Sunday 30 July 2017



Hope Hall,Main Road, Hope, Richmond, Nelson

6 Rings - Pedigree, Domestic and Companion

ALL ENQUIRIES TO: Rose Boulton, , Phone 03 5423993, Mobile 027 724 7708.

This is a six (6) ring open show with club appointed Judges, Handlers and Stewards, except in the case of possible UTH, vetting will be in cage and is held under the Rules and Bylaws of the NZCF Inc. Copies of NZCF Show Rules and Bylaws are available on the downloads page of the NZCF website

Judging Schedule

Ring 1 / Ring 2 / Ring 3 / Ring 4 / Ring 5 / Ring 6
Marion Yates Schiff / Laurie Schiff / Lesley Morgan Blythe / Sandi
Gemmell / Janis
Christison / Roy
USA / USA / Australia / Australia / Australia / New

PLEASE NOTE: Marion and Laurie have never judged in NZ or Australia and Sandi has never judged in NZ. None of our judges are being shared.


The Judging Schedule may be subject to change depending on the number of entries

Show Officials
Show Manager / Robbie Twort / 0276522222
Assistant Show Manager / Bill Boulton / 03 5423993
Show Secretary / Rose Boulton / 03 542 3993
027 724 7708
Assistant Show Secretary / Pam Coltman / 03 544 8347
021 2641143
Show Treasurer / Rose Boulton / 03 542 3993
027 724 7708
Entry Clerk (All Sections) / Marg & Dave Harris
7 Birdling Place, Halswell, Christchurch8025 / 03 3228978

Show IT / Dave & Marg Harris
Judges Hostess / Loraine Craw / 03 546 6511
Health & Safety / Sheryl Twort/O’Meara / 0278255005
Floor Warden / Bill Boulton / 03 5429393

Schedule of Fees

EARLY BIRDENTRIES CLOSE. 8th June 2017. $12.00 per ring per exhibit.

(Must enter in all rings and have the funds in the Nelson Cat Club Inc. bank accountor in the hands of the Entry Clerk by early bird closing date of 8 June 2017. This will not be wavered on.)

FINAL ENTRIES CLOSE. 7 July 2017.$14.00 per ring perexhibit.

NZCF BENCHING FEE.$5.00 per ring for first exhibit only

CATALOGUE.$7.00 with entry but $10.00 on show day.

Cheques.Please make all cheques payable to: Nelson Cat Club Inc.

Internet Banking Bank Account Number 03-0703-0463781-00. Please put your name as a reference.

Please send all entries to:

Marg & Dave Harris

7 Birdling Place, Halswell, Christchurch 8025


Absolutely no entry money will be refunded.

Show Timetable

7.00am / Hall Opens
7:15am / In Cage Vetting
7:45am / Hall Cleared for final Vet Check
8:00am / Judges Introduction/ Health & Safety
8:15am / Judging Commences
9:00am / Show Opens to the Public
5:00pm(approx.) / Show Closes

Top Ten presentations will be made throughout the day.

Please note that for a cat to be eligible for any NZCF Awards or Titles the owner must be a member of the NZCF

AWARDS: - Subject to entry numbers.







Please note there may be STUDENT JUDGESon the floor doing practical assignments. Ifyou donotwishtohaveyourcats tobeincludedin hands onassignments pleasenotify the Entry Clerk

Schedule Of Classes

Registered Exhibits

Breed Classes: In classes 1 - 74 except for age and NZ Bred which may be in competition across the breed exhibits compete only against those of the same colour or breed numbers and a separate class shall be provided for each colour or breed number

Class / Male / Female / Neuter / Spay
Open cat (challenge class)
Junior cat (9 months to 2 years)
Intermediate cat (2 to 5 years)
Senior cat (5 to 7 years)
Veteran cat (7 years and over)
NZ Bred cat
Open kitten (no challenge)
Kitten 4 to 6 months
Kitten 6 to 9 months
NZ Bred kitten / 1
14 / 21
34 / 41
54 / 61

Type Classes

Class / Male / Female / Neuter / Spay
Open Cat Type
Open Kitten Type / 101
111 / 121
131 / 141
151 / 161

In classes 101-171, exhibits compete against ALL exhibits in the same section and division i.e. Longhair or Short-hair. Judging takes into account only the shape or TYPE of exhibits, but NOT coat, colour, condition or eye colour.

