / Literacy focus
Key terms: Little Emperor syndrome, infanticide, gendercide, gender skew, ageing population / Graphical interpretation Independent enquiry
Explanation / 37 Seconds (clip), One Child Policy (sheet), Two Child Policy – China (clip), ppt
Independent Study / To create a report on the One Child Policy.
9 / What alternative birth control programmes exist? / To understand that birth control programmes do not take the same approach
To understand the problems of overpopulation in Jakarta, Indonesia, and the need for transmigration
To know how the emancipation of women and education of adults in Kerala, India has lowered birth rate
To compare China’s One Child Policy with Kerala’s alternative policy / Regional
Jakarta, Indonesia
Kerala, India / Literacy focus
Key terms: Transmigration, emancipation, equality, adult literacy / Map annotation
Reflective learning
Comparison / Kerala India. BBC Horizon (clip), Transmigration in Indonesia (clip), ppt
Independent Study / To create an informative poster comparing the One Child Policy to Kerala’s alternative policy.
10 / What are the issues and opportunities for an ageing population? / To know the ways in which an ageing population is different from a younger population
To understand the demands on a country that has an ageing population
To understand how, as the proportion of elderly people increases, the costs to the government increase dramatically / International
European Union
France / Literacy focus
Key terms: Elderly dependents, dependency ratio, ageing population, health care, social services, pensions. / Graphical interpretation Independent enquiry
Description Comparison
Explanation / A - Old Folks video – YouTube (clip and lyrics), Homer in Old Peoples Home (clip), ppt
11 / How has France tackled the problems of an ageing population? / To explain why France has an ageing population and an unfavourable dependency ratio
To understand the pro-natal policy that France introduced and describe its incentives / National
Laviano, Italy / Literacy focus
Key terms: Elderly dependents, dependency ratio, ageing population, incentives, pro natal policy / Independent enquiry
Explanation / Ageing of Europe (sheet), France (clip), Global Ageing (clip), Laviano (sheet), ppt
Independent Study / To create a report on France’s pro-natal policy.
12 / What are the impacts of economic migration within the EU? / To know that migration is a result of decision making push and pull factors
To understand that economic migration can have positive and negative impacts for both the destination country and the country of origin / National
Poland / Literacy focus
Key terms: Economic migrant, destination country, country of origin, gender skew, brain drain / Independent enquiry
Explanation / Poland economic migration to the UK (sheet), Polish people in the UK (clips x3), ppt
13 / What are the impacts of refugee and economic migration into the EU? / To explain why refugee movements to the EU occur
To understand that refugee and economic migration can have positive and negative impacts for the destination country / National
Malta / Literacy focus
Key terms: Refugee, asylum seeker, international migration / Independent enquiry
Explanation / Three Kings (DVD),
Panorama: The Libya Route (DVD), ppt