There were 1679 replies, a reply rate of 41%. A representative sample was achieved at force level and for officers, staff, males and females and the LPC.

This paper presents:

·  Headline observations by theme from 2010 (see pages 1 – 5)

·  The direction of travel since 2008 for 37 key measures. Seven of the measures have shown a decline since 2008 (see Annex A, pages 6 – 9)

·  Tables with the detail for each headline observation from the 2010 survey. The tables include details of groups of colleagues which may require attention because their responses are notably below[1] the force average for 2010 (see Annex B, pages 10 – 26)

Headline observations by theme

Managing Change
·  There is a general need for more information about the Twenty-Ten changes already implemented and proposed
·  Some groups may need more reassurance about the impact of the Twenty-Ten change Programme on them personally and their roles

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Enjoying your job
·  Distinct differences in views have opened up between Officers and staff, notably in the areas of personal morale and career opportunities
·  Nonetheless, almost four out of five colleagues generally enjoy their working life
·  And as in 2008, pay is not an issue, with a substantial increase in the proportion of colleagues feeling they are fairly paid
·  More colleagues would now recommend Hertfordshire Constabulary as a good place to work
·  Satisfaction with Hertfordshire Constabulary as an employer has also risen substantially since 2008
·  However, there has been a substantial decline in perceived opportunities to advance my career since 2008, particularly for Police Staff. Opportunities for development are also felt to have declined.
·  As in 2008, differences remain between Police Officers and Police Staff in the ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance
·  And as in 2008, differences remain between Police Officers and Police Staff in addressing health & safety issues at work
Keeping Informed
·  All but one measure of Keeping Informed have improved since 2008, with the ability to express views increasing substantially. However, there is still scope for improvement on the LPC and with specific minority groups
·  The ability to keep track of developments which affect my role has gradually declined since the 2006 survey

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Ensuring Fairness at Work
‘I feel comfortable to be myself in Hertfordshire Constabulary
Hertfordshire Constabulary genuinely values diversity
All colleagues are treated with respect and dignity
·  There have been general improvements in these key measures since 2008.
However, there is still scope for improvement on the LPC and with specific minority groups
·  Since 2008 there has also been a considerable improvement in feeling that my personal needs are taken in to account while at work. However, there is still scope for improvement on the LPC and with specific minority groups
·  And the majority of colleagues feel they are treated fairly by colleagues while at work.
However, there is still scope for improvement with specific minority groups
·  There has been an improvement in confidence that reports of unfair treatment from colleagues would be dealt with effectively. However, there is a gender difference, with female colleagues being less confident
·  In general, the level of the personal experience of DISCRIMINATION has fallen slightly since 2008
·  However, the levels of the personal experience of BULLYING and HARASSMENT have remained unchanged since 2006 (at 14% and 7%, respectively)
·  And for some minority groups the level of the personal experience of unfair treatment from colleagues has not improved, or even got worse, since 2008:
Colleagues from BME communities - At 35% the personal experience of DISCRIMATION is almost three times the average and the level has risen since 2008
Colleagues with a disability – At 30% the personal; experience of BULLYING is more than twice the average and has risen substantially since 2008
Colleagues who describe selves as LGBT – At 27% the personal experience of DISCRIMINATION is more than double the average. This is despite the personal experience of discrimination and bullying falling quite substantially since 2008.
Improving Public Confidence
·  A little over half of colleagues feel our Chief Officers give a strategic direction for Hertfordshire Constabulary, which they can relate to. However, attention is needed among Constables and on the LPC
·  Similarly, a little over half of colleagues feel that their senior management team
provide a clear sense of direction. However, attention is also needed among Constables and on the LPC
·  Confidence in the decisions taken by managers has risen since 2008:
More than four out of five colleagues are confident in the decisions taken by
their first line managers
Almost two-thirds of colleagues are confident in the decisions taken by
their senior management team
Confidence in the decisions taken by our Chief Officers has risen substantially since 2008
·  Generally around two-thirds of respondents agree that we have continued to deliver on the six strands of Our Purpose, particularly in the service to victims.
However, there is still scope to do more to, ‘Put people at the heart of all we do’
·  There is scope to make the Staff Briefing (internal version of our Policing Plan) more useful to colleagues, particularly on the LPC
·  Approaching one in five respondents made suggestions for improving the services provided by elements of Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Protective Services, notably in relation to Dogs, Scientific Services and Firearms
·  A little under a quarter of respondents made suggestions for areas of further collaboration with Bedfordshire Police, other police forces and other local public services

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Annex A



ENJOYING YOUR JOB / CHANGE / 2010 % / 2008 %
I have good opportunities for development / ¯ / 43 / 53
I have good career opportunities / ¯ / 33 / 46
HC is committed to enabling me to maintain a healthy work / life balance / ­ / 59 / 53
HC is committed to addressing my health & safety as work issues / ­ / 74 / 73
I would currently rate my morale as high / ¯ / 47 / 50
In general, I enjoy my working life / ­ / 79 / 74
Considering my duties and responsibilities, I am fairly paid / ­ / 70 / 51
I would tell anyone considering joining that HC is a good place to work / ­ / 64 / 61
Satisfaction with HC as your employer / ­ / 67 / 58