Schedule ofClasses

Companion Cats

Class / Neuter / Spay
Open cat
Junior (9 months to 2 years)
Intermediate (2 to 5 years)
Senior (5 to 7 years)
Veteran (over 7 years)
Open kitten
Kitten 4 to 6 months
Kitten 6 to 9 months / 41
53 / 61

Domestic Cats

Class / Neuter / Spay
Open Cat
Junior (9 months - 2 years)
Intermediate (2 - 5 years)
Senior (5 -7 years)
Veteran (over 7 yrs)
Open Kitten
Kitten 4 - 6 months
Kitten 6 - 9 months
Child’s Pet / 41
90 / 61

Domestic & companion cats definitionsLonghair has a coat of MORE than 3cm long (approx 1 inch) and stands out from its body when brushed forwards. Hair on tail may stand out like a plume.

Short hair is not easily brushed forward, may be flat and sleek or dense but not flowing.

Please Note: A cat or kitten entered in the Domestic Section of a Show, which has some known pedigree, or when benched, has a phenotype or appearance of any pedigree cat, will be transferred from the Domestic Section to the Registered Companion Cat Section of that Show by the Show Secretary and/or the Show Manager in consultation with the exhibitor/owner, or agent, with the registration number shown in the marked catalogue as “pending”.

Domestic & companion cats entry eligibility

1) All companion cats or kittens must be desexed (neutered or spayed)

2) All Domestic Cats or kittens must be desexed (neutered or spayed)

3) All kittens must hold a current vaccination certificate with the most recent vaccination being dated at least seven (7) days prior to the show.

Please ensure you have your current vaccination certificate with you.

4) Exhibits entering the Companion Cats Section must meet the criteria of Rule 6 of the NZCF Registered Companion Cats Section and not have been awarded an NZCF title above Champion or Premier as an NZCF registered exhibit (unless dispensation has been given by the Executive Council). If unsure whether your cat/kitten is eligible to be shown in the Registered Companion Cat section, please contact the Show Secretary for guidance.

Information For Exhibitors

You bring to the show
  • This schedule
  • Your cat/kitten in a carry cage or box
  • Toilet container (shoebox size)
  • Bedding of any colour for exhibit tosit on
  • Vaccination Certificate for kittens
/ We Provide
  • The show cage for your exhibit
  • Kitty Litter for toilet

General Information

Show Secretary. Rose Boulton 03 542 3993 or 027 724 7708

Treasurer. Rose Boulton 03 542 3993 or 027 724 7708

Privacy Act Your address will be printed in the catalogue unless you indicate on your entry form that you do not wish this to be done.

Entry Forms Please supply a contact telephone number on your entry form. In addition, would visitors to Nelson please provide a contact telephone number for the show day? If, for any reason, there is a query regarding any entry received, the Exhibitor must be prepared to accept a collect telephone call from the Entry Clerk. Please provide a stamped addressed envelope if you wish your receipt to be posted prior to Show Day. Please check your entry carefully before posting. Absolutely no entry money will be refunded.

Vetting: Will be in cage. By-Laws 9.3(b) Exhibits may be Ultra Violet lamped. Vaccination certificates to be presented on request. ALL kittens’ vaccination Certificates WILL be required to be sighted before the exhibit may be benched.

Please ensure you have your current vaccination certificate with you.

Cages and kitty litter will be supplied by the Club. Exhibitors must supply litter tray, bedding and cage decorations. Coloured curtains and towels are acceptable.

Large Cages Any exhibitors who require larger cages will need to supply own cages and covers. Please contact the Assistant Show Manager – Bill Boulton 03 542 3993 for available times for setting up.

Catering: Catering at the venue will be running throughout the day.


Cat Friendly Accommodation can be found on our updated web page Nelson Cat Club Inc.

The conditions are strictly that cats will be allowed if they are kept in collapsible cages, which will be placed on the uncarpeted areas or on tarpaulins/plastic sheeting. When booking please state that you will be bringing cats.


