Date: Wednesday 8th October 2014 - 730pm

Attendees / Apologies / Absentees / Circulation
Neil Jolly
Henk Michels
Rupert Gibson
Julian Winspear
Ross Thain
Sandra Wakefield
Chris Mclaren
Cameron Park
Tom Mutter / Austin Schwartz
Nick McDowall / Stef Arlow / Club Notice Board
All Committee Members
Members by Email



ITEM 1: Minutes of last meeting

item 2: Senior Rugby Report

item 3: Mini & Junior Rugby Report

item 4: Treasurers Report

ITEM 5: Membership Report

ITEM 6: Facilities Report

ITEM 7: Coach Coordinator Report

item 8: Entertainment Report

item 9: Sponsorship and Fundraising Report

ITEM 10: Publicity Report

item 11: Any Other Business

item 12: Next Committee Meeting


ITEM 1: Minutes of last meeting

Minutes of last meeting were agreed.

item 2: Senior Rugby Report

Action - SA, AS and NM to set an ethos in the senior squad that if players weren't picked for a 1XV game they should be available for 2XV selection. Positive to see 1xv playing for 2xv last Sat

Action - Can ALL club members push friends, families, neighbours, colleagues that might be interested in playing. 2 new players - ongoing

Action - TM to look into promotion. - ongoing

Action - NM to find registration list and pass to SA. Completed

Action - Oli Storey to pass on the match result phone numbers to SA so he can ring in results. Completed


1xv p3 W1

2XV P1 W1

Vets P3 W3

Training numbers good 20+

Kirk happy to upload to photos to website

Colts game 1200 this Sunday home


TM to put Kirk in touch with SF

Flags for corner flags RT to add to bid

Senior/Colts links discussed

SA to ensure pitch is roped off for league games

Hole for flags

RG to send reminder to managers re locking changing rooms

item 3: Mini & Junior Rugby Report

Action - Can HM let RT and committee know the final figure for how much the Festival raised this year. On way

Action - RT to forward contact details for Mini/Junior Committee to main Committee Completed


We received more positive news on the progress of Seb. Delighted to hear that he is making excellent progress.

Pitches meeting with SKDC. New pitches organised and set up.

Request from Juniors/Colts for kit (tackle bags/training bibs).

Recruitment fliers being produced.

Committee formed for festival 26th April 2015


Fliers being produced RT

Changing rooms need locking after training on Sundays. Message needs sending out.

Item 4: Treasurers Report


In September the club had a surplus of £20,906 and year to date the surplus amount to £12,071.

September is always a good month as it is when the bulk of the annual subscription are


Income year to date was £29,651 the main drivers were:

· Subscription £16,945 and at the 7 October an additional £2,000 has been processed via

the web. The Gocardless method of paying subscription via the club website has been

very effective with the vast majority of members using this method to pay fees.

· Sponsorship £2,750. £750 related to sponsorship of the colts kit and £2,000 from

Arbor Heating representing the second year of a three year sponsorship deal.

· Income from Club Hire was £2,635 which is up on last year and Sandra has managed

hire the club most evening (Zumba, Line dancing, kick boxing, Brownies) in addition

Sainsbury, Waitrose, Stamford Striders have hired the club during the summer.

· Bar sales £4,228 and food sales £951.

The 1st having been much better this year collecting match fees at the end of September £175

has been collected.

Outgoings the main items were:

· Bar purchases and fund purchases £4,203

· Club house costs £3,218 which is detailed in the schedule above

· Player costs £8,194

£2,431 was for new rugby balls and training kit for the minis and seniors. The Club has paid

£1,945 towards the purchases of new playing kit for the colts and 1st. To date £750 has been

cover by sponsorship and it is expected the bulk of the balance will also be covered by player

contribution or sponsorship. Other significant costs were:

· Physiotherapy £1,155

· Pitch hire £833

· Costs relating to the festival the main items were St Johns £561 and Baker Signs £444.

Other expenses £1,656

The club has paid a gardener to assist in maintaining the Goold's garden £552 and it also

sponsored a table at the Cricket Bash at Stamford School to support the Seb Goold charity at a

cost of £700. The balance is in relation to the annual ball.

The bank balance at the end of September was just over £50k this is down on the year end by

£5k. Although the club generated a surplus for the period we are carrying £16,842 in


· International tickets the club has paid the RFU for our allocation and at month end there

were unsold tickets of £6,105. Since month end that has been reduced to £4,564. A

reminder has gone out to members regarding availability of tickets.

· Subscription accounted for in the period but the payment not yet received £5,217 –

since month end that has been received.