- Page 25 -

KEEPING INFORMED / CHANGE / 2010 % / 2008 %
I receive timely details about developments in the units and teams I work with / ­ / 58 / 52
I can express my views about the development of the units and teams I work with / ­ / 66 / 55
I think there is effective communication across the units and teams I work with / ­ / 57 / 46
I am able to keep track of developments which affect my role / ¯ / 61 / 62
I receive timely details about developments in HC / ­ / 67 / 57
I can express my views about the development of HC / ­ / 54 / 41
I always feel comfortable to express my views openly and honestly at work / ­ / 51 / 46
Satisfaction with how well you are kept informed / ­ / 55 / 45
Satisfaction with opportunities to express your opinions / ­ / 44 / 36

- Page 25 -

I feel comfortable to be myself in HC / ­ / 80 / 73
HC genuinely values diversity / ­ / 82 / 77
All colleagues are treated with respect and dignity / ­ / 74 / 65
Effective action would be taken if I reported unfair treatment from colleagues / ­ / 69 / 64
I have experienced DISCRIMINATION against myself / ¯ / 13 / 15
I have experienced DISCRIMINATION against a colleague / ¯ / 13 / 15
I have experienced BULLYING against myself / No change / 14 / 14
I have experienced BULLYING against a colleague / ¯ / 18 / 19
I have experienced HARASSMENT against myself / No change / 7 / 7
I have experienced HARASSMENT against a colleague / No change / 8 / 8
I have formally reported unfair treatment against myself / ¯ / 28 / 30
I have formally reported unfair treatment against a colleague / No change / 22 / 22
Satisfied that your individual needs are taken into account while at work / ­ / 61 / 46
Satisfied that you are treated fairly by colleagues while at work / ­ / 81 / 78

Responses for the Ensuring Fairness at Work theme, are for the previous 12 months

- Page 25 -

The Chief Officers give a strategic direction for HC, which I can relate to / ¯ / 53 / 54
My senior management team give me a clear sense of direction / ¯ / 53 / 55
I am confident in the decisions taken by my: First Line Manager / ­ / 82 / 79
I am confident in the decisions taken by my: My senior management team / ­ / 66 / 62
I am confident in the decisions taken by: Our Chief Officers / ­ / 57 / 46

- Page 25 -

Annex B




There is a general need for more information about

the Twenty-Ten changes already implemented and proposed

High-level observation 2010 / Groups requiring attention
Although more than three-quarters of respondents (77%) understand why the Twenty-Ten change programme is in place, many groups are looking for more information about the changes already implemented and proposed. / All
(Action may be needed to improve the main formal means of obtaining information about the Twenty-Ten Change Programme - from Line Managers, HR business reps, hard-copy bulletins and intranet)

Some groups may need more reassurance about the impact of the Twenty-Ten change Programme on them personally and their roles

High-level observation 2010 / Groups requiring attention
Less than 40% of all respondents felt they had received enough information about the impact of the changes on them personally or their role. / 25 years service, or more
Colleagues working part-time hours
Colleagues with a disability
Elements of
·  The LPC
·  B & H Protective Services
·  Citizen Focus
Less than a quarter of all respondents believe that Twenty-Ten changes will be largely positive for them personally and our service to our public / Constables
Elements of:
·  B & H Protective Services
·  Internal Protective Services
·  Citizen Focus
·  Estates & Facilities
ICT, OIDD, Procurement
The views of managers and colleagues with less than 2 years service are more positive, but in general, less than a third of all respondents believe that Hertfordshire Constabulary is doing enough to minimise any negative impact of change

- Page 25 -


Distinct differences in views have opened up between Officers and staff,

notably in the areas of personal morale and career opportunities

Levels of personal morale have fallen since 2008

High-level observation 2010 / Groups requiring attention
Less than half (47%) of all respondents now feel they have high levels of personal morale (2008, 50%)
Just over half (52%) of Federated ranks have high personal morale and the level has not changed since 2008
In contrast, the personal morale of Police Staff (42%) has fallen since 2008 (49%)
The level of personal morale is also notably below the average for several CSPs and roles on the LPC / All Police Staff, particularly:
Colleagues with 6 – 16 years’ service
Colleagues working part-time hours
Colleagues with a disability
B & H Scientific Services
Citizen Focus – Contact Management
Stevenage, Broxbourne, St Albans, Watford CSPs
Community Safety (LPC)
Safer Neighbourhood

- Page 25 -

Nonetheless, almost four out of five colleagues generally enjoy their working life

High-level observation 2010 / Groups requiring attention
The level (79%) is notably higher than in 2008 (74%) / PCSOs
Special Constables
Colleagues with a disability
Elements of:
·  The LPC
·  B & H Protective Services

And as in 2008, pay is not an issue,

with a substantial increase in the proportion of colleagues feeling they are fairly paid

High-level observation 2010 / Groups requiring attention
With 70% of all respondents feeling they are fairly paid, this is one of the most notable improvements in views since 2008 (51%) / Colleagues with less than two years’ service
Broxbourne CSP
Elements of:
·  B & H Protective Services
·  Internal Protective Services
And several HQ based Departments

More colleagues would now recommend Hertfordshire Constabulary

as a good place to work

High-level observation 2010 / Groups requiring attention
The level has risen to 64% (from 61% in 2008)
However, the levels are notably below average on several CSPs and elements of the CIT on the LPC / Watford, Stevenage, Welwyn / Hatfield and St Albans CSPs
CIT (other than Case Investigation)

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