Momentum and Force/Acceleration Practice Problems

1.  Which has more momentum: a 3.0 kg sledgehammer swung at 1.5 m/s, or a 4.0 kg sledgehammer swung at 0.9 m/s?

2.  What is the momentum of a bird with a mass of 0.018 kg flying at 15m/s?

3.  A steel ball whose mass is 2.0 kg is rolling at a rate of 2.8 m/s. What is its momentum?

4.  Suppose you are traveling in a bus at highway speed on a nice summer day and the momentum of an unlucky bug is suddenly changed as it splatters onto the front window.

a.  Compared to the force that acts on the bug, how much force acts on the bus. (more) (the same) (less)

b.  Although the momentum of the bus is very large compared to the momentum of the bug, the change in momentum of the bus compared to the change in momentum of the bug is (more) (the same) (less)

c.  Which experiences the greater acceleration (HINT: think of Newton’s 2nd Law)? (bus) (both the same) (bug)

d.  Which, therefore, suffers the greater damage? (bus) (both the same) (the bug of course!)

5.  If a 4500 kg car is traveling westward with an acceleration of 35.2 m/s2, what is the force acting on it?

6.  A dock worker needs to stop a box of goods that is rolling across a manual conveyer belt. The box has a mass of 8.35kg and is accelerating at .75m/s2. How much force will he need to apply to the box in order to stop it?

7.  How much force must be applied to move a 55kg ice skater to an acceleration of 12.5m/s2?

8.  I am a roller skater with a mass of 72kg. If I am accelerating toward a wall at 3.7m/s2, what will be the amount of force at which I hit the wall?

9.  What is the acceleration of softball if it has a mass of 0.5 kg and hits the catcher's glove with a force of 25 N?

10.  Your own car has a mass of 2000 kg. If your car produces a force of 5000 N, how fast will it accelerate?

11.  Sally wants to accelerate even faster than 5 m/s2, so she removes 500 kg of mass from her car. How fast will her 1500 kg car accelerate if it produces 5000 N of force?

12.  Even though she is way ahead of you, Sally switches her car to run on nitrous oxide fuel. The nitrous oxide allows her car to develop 10,000 N of force. What is Sally's acceleration if her car has a mass of 500 kg?

Momentum and Force/Acceleration Practice Problems

1.  Which has more momentum: a 3.0 kg sledgehammer swung at 1.5 m/s, or a 4.0 kg sledgehammer swung at 0.9 m/s?

2.  What is the momentum of a bird with a mass of 0.018 kg flying at 15m/s?

3.  A steel ball whose mass is 2.0 kg is rolling at a rate of 2.8 m/s. What is its momentum?

4.  Suppose you are traveling in a bus at highway speed on a nice summer day and the momentum of an unlucky bug is suddenly changed as it splatters onto the front window.

a.  Compared to the force that acts on the bug, how much force acts on the bus. (more) (the same) (less)

b.  Although the momentum of the bus is very large compared to the momentum of the bug, the change in momentum of the bus compared to the change in momentum of the bug is (more) (the same) (less)

c.  Which experiences the greater acceleration (HINT: think of Newton’s 2nd Law)? (bus) (both the same) (bug)

d.  Which, therefore, suffers the greater damage? (bus) (both the same) (the bug of course!)

5.  If a 4500 kg car is traveling westward with an acceleration of 35.2 m/s2, what is the force acting on it?

6.  A dock worker needs to stop a box of goods that is rolling across a manual conveyer belt. The box has a mass of 8.35kg and is accelerating at .75m/s2. How much force will he need to apply to the box in order to stop it?

7.  How much force must be applied to move a 55kg ice skater to an acceleration of 12.5m/s2?

8.  I am a roller skater with a mass of 72kg. If I am accelerating toward a wall at 3.7m/s2, what will be the amount of force at which I hit the wall?

9.  What is the acceleration of softball if it has a mass of 0.5 kg and hits the catcher's glove with a force of 25 N?

10.  Your own car has a mass of 2000 kg. If your car produces a force of 5000 N, how fast will it accelerate?

11.  Sally wants to accelerate even faster than 5 m/s2, so she removes 500 kg of mass from her car. How fast will her 1500 kg car accelerate if it produces 5000 N of force?

12.  Even though she is way ahead of you, Sally switches her car to run on nitrous oxide fuel. The nitrous oxide allows her car to develop 10,000 N of force. What is Sally's acceleration if her car has a mass of 500 kg?