Fairview Supply Lists

2017 – 2018


1 regular size book bag

(large enough to put folders in)

1 large towel or small blanket

1 complete change of clothes

1 box of baby wipes

1 box of Clorox wipes

Please pick one of the following to send: snack, quart, and gallon bags



Pencil box

4 boxes of Crayola crayons

1 pair Fiskar Scissors

20 glue sticks

1 – 4oz. bottle of Elmer’s glue

1 package pencils

1 box tissues

1 box of Ziploc baggies

1 container disinfecting wipes

1 package white paper plates

1 highlighter

2 dry erase markers

Teacher wish list: 1 bag of cotton balls, 1 pack of white copy paper, markers, colored pencils

First Grade

2 boxes of tissues

2 Quart/Gallon Ziplock

1 dozen pencils

1 pair Fiskar scissors

10 glue sticks

1 small glue bottle

6 Expo black markers

2 pkg. white copy paper

4 boxes- (24count) Crayola crayons

2 folders with pockets

2 black and white composition books

2 boxes Baby Wipes

1 pkg. Crayola Markers

Second Grade

Backpack (NO rolling, please)

2 Packs of Wide-ruled loose-leaf paper

5 Spiral Wide-Ruled, Single subject Composition Notebooks

50 #2 Wooden pencils (NO mechanical pencils, please)

1 Soft pencil pouch (NO hard pencil boxes, please)

2 (16 or 24 count) Boxes of crayons

4 Skinny Dry Erase Markers for student use (Blue or Green)

36 Glue sticks

2 Boxes of tissues

1 Pack of plain/white copy paper

1 Box Zipper or Sealable- No foldover (Sandwich OR Gallon) Baggies

2Fiskars Children’s Scissors

1 container disinfecting (Clorox) wipes

Third Grade

Girls: 1 box of tissues

Boys: Hand Sanitizer

1 can of Clorox Wipes

2 marbled composition notebooks

20+ Pencils

1 pack of 4 glue sticks

2 boxes of 24-count crayons

2 packs of notebook paper

2 pairs of scissors

1 Pack of plain/white copy paper

2 packs of Expo dry erase markers

1 pack of thick coloring markers

1 pack Ziploc baggies (quart or sandwich size)

PLATO 12 1-subject spiral notebooks 2 composition notebooks 8 folders 2 packages of colored pencils or crayons 3 boxes of Kleenex 3 boxes of quart sized bags Pencil bag (not box) Scissors Six glue sticks Pencils (100-200) 3-4 packs of notebook paper Pencil cap erasers 3 containers of cleaning wipes Highlighters Ruler Construction paper

Fourth Grade

5 Spiral notebooks

10 thin point black dry erase markers

1 box of colored pencils OR crayons

2 boxes of Kleenex

1 pair of scissors

1 soft pencil pouch

100 pencils

1 container of baby wipes OR Clorox wipes

1 box of Ziploc sandwich baggies (boys)

1 box of Ziploc gallon baggies (girls)

6 glue sticks

2 packs of looseleaf notebook paper

Please add the following if in Mrs. Duffey’s class: 1.5-2in clear Avery binder

durable plastic dividers

Fifth Grade

2 Boxes ofZiplocbags: 1 box of each size (sandwich and snack sized) 2 packs of loose leaf notebook paper 4 packs of skinny dry erase markers for SmartPals and dey erase boards 1 pack of Clorox wipes 1box of crayons 4 glue sticks 4 single subject notebooks (one for each subject – math, reading, science, and writing 4 two pocketed folders (2 with prongs and two without prongs) 1 pair of scissors 1set of earbuds for use with laptops (can be found at the dollar store)