1.Changes in 2016 programs

  1. IMPORTANT – the time window for airport pickup has been changed to 10 AM on the starting date of the program until 6 AM on day 2 of the program. This change has been done, keeping in mind the time availability for the customer to check in into the accommodation and also to allow customers to join the program which begins already on Day 2 of the program.
  2. We have found that a dinner with a local host family is a very popular and enjoyable cultural activity for the volunteers and for this purpose; it has been added to the experience of the program.
  3. IMPORTANT: please pay attention to the sample daily schedule of the volunteers in the program and notice that volunteers now take packed lunches during the project days and spend a full day during the work time – this has been done to reduce the amount of travel during a day as well as create greater work hours and more impact from the volunteers’ work.
  4. Please pay attention to the enhanced services list – these are the services that we have been offering in the program but have not been writing them in the documents. We believe that a full service list allows you to establish a better value of the program for anypotential participant.

2.Sample Program Itinerary for 2 weeks duration

Day / Volunteer Program / Volunteer and Travel program / Meal Plan
WEEK 1: / Monday / Arrival at Chiang Mai airport and transfer to accommodation. / All Meals after arrival.
Tuesday / Transfer to Location, welcome meeting and orientation start.
  • Orientation includes
  • Talks & presentations on:
  • Thailand & its culture
  • Social development and the role of volunteers
  • How to do volunteer work
  • Cultural responsibility
  • Personal safety & Code of Conducts
  • Introduction to allocated project and its description
  • Thai language basics
  • Visit of local markets and orientation to the general local area
  • Visit of allocated projects
/ B,L,D
Wednesday to
Friday /
  • Project work starts with the daily schedule of volunteering, cultural activities and free time.
  • Local cooking demonstration on one afternoon.
  • One local dinner with a host family to experience everyday life of regular Thai people.
/ B,L,D
Saturday / Free Weekend /
  • Weekend tour of Chiang Rai
/ Only breakfast during excursions. All meals during camp stay
Sunday / Free Weekend /
  • Weekend tour of Chiang Rai

WEEK 2: / Monday
To Friday / Volunteer Work with the daily schedule of volunteering, cultural activities and free time. / B,L,D
Saturday / Free weekend to explore Chiang Mai /
  • Day long excursion to Lampang
/ Only breakfast during excursions. All meals during camp stay
Sunday / Free weekend with transfer to Chiang Mai airport for flight back home. /
  • Half day visit to WatPhra ThaiDoiSuthep. Transfer to Chiang Mai airport for flight back home from 2000 hrs onwards.

B, L, D: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

3. A typical day of the volunteer (Mon-Fri)* +:

The schedule of the day depends on the type of project but below mentioned is just the brief outline of their normal day:

Timings / Activities
7:30-8:30hrs / Breakfast at Idex accommodation
9:00-12:30hrs / Project work
12:30-13:30hrs / Packed lunch at the project location
13:30-14:00hrs / Free time/relax
14:00-16:00hrs / Project work
16:00-17:00hrs / Preparation meeting/lesson planning for next day
17:00-17:30hrs / Tea/coffee at Idex accommodation
19:00-20:00hrs / Dinner at Idex accommodation

* Please note that there is a full day schedule of going out to the project with morning work sessions, short rest, afternoon work session and preparing for the next day all being done in the same trip.

+The scheduled time table mentioned above may change due to the need of the project or any other circumstances.

4.Program Dates

Please note

  1. The mentioned start date is Day 1 of the program and pick up is available from 10 AM on this date.
  2. Airport departure transfer is available from 2000 hrs on the previous date until 1000 hrs on the program ending date as mentioned.