Nelson Taxis03 5488225/0800 108855

Sun City Taxis.03 5482666

Catteries:These can be found on our web page Nelson Cat Club Inc.

This show is held under the Show by-laws of NZCF (Inc) which may be obtained from the NZCF Website:

A copy of the Show by-laws will be available at the show to read. All exhibitors are deemed to have agreed to abide by the Show By-laws and these Instructions and Regulations. Your signed entry form binds you to these by-laws. The National Show Management Team reserves the right to refuse entries and to amend prize lists.

Show by-law: 4.3 (a) (i) any registered cat exhibited at a Show held pursuant to these Show Bylaws shall be entered in the Show in the name of its breeder or the person or persons to whom it has been transferred or leased, prior to the date of the Show, as exhibitor. (ii)This Show Bylaw shall be printed in all Club Show Schedules, or on all Club show Entry Forms. (b) If the new owner or lessee of any exhibit is penalised at a Show by the breeder’s breach of any of these Show Bylaws, then the Executive Council may allow any awards won by the cat at that Show, depending on the circumstances of the case.

Show by-law:9.1 No exhibitor shall exhibit a cat which to their knowledge has, at the date of the Show, been exposed to any infectious or contagious illness, disease, infection or contagious or parasitic illness, or infection within a period of 21 clear days prior to the date of the Show and no cat shall be exhibited if the exhibitor has had any such illness in his or her cattery during such period. If in the opinion of the Show Committee or any other person, an exhibitor is in breach of the above; such case shall be reported immediately, in writing, to the Executive Council Secretary.

Exhibits must be brought to the Show in boxes or carry cages NOT in arms, on a leash or in a blanket. The Club accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to exhibits, boxes or carry cages but will take every care to prevent accident or injury to any exhibit or property. Exhibits should have claws clipped before benching.

Cage numbers, receipts and exhibitors’ passes are obtained from the Tally Clerks at the Exhibitors entrance, after kitten vaccination certificates are checked and before the exhibits are caged. It is your responsibility to place each exhibit in its correct cage. Cages and kitty litter will be supplied. The exhibitor must supply litter tray, bedding and cage decorations. If you are not decorating your cage, please supply bedding of any colour. Covered hotties are optional.

Vaccination Certificates for all Kittens must be shown to the Tally Clerk

before benching. The certificate should be at least 7 days old and not more than six months. Failure to produce a certificate will mean your kitten will be refused admission to the Show. Vaccination certificates for other exhibits to be presented if requested. SEE SHOW RULE 5.6 (f)

Exhibits must have clean ears, coats free from mange, ringworm & fleas etc. A Veterinary Surgeon will examine each cat/kitten in its cage after benching.

Exhibits may be lamped for ringworm. Please stay in sight of your cage/s in case the Vet has a query about your cat or kitten. When your exhibit has been vetted, a coloured sticker will be placed on your exhibit’s cage card. Only those exhibits cleared by the Veterinary Surgeon may remain in the show venue. Any exhibit declared unfit for exhibition will receive a NZCF Veterinary Rejection Certificate, must be removed from the venue immediately and its entry fee forfeited. The examining Veterinary Surgeon’s written rejection is final; NO correspondence will be entered into.

NO SMOKING allowed in the venue. Feeding of the exhibits is permitted only after Judging.

“For Sale” notices are not allowed on cages. Aerosols and spray cans are not to be used in the show hall. Powder may not be applied and/or removed from an exhibits coat in the vicinity of the cages.

Exhibits are not to be removed before 5pm. Exhibitors without written consent, breaching this rule, will forfeit all awards. Following the show please clear your cage of any loose litter. Place in rubbish bags or bins nearby.

The Management Team reserves the right of admission to the Show. Persons behaving in an unseemly manner will be asked to leave the premises. Any Person acting in a manner, which in the opinion of the Show Manager is likely to affect the procedure or the impartiality of the judging, will be asked to leave the vicinity of the judging. Caregivers are held responsible for the supervision of accompanying children.

The Show Management Team will not be responsible for prizes which are not collected on Show Day by winning owners/agents.