Authors: Kathrin R von Hirschberg, Björn Kähler and Albert Nienhaus Title : Social care and changes in occupational accidents and diseases - The situation in Eastern Europe in general and for skin diseases in particular

Journal: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology

MS : 1483440457275317

Dear Dr Nienhaus,

We are currently waiting for you to provide a revised submission to Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology. Please ensure that all requested formatting changes have been made and you have proof-read your manuscript for typographical errors before you resubmit your manuscript. Instructions on how to submit your revised manuscript are available below.

Formatting changes to be made:


Major revisions (We require the author to make these changes):

Author list - The list of authors in the manuscript should be written exactly as they are in the submission system. The authors (forename, initial (if any), surname) should be written identically and in the order in which they are listed in the submission system. The authors names should always be arranged with the forename/ given name/ initial first, then the surname. For example John Smith, J. Smith, John H. Smith are all fine. Smith, J or Smith, John, or Smith , JH are not appropriate.

Reply: Now the author list in the manuscript is identical to the one above.

Table in parts - Table 2 has been divided into parts, a and b. It is important that tables are numbered in ascending numerical order - 1, 2 and 3. Can we please ask that the tables are renumbered and any references to the tables in the text are updated to reflect these changes? Alternatively, please merge the tables into one larger complete table, but please ensure that tables should be no longer than three pages long. Any tables longer than 3 pages should be moved into the additional files section.

Reply: Now we have tables 1 to 5 and references are made accordingly in the text. Tables are shortened so they are no longer than 3 pages.

Please move the `useful literature and websites¿ information to the additional files section. Once you have uploaded this information as an additional file, please delete it from the manuscript and add an additional files section.

Please re-upload figures into the submission system, currently they are not displaying correctly in the PDF version.

You have given the figures additional file legends. As they are uploaded as figures, please include a title and description only.

Reply: the additional file legends are removed

Minor revisions (We can make these changes on resubmission, although it will speed up publication of your manuscript if you do them while making the major changes above):

Title - Please use sentence case in the title, both in the manuscript file and the submission system i.e. remove all unnecessary capitals (capitalise only the first word, and proper nouns, and no full stops/periods). For example you would change `The Title of My Prestigious Publication: A Scientific Study¿. To `The title of my prestigious publication: a scientific study¿

Reply: This is corrected

Please remove the keywords from the abstract.

Reply: Keywords are removed

Tables ¿ please remove the repeated column titles where a table spans over more than one page.

Replay: repeated column titles are removed.

Please delete the bullet points from table 1.

Reply: bullet points are removed

Figure cropping - It is important for the final layout of the manuscript that the figures are cropped as closely as possible to minimise white space around the image. Our online figure guide contains full details for preparing files for submission and can be viewed here:

Please take this opportunity to check your manuscript for any typographical errors and to make any final corrections or revisions as this is the final proofing stage for your manuscript, and you will not be able to make changes after acceptance.

Reply: we checked the manuscript once again for typographical errors

Thank you


To submit your revised manuscript


1. Go to 'my BioMed Central' ( and log on with your email address and password. Then click on 'My manuscripts'. You will reach a page giving details of all the manuscripts you have submitted to journals published by BioMed Central.

2. Click on the 'Submit revision' button next to the title of this manuscript to go through to a submission form.

3. With the 'Manuscript details' tab, please update the title, abstract and author details if they have changed since the previous version. It is very important that all changes are updated on this page, as well as in the manuscript file as the information on this page will be used in PubMed and on BioMed Central.

4. With the 'Cover letter' tab, please provide a covering letter with a point-by-point description of the changes made.

5. With the 'Upload files' tab, please upload the revised version of the manuscript and press 'Submit new version'. Please wait for the confirmation page to appear - this may take a few moments. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problems or questions.

Please note that this is the proofing stage. All revised manuscripts submitted to Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology are regarded as being in the final version. You will not be able to make any corrections to your article once it has been accepted and published in preliminary form. Therefore, when you submit your final version, please carefully check your manuscript for any typing or content errors that might have inadvertently occurred, and for small changes to the text that you or your co-authors wish to make at this time. This will be the last chance you have to make any such corrections as any errors present in the manuscript may end up in the final published version.

Please ensure that all your revisions are made to the most recent version of your manuscript, which can be accessed at the following link:

Figures can be accessed here:

We would ask that you return any revisions by Friday, 13 November 2009.

With best wishes,

The BioMed Central Editorial Production Team

Tel: +44 (0) 20 3192 2014


