2017-18 IRMABase Funding Application
2018-19 APPLICATION FOR Resource Pressures FUNDING
Where land and resource activities require more intensive study and examination, eligible organizationsmay apply for Resource Pressures Funding to cover reasonable costs related to community capacity or the acquisition of necessary professional expertise and advice. Organizations that receive IRMA Base Funding must clearly demonstrate that Base Funding has been allocated and is insufficient for the purpose described. Refer to the IRMA Program Proposal Guidelines for more information on how to complete this application for funding.
All of the following criteria must be satisfied and will be assessed in order for IRMA Resource Pressures Funding to be granted:
- The activities to be undertaken must be consistent with the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA);
- Demonstrated response to specific, current major development(s) that have entered the assessment or regulatory process established under the MVRMA;
- Demonstrated need for financial assistance, taking into account the organization’s financial capacity and availability of funds from any other source; and
- Identification of potential ecological, economic, social or cultural effects of a project, or enhancement/development of capacity related to understanding and managing types of effects.
To expedite the processing time for IRMA Resource Pressures Funding, please ensure that all applicable sections of this application form are completed and that the information included is detailed and comprehensive. The application deadline is Friday, May 25, 2018. Once completed, please print, sign and scan the funding application, then return it (along with a copy/paste enabled version) by email to .
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2018-19 IRMA Resource Pressures Funding Application
Section 1: Funding Recipient Information
Organization InformationOrganization Name:
Mailing Address:
Community: Postal Code:
Contact Person’s Information
Position Title:
Phone Number: Cell Number (optional):
Fax Number:
Section 2: Regional Organization Details
Note: Only regional organizations are required to fill out this section.
- What is the purpose of your regional organization and how will members of your organization benefit from IRMA Resource Pressures funding?
- Provide an organization chart describing officers, board members, or executive directors. If you do not have an organization chart, you can provide this information in a list.
- If applicable, provide document(s) such as a motion or letters of endorsement by memberships,supporting work carried out by the regional organizationrelated to land and resource activities, on behalf of a band or Métis local.
Supporting documents included? ☐Yes ☐No
If yes, please include a short description of each attachment:
Section 3: Reason for Resource Pressures Funding Request
If your organization received IRMA Base funding, briefly explain why that funding is not adequate in addressing resource pressures. Further details will be provided in Section 4.
Section 4: Resource Pressures to be addressed
In the table below, describe how Resource Pressures funding will enable your organization to respond to specific, current major development(s) that have entered an assessment or regulatory process established under the MVRMA. Provide as much detail as possible.
For each resource pressure identified, describe:
a)Has the activity enteredan assessment or regulatory process established under the MVRMA?
b)How could this land/resource activity impact your organization?
- Identify the potential ecological, economic, social or cultural effects of the project, or
- Describe how funding could enhance/develop capacity related to understanding and managing types of effects.
c)How will IRMA funding enable your organization to be actively involved in this process?
- Is your organization participating in an environmental assessment or regulatory process related to this activity?
- If applicable, is your organization a registered intervener? Are you reviewing documents and/or submitting comments on the activity to the regional Land and Water Board or the Review Board?
- Describe the work to be carried out by your organization to address this activity and the expected result.
Activity in the region (Resource Pressure)
Include the proponent or project name or a description of the current major development. / Details:
a)Has the activity entered an assessment or regulatory process established under the MVRMA?
b)How could this land/resource activity impact your organization?
c)How will IRMA funding enable your organization to be actively involved in this process?
Activity in the region: / a)Review Process: ☐EA ☐Regulatory ☐Other:______
Activity in the region: / a)Review Process: ☐EA ☐Regulatory ☐Other:______
Activity in the region: / a)Review Process: ☐EA ☐Regulatory ☐Other:______
*Please insert additional rows if required
Section 5: Proposed Budget
Provide a categorized list of expenditures summarizing what was outlined in Section 3. Enter information in the categories that apply. Under the“Description”header, enter details related to the expenditure category. Under“IRMA Request” column, enter the requested funding amount that would offset the total expense. Filling out the “TOTAL Expense” column is optional. If required, additional information can be included in Section 7.
Resource Pressures Funding Requested:Click here to enter text.Category / Description / IRMA Request / TOTAL Expense (optional)
A. Salary
B. Capacity Building
C. Regulatory/Environmental Assessment
D. Office Expenses / Materials and Supplies / Administration (see guidelines for limits and eligible expenses)
TOTAL Request (A+B+C+D):
Section 6: Other Funding Sources
In this section, list additional funding you have applied for, or will receive, from other sources(including government and industry) to support similar activities for your organization. For example: funding for participation in regulatory/monitoring processes, scientific and/or Traditional Knowledge studies, capacity building, etc.
Name of program, industry, or other source providing funding to your organization for this (or similar) projects. / Anticipated Funding AmountSection 7: Other Relevant Information
This space is provided for any additional, relevant information that was not captured in other sections.
Section 8: Agreement and Signature
By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete.
Name (printed): / Click here to enter text. /Title: / Click here to enter text. /
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