Course Assessment Submission
Technical Review Form
Course Name and Number:Math 240 Trigonometry
Course Title: Trigonometry
Reviewed By: Christopher Bonvenuto, Chauncey Maddren, Vivian Mun, Outcomes Assessment Committee Date: 1/8/2014
- Student Learning Outcome(s) Assessed: : Students will be able to think analytically and read critically to solve trigonometric problems.
- Description of Assessment Method
The assessment method is clearly described and contains detailed information about the tools used and how the data was analyzed (e.g., student activity, rubric elements, etc.).
Yes No Comments:
Problem on final exam
Rubric attached to report
- Description of Sampling Methodology
- Course Sections – Report clearly states how many sections of this course were offered and assessed. If there were more than one section offered, report clearly states if the sections were offered in the morning /afternoon /evening/ online and how these sections represent the diversity of students represented in the course.
Yes No Comments:
4/4 sections – 3 morning, 1 night - assessed
- Faculty – Report clearly states how many faculty (part-time and full-time) taught this course and how many faculty participated in the SLO assessment process.
Yes No Comments:
3PT and 1 FT participated in assessment process
- Students – Report clearly states how many students in total were enrolled and how many students were assessed?
Yes No Comments:
91/91 students assessed
- Sampling (If this course offered more than one section, at least 1/3 of the total # of students must be assessed) – Clear description of how the sampling process was conducted.
Yes No Comments: all sections were sampled
- Collaborative Review
Document clearly describes how inter-rater reliability was achieved.
Yes No Not applicable Comments: Efforts to improve norming process noted
V. Assessment Results
The relevant findings are reported according to the criteria set by the assessment tool. The data analyzed can be accurately used to measure the course outcome assessed.
Yes No Comments: Results are clearly reported by rubric category
VI. How Results were Used for Course/Program Improvement
- A clear plan is presented for the improvement of teaching, learning or institutional effectiveness based on the data assessed.
Yes No Comments: Improvement plan is clear
- Additional resources to implement the improvement plan are listed.
Yes No Comments: Math STEM grant - tutors
- A clear explanation of how the assessment findings contribute to the achievement of the Program SLO’s is included.
Yes No Comments: Reasoning Skills; clear explanation included
- The plan includes how results will be shared with others in the discipline/area.
Yes No Comments: faculty meeting and email
VII. Comparison to last SLOAC Cycle Results (if course assessed more than once)
- The previous SLOAC cycle’s improvement plan is included in the report from.
Yes No Comments: First time course was assessed.
- A clear description of how changes were implemented from the previous SLOAC cycle’s improvement plan is included.
Yes No Comments: First time course was assessed.
- A clear description of how the results from this SLOAC cycle were similar to or different from the results from the previous cycle is included.
Yes No Comments: First time course was assessed.
Additional Comments: Very strong SLO assessment.