Minutes of Strathaven Striders Annual General Meeting
Star Inn, Monday 23rd November 2015
Committee Members Present: Tom Wilson, Ian Pitt, Paula Biagioni, Julie McCulloch, Jim Hendry, John McGillivray, Cathy Macdonald, David Meldrum, Simon Tilston, Irene Wilson
Club members present:
President’s Report – Tom Wilson
Welcome fellow runners and thank you for coming out tonight for the Strathaven Striders AGM. The Club continues in good health for another year with the paid up membership rising from 183 to 190.
Running is so much more popular this century with running water I most houses, running kids to school, running your own businesses, running up debts. Last century it was running barefoot, running noses and running to the air raid shelter.
Running is a myriad of thing to thousands of people so it is sometimes difficult to strike the right balance. So in my final death throws as President I offer this advice to the Club. Keep it simple. Keep it brief.
There is so much to get through tonight I will follow my own advice and give way to the Secretary and his report.
Secretary’s Report – Ian Pitt
- Assisted the treasurer in the process of new member applications and maintaining the data integrity of the club database
- Stopped taking minutes as we managed to recruit a minute secretary and Julie McCulloch is doing a great job
- Corresponded with our Race Suppliers ensuring tech shirts, race equipment arrived in time
- Corresponded unsuccessfully with SAF during early part of the year. Two of our Striders were unable to attend their Coaching Course, one to illness who notified SAF after the event and the other to work commitments and notified SAF prior to the event. SAF were completely inflexible in either deferring their courses or re-funding payment. It made absolutely no difference when I pointed out how much we paid and collected in Annual Dues and Race Dues each year. This was also the same person who insisted that Karen Clydesdale continue her Level2 course the day after her wedding. All in all very unsatisfactory.
- Organised continuing Sponsorship for our 3 Main Races
- Compiled a Calendar of Events for email to all our members and posted on our website. I’ve been told by various members that they have found it useful. The intention is to compile a Calendar of Events for the whole of 2016 to be available December 2015.
- Corresponded with SAF regarding payment of our annual dues (£7 of every £10 membership) and payment of our race dues (£2 for every un-affiliated SAF member)
- Organised the spend of our £2000 Big Lottery Fund Grant. To remind the members, the project was called GRASS (Get Running at Strathaven Striders). We spent the £2000 in five areas in conjunction with the terms of the grant a) Ankle and Wrist Weights – Thursday Night training group use on a regular basis b) Banner - GRASS banner displaying Big Lottery Fund Logo has been displayed at our events c) Coaching – Level1/Level2 courses this year 2) Transport – used the Community Bus during the Summer taking members to venues all over Lanarkshire e) Advertising – used Strathaven Echoes to complete which will be sent back next month to Big Lottery Fund signifying the end of the project
- Corresponded with the London Marathon to access our Club Entry Places which has been reduced to two place due to London Marathon granting more places for “Good for Age”
- Corresponded with FOSS concerning issues raised at the recent John Lucas 50 mile race. After attending a FOSS meeting and our own John Lucas Review, it was decided to sever our joint partnership and correspondence was sent to FOSS to that effect at the same time thanking them for their assistance and co-operation over the years
Election of Office Bearers – Tom Wilson
Elected Members standing down – Tom Wilson, David Meldrum and John McGillivray.
Tom Wilson proposed Rosie Bell as new President. Seconded Ian Pitt.
John McGillivray proposed Karen Clydesdale as Head Coach. Seconded Ian Pitt.
David Meldrum proposed Bill Ion John Lucas Race Director. Seconded John McGillivray.
All aforementioned were duly elected after a show of hands from the floor.
Elected Members standing for re-election –Ian Pitt, Paula Biagioni, Julie McCulloch
Tom Wilson proposed Ian Pitt as Secretary. Linda Hamilton seconded.
Tom Wilson proposed Paula Biagioni as Treasurer. Linda Hamilton seconded.
John McGillivray proposed Julie McCulloch as Minutes Secretary. Irene Wilson seconded.
All aforementioned were re-elected.
Wednesday Night Training Report, Coaches Award – John McGillivray
I seem to say this every year but yes, another successful year from the coaches’ point of view. The standard Wednesday night session has been very well attended by many new and experienced members throughout the year. The beginners/returners continue to see ever increasing numbers to almost unbelievable levels on a Tuesday and the introduction of a conditioning evening on a Thursday has added a very popular addition to the coaching available within the club.
We would like to think that the many PBs recorded by our runners this year have been helped in a small way by the coaching provided.
