Junior Faculty Support Opportunities:

2018-2020 Faculty Fellowship to be Awarded

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Harvard Catalyst Program for Faculty Development and Diversity Inclusion (PFDD) Faculty Fellowship

Harvard Catalyst Program for Faculty Development and Diversity Inclusion (PFDD) Faculty Fellowshipis a two-year, non-degree Faculty Fellowship Program for Harvard junior faculty designed to address faculty need for additional support to conduct clinical/translational research and to free junior faculty from clinical and teaching demands at a key point in their career development. Each Faculty Fellow will receive $100,000 over a two-year period to support their scholarly efforts. Faculty Fellows are required to devote appropriate time toward the development of their academic career, to meet regularly with their mentors, and to present at the annual Minority Health Policy Meeting. For more information about Harvard Catalyst see:

Harvard Catalyst PFDD Faculty FellowshipEligibility

Doctoral degree (e.g. MD, PhD, DO, DMD, DDS, ScD). Harvard appointment at the level of instructor or assistant professor. Applications will also be considered from clinical or research fellows who are in the process of appointment/promotion to instructor and/or assistant professor at Harvard.

U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Residency

If you currently receive funding from a federal training and/or career development grant (T or K awards), please contact the fellowship Program Coordinator before submitting your Faculty Fellowship application.

Application Packet Must Include:

Completed application

Personal statement (600 words maximum)

Statement of research/fellowship-funded proposed activity (5 pages maximum)


List of current and pending funding


Two letters of recommendation from:

Department Chair or Division Chief. This letter must include:

  • Commitment to continue to support this individual in their career development over time
  • Potential role this individual will play in the department/division over time
  • Statement explaining how the funds ($50K per year) will alter the Faculty Fellow’s activities, impact/relate to

his/her career goals and indicate the percentage of time that will be protected as a result of this Faculty Fellowship

  • Agreement to meet with this individual bi-annually for career planning meetings

Mentor. This letter must include:

  • Description of the project
  • Commitment to mentor and support the Faculty Fellow for a minimum of the two-year fellowship period

Curriculum Vitae according to Harvard Medical School format. Please see the link for an example:

Submission and Contact Information:

Download application at: . Completed application and all accompanying materials must be received no later than WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 2018.Applicants will be notified of final decisions by late April 2018.

Mail packet or hand deliver to: CTSC Program for Faculty Development and Diversity Inclusion, Office for Diversity Inclusion and Community Partnership, 164 Longwood Avenue – 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02115

Contact for additional information: Danyellé Thorpe, Harvard Catalyst Program Coordinator,, 617-432-1892

2018-2020 Harvard Catalyst PFDD Faculty Fellowship Application





Academic Title:

Institutional Title (Clinical/Research/Administrative):

Institution: Department/Division:


Office Address:

Office Telephone: Office Fax: Email:

Cell Phone:

U.S. Citizen: Yes No

Permanent Resident: Yes No Other: Specify ______


Please check appropriate boxes. (Optional)

Sex: M F

Race/Ethnicity (for multiple races, specify in respective categories below):

1. Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic/Latino?
No Yes
1.a. If yes, please check all that apply:
Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano / Puerto Rican
South or Central American
Other (specify):
Name (Please print)
2. How do you identify your race? Please check all that apply.
American Indian or Alaska Native
2.a. If yes, please specify name of enrolled or principal
2.b. If yes, please check all that apply:
Asian Indian
/ Korean
Other (specify):
Black or African American
2.c. If yes, please check all that apply:
African American
Caribbean or West Indian
African (specify country)
Other (specify)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
2.d. If yes, please check all that apply:
Guamanian or Chamorro
Native Hawaiian / Samoan
Other Pacific Islander (specify)
Other (specify)

Letters of Recommendation from Department Head/Division Chief and Mentor

Please include one letter of recommendation from your Department Chair/Division Chiefand one letter of recommendation from your mentor.

Name of Department Chair or Division Chief:

Office Telephone: Office Fax: Email:

Name of Mentor: Mentor Title:

Office Telephone: Office Fax: Email:

Current Percent Distribution of HMS-related Effort (Please provide current percentages for all that apply – total should be 100%):

Teaching % Clinical % Research % Administrative %

Community Service % other % (please provide description)

Proposed Percent Re-Distribution of Effort Based on Funding:

Teaching % Clinical % Research % Administrative %

Community Service % other % (please provide description)

Personal Statement – (Attachment, 600 words maximum)

Please write a personal statement that includes the following: A) your career objectives; B) a description of current career obstacles you may face; C) how the Fellowship’s financial support will allow you to modify your present activities; and D) how you see the Fellowship contributing to the achievement of your professional objectives. The statement should not exceed six hundred words.

Statement of Research & Bibliography – (Attachment, 5 pages excluding bibliography)

Please write a statement of research that includes a summary of the research project proposal, plus bibliography. The proposal must include the following: A) specific aims; B) background and significance; C) preliminary studies, if applicable; D) research designs and methods, including expected outcome; E) human subject research, if applicable; F) timeline; and G) bibliography. Note: Applications for the Harvard Catalyst PFDD Faculty Fellowship should focus on clinical and translational research.The statement should not exceed five pages. The bibliography is not included within those 5 pages.

Abstract – (Attachment, 250 words)

Abstract of the proposed project should not exceed 250 words.

Formatting Requirements

The personal statement, statement of research, bibliography, and abstract, should be single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1” margins. Each item should be written on a separate sheet and attached to the application.

IRB Requirements

Does your study require IRB or IACUC approval? Yes No

If yes, do you already have approval? Yes No*(If yes, please attach proof of approval when submitting application.)

*If your project requires IRB or IACUC approval but you do not have it at this time, you will need to have submitted your protocol(s) to the relevant board(s) no later than December 5, 2016. Proof of submission should be sent to the fellowship Program Coordinator. If accepted for a fellowship, proof of approval must be submitted to the Program Coordinator before the fellowship start date in order to maintain eligibility.

How did you learn about the Harvard Catalyst PFDD Faculty Fellowship Programs?
Please check all boxes that apply.

Received mailingDepartment Chair/Division Chief Harvard faculty memberHarvard staff member

Website: (please describe) Email

Other: (please describe)

Special Note:

Faculty Fellowship funding is not transferable to non-Harvard or non-Harvard affiliated institutions.

Transfer within HMS requires PFDD review and written approval.

You must follow your institution’s procedure for submitting your application to its internal research administration office and, if applicable, to your institution’s human subjects review board.

I hereby certify that the information given by me in this application is complete and accurate and I understand that any misrepresentation or omissions may be cause for denial or revocation of acceptance or subsequent dismissal from the Fellowship. I also understand that my application and any materials submitted with my application become the property of the Harvard Medical School Office for Diversity Inclusion and Community Partnership and/or Harvard Catalyst Program for Faculty Development and Diversity Inclusion and cannot be returned to me, and that the review committee’s decision is final and not subject to appeal.

Signature ______Date

Name (Please print)

Application packet (completed application, personal statement, statement of research and bibliography,

list of current and pending funding, abstract, two letters of recommendation and curriculum vita)

must be submitted no later than WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 2018.


2018-2020 Harvard Catalyst PFDD Faculty FellowshipApplication1