Pumpkins, Pumpkins and more Pumpkins

Pastor Roy Pallatt, executive pastor, LifeSong Community Church

It is that time of the year again and LifeSong Community Church will be sponsoring a wonderful, old-fashioned Pumpkin Patch at their church at 1022 Community Drive, just off Central Boulevard.

The grand unloading of a full tractor-trailer of pumpkins coming all the way from New Mexico is planned for Saturday, October 8 beginning at 9 a.m. Depending on how many people show up for the unloading, this will take at least six hours and as much as 12 hours to get them all in place for the sales to start. Pastor Pallatt is asking not only church members, but all the community to please come sometime between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on that Saturday to lend a hand, but be sure to dress with your grubbies on because those pumpkins are a bit damp and a little dirty; but they will really need your help to unload.

“This is our fifth year for our patch,” says Pastor RoyPallatt, “And the second year since occupying our new facility here at 1022 Community Drive.” The patch is the church’s main fundraising event to help fund their middle school, high school and young adult ministries for the year. These combined age levels form what the church calls LIFESONG UNITED. This ministry has been a top priority for the church from the beginning, and quite unique for a small church. The philosophy of the church us to be a “neighborhood” church and connect with the community, and working with young people is where the church has decided to put its efforts. The youth ministry meets each Tuesday evening all year long at the church, where the young people can come and be in a safe environment. There is music, games, food, and during the school year, a Bible lesson taught by their youth pastor, Rita Pallatt.

Pastor Roy says, “The church has two Sunday morning services, the 9 a.m. Chapel is a 50 minute service with a full expository Bible message with prayer and a hymn. The Celebration service is at 10:30 a.m. and is usually an hour and fifteen minutes and again has the full Bible exposition plus the worship band leads in contemporary music—drums, guitars, bass, keyboard and vocals.” The music is described as “celebrative” on their website.

The Pumpkin Patch will open for sales on Sunday, October 9 at 12 p.m. until 8 p.m. The patch will be every day from then on through October 31. The hours of the patch are Sunday through Thursday from 12 Noon to 8 p.m. and Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

As always you are invited to bring the whole family to the patch anytime during hours of operation just for family pictures. The backgrounds will be something you don’t normally see here in Florida. Yes, picture taking is welcome and always free!

Keep in touch with all things pumpkin at Church phone is 561 691-0804. “Please leave a message if we can’t come to the phone.”