Q 1 Gynoecium of the flower is apocarpous or syncarpous. Explain with the help of example for each.

Q 2 How many microspore mother cells are required to produce 100 pollen grains in a pollen sac? And why?

Q 3 How do flowers of vallisenaria get pollinated? Explain.

Q 4 Why are angiosperm anthers called dithecous? Describe the structure of microsporangium.

Q 5 Draw a well labelled diagram of male gametophyte of an angiosperm. Why is sporopollenin considered most resistant organic material?

Q 6 Mention the strategies evolved by flowers to prevent self pollination.

Q 7 (a) Can a plant flowering in Mumbai be pollinated by pollen grains of the same species growing in new delhi? Provide explanation to your answer.

(b) Draw the diagram of pistil where pollination has successfully occurred. Label the part involved in reaching the male gamete to its desired destination.

Q 8 Write the cellular content carried by the pollen tube. How does it gain entry into the embryo sac?

Q 9 Double fertilization is reported in both castor and ground nut .How everthe mature seeds of groundnut are nonalbuminous and castor are albuminous.Explain the post fertilization event responsible for it.

Q 10 Where does triple fusion takes place in flowering plants? Why is it so called? Mention its significance.

Q 11 Name the product of fertilization that form kernel of coconut. How does the kernel different from coconut water?

Q 12 A non biology student is quite shocked to know that apple is a false fruit and mango is true fruit and banana is a seedless fruit. As a biology student how would you satisfy this person.

Q 13 Differentiate between albuminous ,non albuminous and apomictic seed with example.

Q 14 Explain the process of microsporogenisis in angiosperms. Draw a well labelled diagram of mature pollen grain.

Q 15 With the neat labelled diagram explain the 7 celled, 8 nucleate nature of female gametophyte.

Q 16 Explain the post pollination events leading to seed production in angiosperm.

Q 17 When the seed of orange is squeezed many embryos instead of one are observed. Explain how is it possible? Are these embryos genetically similar or different?

Q 18 Suggest the two advantages to a farmer for using apomictic seed of hybrid varieties.

Q 19 What is apomixes ? How is it different from parthenogenesis?

Q 20 Draw a well labelled diagram of: (a) Dicot and monocot embryo (b) L.S. of endospermous monocot seed (c) typical anatropous ovule.