7th Grade Science Common Assessment

Study Guide


1.  Scientific method: Question, Hypothesis, Procedures, Observations, Data, Conclusion

2.  Dependent and independent variables

3.  Constant and controlled variables

4.  Explain why multiple trials are done on an experiment.


1.  Be able to define the following terms, describe their importance to the ecosystem, and give examples:

a)  Producer e) Food web i) Predator m) niche

b)  Consumer f) Food chain j) Prey n) habitat

c)  Decomposer g) Native species k) Primary consumer o) ecosystem

d)  Environmentalist h) Invasive species l) Secondary consumer p) population

2.  What does an energy pyramid show?

3.  Name the levels of the environment.

4.  You have been given two rabbits (1 male and 1 female). They are put in an enclosed area.

a.  What 4 basic elements are needed in the habitat for the rabbits to prosper? (Think: “Oh Deer” game)

b.  What happens to the population of rabbits when there is no predator present?

c.  What is it called when the habitat can only support a maximum population?

d.  What type of graph would be used to display this type of growth over time?

e.  Explain limiting factor. What might be a limiting factor to the rabbit population growth?

f.  If you introduced a predator, what would happen to both populations?

5.  What type of impact do humans have on wildlife habitats?


1.  Be able to define the following terms: PLATE TECTONICS

a)  Inner Core

b)  Outer Core

c)  Mantle

d)  Crust

e)  Lithosphere

f)  Asthenosphere

g)  Tectonic Plates

h)  Continental Drift

i)  Pangaea

j)  Convection

k)  Convection Currents

l)  Theory of Plate Tectonics

m)  Rift Valley

n)  Hot Spot

o)  Subduction

p)  Convergent boundary

q)  Divergent boundary

r)  Mountains

s)  Alfred Wagner

2.  What are Earth’s layers? Which layer involves plate tectonics? Explain the process of how these plates move. Describe what is created and how it is created when they move.

3.  Be able to define the following terms: ROCK CYCLE

a)  Rock

b)  Rock cycle

c)  Igneous rock

d)  Metamorphic rock

e)  Sedimentary rock

f)  Intrusive igneous rock

g)  Extrusive igneous rock

h)  Foliation

i)  Weathering & Erosion

j)  Compaction & Cementation

k)  Heat & Pressure

4.  What is the rock cycle? Explain the three different types of rocks. How do they form? What processes do they go through to become something different? Which rock type is most common on Earth’s surface?

5.  What type of rock is formed from fossils (hint: marine organisms)? From ancient plants? From clay?

6.  Be able to define the following terms: VOLCANOES & EARTHQUAKES

a)  Volcano

b)  Magma

c)  Lava

d)  Pyroclastic flow

e)  Fault

f)  Stress

g)  Earthquake

h)  Seismic wave

i)  Primary wave

j)  Secondary wave

k)  Focus

l)  Epicenter

m)  Seismograph

n)  Aftershock

o)  Tsunami

7.  Explain erosion.

8.  Be able to define the following terms: MINERALS

a)  Mineral

b)  Crystal

c)  Streak

d)  Luster

e)  Cleavage

f)  Fracture

g)  Density

h)  Hardness

9.  What scale is used to determine a mineral’s hardness? How is it organized?

10.  Why do we mine for minerals? What are some uses of different minerals?


1.  Be able to define the following terms: SPACE

a)  Revolution

b)  Rotation

c)  Seasons

d)  Equinox

e)  Solstice

f)  Mare (Maria)

g)  Eclipse

h)  Orbit

i)  Constellation

j)  Solar System

k)  Galaxy

l)  Universe

2.  Where did our moon come from? Explain.

3.  Why can we only see one side of the moon? Explain phases of the moon.

4.  List 8 major phases of the moon.

5.  What causes the tides, how often do they occur?

6.  What causes seasons? What happens during the Vernal & Autumnal Equinox? Winter & summer Solstice?

7.  Do the seasons differ between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres? Explain.

8.  How many planets are in our solar system today? What happened back in 2006 to Pluto?

9.  Describe what is a constellation?

10.  Planet - Solar system – Galaxy - Universe