Coach numbers also continue to increase and be upgraded. This year Ian Devoy and Donald MacLean have achieved their coach assistant level award and proving to be very valuable members of the coaching team. Jim and Vanessa Hendry have passed the practical part of their level 2 equivalent qualification (they have given it some fancy new title these days), and they only require ratification to be fully qualified. Congratulations to all of you but my thanks also to all involved with the coaching team.
We are always looking to have more members going forward to becoming coaches, but for me and after almost 20 years as a coach I now feel we have reached a level that enables me to stand down and leave the coaching side of things to a more up to date and dynamic team. Karen has agreed to take on the role of Head Coach and I wish Karen and her coaching team all the best for the future in taking our club and its coaching forward.
As a final duty that just leaves the Coaches prize to be awarded for this year. Choosing the recipient has been a team effort and a very difficult task as per usual, with so many worthy contenders. To name a few who were strong contenders I will mention Douglas Lamb, Andrew Chapman and Alan Cox. However, the unanimous decision in the end has been to award this year’s Coaches’ award to Cathy MacDonald. Congratulations Cathy, very well deserved.
John McGillivray presented Cathy Macdonald with the Coaches Award trophy.
Tom Wilson proposed a vote of thanks for John McGillivray for his many years of hard work and support given to the Striders. All present agreed.
Tuesday/Thursday Night Training Report, including Beginner/Returner of the Year Award – Karen Clydesdale
2015 has been another successful year for Tuesday night training – our first session on 6th January was arguably our largest ever with more than 100 beginners, returners and improvers meeting at 7pm outside the leisure Centre! (Caused a bit of a riot with parking and Centre access!) Luckily the weather was on our side and with the help of Coaches Ian Pitt, Andrew Clydesdale, Donny Mclean and Ian Devoy we began as normal with a group warm up and then split into the various ability groups including complete beginners walk / run through to returners focusing again on form and improvers finding their running feet again after the Xmas and New Year festivities. This first 2015 course was regularly attended by 80 or more runners and was only possible for the coaches to manage with the added support of experienced Striders who helped to motivate and encourage new, and not so new club members.
The summer break this year saw “Striders on Tour” take to the hills a bit further afield including Chatelherault, Calderglen, Muikirk and Drumclog. Being able to use the Strathaven Community Bus, driven impeccably by Ian Pitt, meant that more Striders were able to join the adventure and participate in a variety of different runs, including a session at the “running” track at Stonehouse. Thanks also to Gillian Dunbar for organising a treasure hunt and providing welcome treats afterwards!
The second beginner’s 20-week session starting on 11th August attracted record numbers as well with 80+ people raring (mostly) to go! The darker evenings when the clocks changed in October mean where we can train safely is restricted and can be difficult with larger groups but the coaches and experienced Striders work together to make sure everyone enjoys the sessions and participates at a level which challenges them. It is important for us all to remember that we are responsible for our own safety and I would encourage everyone to make sure they wear brightly coloured and reflective clothing when running at night. Please make yourself visible to other road users and pedestrians on the footpaths.
Tuesday night training continues to prove it is popular for Striders who want to begin to run and those who want to improve their running skills and ability. We are proud to have encouraged and converted so many “non” runners who begin the 20-week sessions full of trepidation and self-doubt. How many times have we heard “ I can’t run the length of myself” or “ I’ll never be able to run for 10 minutes continually”? The results speak for themselves – a little encouragement and support, some tried and tested training sessions and a great deal of fun and laughter – and we have another Strider! They may not always “love” running – but at least they have left that old sofa surfer behind. The added benefits are improved fitness and weight loss that gives confidence, a better body image and self-esteem. I have seen how running changes people – both physically and emotionally. I wont embarrass anyone but it makes me smile when I see how feeling good about yourself and having confidence gives you the freedom to throw off those baggy, totally unsuitable, sweat pants, and pull on Lycra running tights!
There are some notable statistics from Tuesday training this year:
- Beginners this year completed their first 10k – including Doreen McKay, Hazel Davies, Claire Dobbin, and Graeme Lapsley
- 2 juniors competed the 10k this year – Dionne Dorricot (for the second time) and Cara Alexander.
- Returners / Improvers ran their first Half Marathon this year including Jane Thompson, Marion Clarke, Marie Colley, Christine Reid, Bruce Fowler and Marlene Stirling. In fact Jane and Marion ran 3 Half Marathon this year – Strathaven, Edinburgh and Glasgow! Christine has also entered her first Marathon for next year and we are hoping that Marie will also join her at the start line in Edinburgh in May 2016. Special mention for Maureen Cook who was devastated at being unable to run her first Half due to a Ceilidh injury.