Start Date / 2 Weeks – End Date / 3 Weeks – End Date / 4 Weeks – End Date / 6 weeks – End Date / 8 weeks – End Date / 12 weeks – End Date
04-Jan-16 / 18-Jan-16 / 25-Jan-16 / 01-Feb-16 / 15-Feb-16 / 29-Feb-16 / 28-Mar-16
18-Jan-16 / 01-Feb-16 / 08-Feb-16 / 15-Feb-16 / 29-Feb-16 / 14-Mar-16 / 11-Apr-16
01-Feb-16 / 15-Feb-16 / 22-Feb-16 / 29-Feb-16 / 14-Mar-16 / 28-Mar-16 / 25-Apr-16
15-Feb-16 / 29-Feb-16 / 07-Mar-16 / 14-Mar-16 / 28-Mar-16 / 11-Apr-16 / 09-May-16
29-Feb-16 / 14-Mar-16 / 21-Mar-16 / 28-Mar-16 / 11-Apr-16 / 25-Apr-16 / 23-May-16
14-Mar-16 / 28-Mar-16 / 04-Apr-16 / 11-Apr-16 / 25-Apr-16 / 09-May-16 / 06-Jun-16
28-Mar-16 / 11-Apr-16 / 18-Apr-16 / 25-Apr-16 / 09-May-16 / 23-May-16 / 20-Jun-16
11-Apr-16 / 25-Apr-16 / 02-May-16 / 09-May-16 / 23-May-16 / 06-Jun-16 / 04-Jul-16
25-Apr-16 / 09-May-16 / 16-May-16 / 23-May-16 / 06-Jun-16 / 20-Jun-16 / 18-Jul-16
09-May-16 / 23-May-16 / 30-May-16 / 06-Jun-16 / 20-Jun-16 / 04-Jul-16 / 01-Aug-16
23-May-16 / 06-Jun-16 / 13-Jun-16 / 20-Jun-16 / 04-Jul-16 / 18-Jul-16 / 15-Aug-16
06-Jun-16 / 20-Jun-16 / 27-Jun-16 / 04-Jul-16 / 18-Jul-16 / 01-Aug-16 / 29-Aug-16
20-Jun-16 / 04-Jul-16 / 11-Jul-16 / 18-Jul-16 / 01-Aug-16 / 15-Aug-16 / 12-Sep-16
04-Jul-16 / 18-Jul-16 / 25-Jul-16 / 01-Aug-16 / 15-Aug-16 / 29-Aug-16 / 26-Sep-16
18-Jul-16 / 01-Aug-16 / 08-Aug-16 / 15-Aug-16 / 29-Aug-16 / 12-Sep-16 / 10-Oct-16
01-Aug-16 / 15-Aug-16 / 22-Aug-16 / 29-Aug-16 / 12-Sep-16 / 26-Sep-16 / 24-Oct-16
15-Aug-16 / 29-Aug-16 / 05-Sep-16 / 12-Sep-16 / 26-Sep-16 / 10-Oct-16 / 07-Nov-16
29-Aug-16 / 12-Sep-16 / 19-Sep-16 / 26-Sep-16 / 10-Oct-16 / 24-Oct-16 / 21-Nov-16
12-Sep-16 / 26-Sep-16 / 03-Oct-16 / 10-Oct-16 / 24-Oct-16 / 07-Nov-16 / 05-Dec-16
26-Sep-16 / 10-Oct-16 / 17-Oct-16 / 24-Oct-16 / 07-Nov-16 / 21-Nov-16 / 19-Dec-16
10-Oct-16 / 24-Oct-16 / 31-Oct-16 / 07-Nov-16 / 21-Nov-16 / 05-Dec-16 / 02-Jan-17
24-Oct-16 / 07-Nov-16 / 14-Nov-16 / 21-Nov-16 / 05-Dec-16 / 19-Dec-16 / 16-Jan-17
07-Nov-16 / 21-Nov-16 / 28-Nov-16 / 05-Dec-16 / 19-Dec-16 / 02-Jan-17 / 30-Jan-17
21-Nov-16 / 05-Dec-16 / 12-Dec-16 / 19-Dec-16 / 02-Jan-17 / 16-Jan-17 / 13-Feb-17
05-Dec-16 / 19-Dec-16 / 26-Dec-16 / 02-Jan-17 / 16-Jan-17 / 30-Jan-17 / 27-Feb-17
19-Dec-16 / 02-Jan-17 / 09-Jan-17 / 16-Jan-17 / 30-Jan-17 / 13-Feb-17 / 13-Mar-17

5.Arrival and Departure Policy

Arrival Procedure

  1. All arrival from 2016 Idex offers the pick-up in a window from 10 AM on the start date of the program until 6 AM on the following day (Day 2) of the program.
  2. Arrival pickups outside of these times are available on extra charges.
  1. Check in at accommodation is available from 12 noon on Day 1 of the program, even though, it’s our attempt to have the customers, checked in at the accommodation, as early as possible.
  2. Please advise all your customers to look for the Idex logo (as below), instead of their

personalname, unless specified.

Departure transfer procedure:

  1. Airport transfer on departure is available from 8 PM on the 2nd last day of the program (for ex, Day 14 in case of 2 week program) until 10 AM on the last day of the program (for ex, Day 15 in case of 2 week program).
  1. As per the new transfer structure, the departure transfer will be available at gaps of 2 hours and the customers will be asked to take the most convenient transfer for them. The available departure times will be: 8 PM, 10 PM, Midnight, 2 AM, 4 AM, 6 AM, 8 AM and finally at 10 AM.
  1. Departure transfers outside these times or schedules are available on extra charges.
  1. During departure, check out time from the accommodation is 12 noon on the last day of the program (for ex, Day 15 on a 2 week program).

Important: all the program and services are available as per schedule only. If any deviation or reschedule occurs then it will cost extra and there would not be any cost settlement or reimbursement.