Template for VSA Proposal

VSA Proposal Summary

VSA title
VSA proposal ID: / Objective category (if applicable):
VSA Host institute: / Related SAF products:
VSA supervisor: / Related SAF WP:
Expected start date: / Related SAF (review) processes:
Expected end date: / VSA costs:
VS candidate: / VS / AS:

Document Approval Table

Name / Function / Date
Prepared by: / SAF scientist for clouds
Reviewed by: / SAF Scientific Coordinator
Approved by: / SAF Project Manager

Document Change Record

Issue / Revision / Date / DCN. No / Summary of Changes
V0.1 / 20 October 2011 / Initial version for discussion in the Project Team Meeting (22 October 2011)
V1.0 / 7 December 2011 / Version submitted to EUMETSAT Secretariat for pre-checking.
V2.0 / 9 December 2011 / Version submitted to SG.
V3.0 / 11 December 2011 / Modification after SG comments, version for final approval by SG.

1Objectives and RationalE

Identification of the high level objectives of the VS.

2TASKS and Methods

General description of tasks and methods. In case of complex tasks, additional details may be provided in the WP definitions to be provided in Annex.


  • Clear identification of Deliverables, e.g. documents or data. At least the final report shall be identified.
  • If applicable/adequate, deliverables may also include elements such as: “high level recommendations for the NNN SAF on the provision of products...” or “set of specific product requirements for ...” which may be included in the final report.

4Expected Benefits for The SAF

In case not directly obvious from the objectives of the VS , from the product/WP relation or from the Dependencies this section may elaborate the interest of the SAF on the VSA.

5Relation to SAF Products / Workpackages / Processes

  • Related products(per name/identifier) if applicable;
  • Related WP (input or output to/from VSA);
  • Review processes to which the VS results might contribute to.


  • Elements necessary for the VSA to start or to be completed (e.g. data, processes);
  • Elements which are depending on the outcome of the VSA (e.g. proposal for new SAF phase, ORR for specific products, user workshop, ...).

7VSA Host Institute and Supervisor

  • SAF consortium institute that is hosting the VS for the VSA.
  • The person, that is responsible from SAF side to manage the VSA. He/she shall be the main interface to the VS.

8VSA Milestones and Schedule

  • Further details may be provided in the WP in Annex.

9Summary financial information

  • Main elements of the financial part of the proposal. Details to be reported in the Financial Information Attachment to be provided by the EUMETSAT Secretariat.

10VS candidate (in case of Solicited VSA proposal)

  • Short description of the relevant experience;
  • CV and references (scientific publications).


The NNN SAF SG is invited to approve this VSA proposal and to task the Project Team with its implementation.

AnnexVSA tentative workplan

In case of more complex tasks, the VSA may be composed by separate workpackages. Number of WP depends on the complexity of the overall VSA, duration and schedule. The WP structure may also help to facilitate the need of the VSA supervisor to access intermediate results. Details of later WPs may be defined with earlier WPs depending on the results.

WP 1 / <Insert Title of Workpackage or Task>
Task description
Input / Output
Start of WP / End of WP
WP 2 / <Insert Title of Workpackage or Task>
Task description
Input / Output
Start of WP / End of WP

Table 2Ongoing VSA

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