- Returners / Improvers ran their first ever Marathon in 2015 including Brendan Teague, Karen Kerr and Steve Kerr.
- We have a founder member of Strathaven Striders back running with us on Tuesdays – Margaret Allen! I think the glasses of bubbly at the 30th anniversary celebrations in August might have had something to do with this but I know that Margaret is really enjoying being active again – although I did hear the “ I cant….” Excuse at the beginning!
- Ian Devoy and Donny MacLean passed their Level 1 coaches award.
- Elspeth Harte continues to prove you can enjoy running at any age and supports new runners on Tuesday training sessions. She still enters races and we love to see her joy at the finish line each time. Go Elspeth!
- We had our first 10k finisher complete with “stookie” for her broken arm Hazel Davis.
The Thursday night core strength and cardio sessions continue to attract 20+ Striders who want to challenge themselves and improve their endurance for running. We have held sessions in bright sunshine, plagued by midges and drenched by torrential rain – and still they come. There are a few notable stalwarts who never miss a session including Karen Lapsley, so well done for your commitment and sticking with us – this type of high intensity, aerobic and resistance training is not easy but all we ask is that you do what you can and you will see results. Improved cardio vascular fitness and stronger core muscles that help you run further and faster – it does work, so try it with us.
Tuesday night Strider of the Year is awarded to an individual who has this year demonstrated determination and commitment to achieving personal success. A goal was set late last year and this person realised that they would need to put in the time and effort to get across the finish line. This person attended every Tuesday training session and worked hard to improve their technique – listening to the coaches and working out with their comfort zone. This person also came out on Thursdays to the core training and improved their stamina and endurance by pushing hard each session. We also saw this person covering many solo miles to make sure they were ready for their ultimate challenge – the 2015 London Marathon. Our award this year goes to Karen Kerr for training hard and being committed to her goal. Karen has shown that if you set your mind to something – nothing is impossible. Well Done, Karen.
Karen Kerr was not present to collect the award in person.
Monday Night Training Report – Cathy Macdonald
We meet on a Monday evening at 7pm in the usual pace, outside the Sports Centre. We run all year round with different routes depending on weather and light. Routes vary in the summer taking in the wonderful Strathaven countryside with the winter nights running our wonderful time trial route (sometimes varied). We are a friendly bunch and would encourage all Striders to come and join us at least to try it out. All abilities are welcome and no one will ever be left to run alone. You will be encouraged and supported and made to feel welcome. Thanks to and well done to all the regulars and I hope to see some new faces in the coming weeks and months.
Saturday Morning Training Report – Jacqui Fabian
The S4 Group. Strathaven Striders Saturday Saunter Group!
Come along to the Sports Centre on a Saturday morning, usually about 9 for a run and blether (sometimes a run and rant). All abilities catered for and routes are planned to give options depending how far you want to go.
Cathy MacDonald (S4 Head of Communications) sends out a text on Friday night giving an indication on what is planned and if start time has changed. Tina Alexander (S4 Head of Schedule and Main Route Planner) usually comes up with a route based on where we are on our training plan (note: sometimes we are not on a plan and just ‘go for a run’). Be prepared for running and various topics of discussion (there are a few conversations that David Meldrum and Jeremy Osbourne wish they could unhear!!). Oh and we do occasionally (quite often) burst into song (imagine Bananarama running!!).
You are welcome to join us and see what you think.
Sunday Morning Training Report – Ian Pitt
The “Tinman Group” meet at the Tin Man on Glasgow Road for 20+ mile run on a Sunday morning. Usually the details are posted on our Facebook page Fri/Sat. Everyone welcome.
John Lucas Race Report – David Meldrum
40 individuals and 35 relay teams took part in this year’s race. The event was a huge success and as previously stated by our treasurer, generated a handsome profit. The finishing area was moved to the back of the school allowing competitors to be greeted as they crossed the finish line. Our inflatable gantry was used for the first time and was a welcome addition to the event.
Ian Pitt thanked David Meldrum for all his hard work and for raising the bar by introducing the relay race to the event, which has proved to be tremendously popular.
Run with the Wind Half Marathon Report – Simon Tilston
Strathaven Striders first half marathon took place on Sunday 21st Feb
2015 and we had over 180 runners despite atrocious weather conditions- the race has already achieved notoriety for being challenging and formidable and received very positive feedback-It allows runners a test off season for preparation for a spring marathon. The race made a profit of over £800