Uncommon Information | ExtraordinaryPlaces
Country Focus - Botswana

/ Source: The World Factbook
Formerly the Britishprotectorate of Bechuanaland, Botswana adoptedits new nameatindependence in 1966. More thanfourdecades of uninterruptedcivilian leadership, progressive social policies, and significant capital investmenthavecreatedone of the moststableeconomies in Africa. The ruling Botswana Democratic Party haswoneveryelectionsinceindependence; President Ian KHAMA wasreelected for a secondterm in 2014. Mineralextraction, principallydiamondmining, dominateseconomicactivity, thoughtourismis a growingsector due to the country'sconservationpractices and extensive nature preserves. Botswana hasone of the world'shighestknownrates of HIV/AIDS infection, butalsoone of Africa'smost progressive and comprehensiveprograms for dealing with the disease.
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  • 1:50,000 topographicmaps (historic)
  • 1:50,000 topographicmaps (metric)
  • 1:50,000 image maps
  • 1:250,000 topographicmaps
  • 1:500,000 topographicmaps
  • 1:1,000,000 geologicalmaps
  • 1:2,000,000 geologicalmaps
  • EVGMap 1000 global vector data

LandScan Global Population Database

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LandScan Africa - Botswana

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