Taylor Road Elementary

February 1, 2013

Parents and Friends of Taylor Road Elementary,

We need your help! Our school has a project nominated in the NBC4 Make A Difference School Grant. Our project is called, “weLearn with iPods!” Here is a description of our project:

Last year, Taylor Road began experimenting with digitally-recorded readings during our reading blocks. Some very inexpensive mp3 players were purchased for each classroom, K-4. Students loved the ability to hear a book read-aloud as they followed along. One teacher received a grant to purchase seven iPods for her classroom. For these fourth graders, the capabilities far surpass listening to readings. Students have created their own pod-casts to demonstrate learning. They video record and playback their own reading to improve fluency. They use several apps to practice math facts and increase vocabulary. Students also serve as "App Checkers," where they preview and write critically about new educational apps that could be used in class in the future. Teacher lessons have been recorded for students to view later if they were absent or just need a refresher.
Based on the success of the mp3 players, and particularly the iPods, we would like to expand our use of these devices school-wide. With $10,000, Taylor Road will acquire two iPods for each classroom. Students will listen to books as they follow with the print version. They will create their own projects to share with teachers, parents, and other students to demonstrate their learning. They will also practice skills utilizing educational apps.
Listening to digitally recorded readings will enable our students to develop reading skills with a multi-sensory approach. Students will improve their communication skills by recording themselves demonstrating knowledge and skills they have gained in the classroom. Using the iPods to record and share student-created projects will strengthen their skills in these areas and help them to excel as strong communicators in the future. Finally, our students will also increase speed and fluency with math facts and improve vocabulary skills by using educational apps that we have found to be engaging and effective.

Starting February 4th, you have the opportunity to vote online at or via NBC4 Facebook Fan Page once a day for our program until March 7, 2013. The programs that receive the most votes overall will be entered as finalists and in the running for a $10,000 grant from NBC4. Three schools will be selected, one from each size classification. Please take a minute each day and vote for our program. Here’s how:

Vote online:

Go to

Click the Vote tab

Search Taylor Road Elementary

Vote once each day!

Vote on Facebook

Search NBC4 on Facebook

Click on the Make A Difference Grant logo

Click on the Vote tab

Search Taylor Road Elementary

Vote once each day!

You can also help with simple acts like

Posting on Facebook to encourage your friends and family to vote

Tweeting the link to our voting page so your followers can vote

Sending an email to your family and friends, letting them know the great news and telling them how to vote

An electronic copy of this letter will be posted on our webpage, so please pass it along to everyone you know. Spread the word and help us bring these great resources to Taylor Road Elementary.

Thank you,

Darrell Propst, Principal

8200 Taylor Road, Reynoldsburg, Ohio43068

Phone: (614) 367-2930Fax: (614) 367-2933Web: