Category / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Introduction / All questions were answered completely and rationales for the answers were clearly stated. / All questions were answered completely, but rationales for all the answers were not clearly stated. / Not all questions were answered completely, or greater than 2 rationales for all answers were not clearly stated. / All questions were not answered completely.
Diagram / Diagram clearly lists all organs and their functions of the body system and is accurately labeled. / Diagram clearly lists all organs and most of their functions of the body system are accurately labeled. / Diagram does not clearly list all organs and their functions of the body system and are not labeled correctly. / Diagram is poorly done and fails to list all organs and their functions of the body system.
Process Teamwork / It is evident that all members of the group participated in the presentation. The presenters maintained eye contact with the audience and presented in a clear fashion. / It is evident that all members of the group participated in the presentation. The presenters mostly maintained eye contact with the audience and presented in a clear fashion. / Only one member of the group participated in the presentation. The presenters mostly maintained eye contact with the audience and mostly presented in a clear fashion. / The group showed no effort of collaboration. The presentation was not clear and easy to follow.
Grammar, Format, and Spelling / The final body of work was free of grammar, spelling, or formatting errors. / The final body of work had 1-2 errors related to grammar, spelling, or formatting errors. / The final body of work had 3-5 errors related to grammar, spelling, or formatting errors. / The final body of work had 6 or more grammar, spelling, or formatting errors.
Design / The Power Point included all sections and was easy to follow and did not include any unnecessary graphics or animations. / The Power Point included all sections and was mostly easy to follow and did not include any unnecessary graphics or animations. / The Power Point was missing one or two sections and was easy to follow and contained a few unnecessary graphics or animations. / The Power Point was not easy to follow, did not contain all sections and had an excessive amount of unnecessary graphics and animations.

Group Members Presenting: ______

Body System: ______