· Other Debtors - £5,520 - £3,000 relates to sponsorship invoices by not received at the

month end. The balance of £2,520 relates to the cost of the container which has to be

reclaimed from Sports Match.

Treasurer Report - September 2014



ITEM 5: Membership Report

Action - Martin Jones to be confirmed (by NJ?) Completed


Martyn Jones is tracking the memberships received through Pitchero (RG providing updates) and behind the bar (CM providing updates). Below is a copy of memberships received to date. RG produced a list for every age group.

Team / Number of Members / Total Amount Received
SENIOR / 18 / £1,400
NON PLAYING / 5 / £300
FAMILY / 27 / £3,780
COLTS / 14 / £840
U16 / 16 / £960
U15 / 18 / £1,080
U14 / 18 / £1,080
U13 / 33 / £1,980
U12 / 14 / £840
U11 / 16 / £960
U10 / 27 / £1,620
U9 / 34 / £2,040
U8 / 21 / £1,260
U7 / 22 / £1,320
U6 / 20 / £1,000
U5 / 6 / £300
309 / £20,760


All team managers/coaches to check their list, add any that have paid under Family membership, and chase missing payments.

ITEM 6: Facilities Report

Action - List of key holders needs updating. It wasn't agreed who would action this. SW? No

Action - Club RFU Accreditation plaques need to be put up Completed

Action - Speakers in club house need fixing. No

Action - Picture of Laurie Mills needs putting up next to his plaque. Not yet

Action - The 'next fixture' board on the front of the club needs updating. No


Floodlights being repaired/restored next week wind permitting.

Various works on sinks, urinals etc in hand

Changing rooms keys have been replaced


Container needs moving

Gutters need fixing SW / CP

Dyson driers need repair

Groundmatch application HM looking into the spending as it needs to be gone by 3rd Dec

Walk round request from PSO's re petty vandalism and litter around changing rooms.

ITEM 7: Coach Coordinator Report

Action - In the short term Coaches needing qualifications could seek approval from JW and if approved book themselves onto courses directly pay for themselves and be reimbursed by club. This is a temporary measure until the admin side is fixed. Group bookings still can't be done

Action - All team managers and coaches need to be set up as registrars on the system. Done

Action - Team managers need to ensure that all players are registered on the GMS. They will also require photos. In progress


Club group bookings still not working. Individuals still can book see JW for details.

2 x Rugby Ready courses completed

Safeguarding - still 28 volunteers/coaches need to have their DBS checks done.


JW to let Seniors know about Courses and application process.

28 DBS checks need doing ASAP - LP

item 8: Entertainment Report


£465 raised by Macmillan Coffee morning

Dec 3rd Coaches/Volunteers evening


Looking at other opportunities to hold in Club events especially around the use of BT Sport

item 9: Sponsorship and Fundraising Report

Action - RT to confirm exact positioning of new container. Completed

Action - Steve Troth and Oli Story to be contacted regarding moving it to it's permanent home. This was changed to an alternative plan which fell through

Action - RT to apply for the RWC15 fund. In process

Action - CP, SF, MW to look into how they approach Andre Vrona and other suitable parents, supporters, members for sponsorship. Not started


CP has started going through list of previous sponsors.


CP needs list of all sponsorship arrangements

CP to liaise with RT and Mini / Junior sponsorship managers about how they approach suitable people/bodies.

Recruitment funding opportunity £500 to attract young players TM/SF/CP

ITEM 10: Publicity and Communications Report

Action - TM to liaise with NM and committee about what promotion can be done in this area.

Action - SF to add RG as webmaster. Completed

Action - Club Officers need updating on website. Completed

Action - RG to build up comprehensive communication list in order to effectively correspond with committee, sub committees, members, other clubs and leagues. Completed bar Senior players

Action - SF to please add RG back as a webmaster so that he can use it as a communication tool to members and correct the outdated committee info etc Completed


Mercury reports going in directly. TM sending 1XV/2XV reports

Photos coming from Kirk

Info going to SR Sports Network


Active Magazine to be approached.

Look into Rutland radio possibilities

SF to give TM webmaster rights so he can promote through Pitchero

SF to look into most appropriate Pitchero package

TM to send little guide to Junior/mini managers on process for sending reports to Mercury

Please can the TM/SA/AS provide RG with a comprehensive list of emails for Senior squad.

item 11: Any Other Business

John Hicks Funeral - Tuesday 21stOct 2pm at Marholm. John was an outstanding supporter of the Club and the town and will be greatly missed. Attendance is welcomed at the funeral to celebrate the life of John.

Meeting concluded 935pm

item 12: Next Committee Meeting

Wed 12th November 730pm

Rupert Gibson

Honorary Secretary

Stamford RUFC

9th October 2014